
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

1st Quarter 2024 Statistics


OK, so the men won the NCAA Division 1 Championship for the second time in a row (and in very convincing fashion) in early April; by July it will be old news. While not repeating as champions, the gals did pretty well in the Championships, too!  I much prefer the old Logo to the edgier, newer one. Also in March, one of my long time patients, who is also the grandson/son/nephew of long time patients and a fellow UConn Undergraduate and (momentarily) UConn Medical School, graduate, matched at an excellent Family Medicine Residency program. He has 3 years of hard work but phenomenal professional growth ahead of him.  


January 2024
Helion (Paper building files) $10.58; John's figures  $1,154

February 2024

March 2024

1st Quarter Total:   $1,164.58


January 2024
Wurttemberg IR #6 (90 points)  Wurttemberg Garde zu Fuss (90 points)

February 2024
Bavarian Light Infantry #1 (90 points), Bavarian Dragoons #1 (80 points), Bavarian Foot Artillery (70 points)., Bavarian HA and Train (95 pts), Bavarian Commanders (30 points)

March 2024 
 Wurttemberg High Command and casualties (105 points) Austrian IR #'s 44, 46, 47 (270 points)

1st Quarter Total:  920 points


January 2024

February 2024
Battle of Stromschnellen Crossing (Battle Command)

March 2024
Battle of Tewkesbery playtest - Test of Resolve WotR

1st Quarter Totals:  2


  1. When I wrote my recent post on tracking hobby spending, I had you in mind as one who regularly tracks all spending. Good to see that this ritual continues. Great painting point total for the quarter too. Well done!

    1. Thanks, Jon. I've had very busy days lately, sop I will have to check out your post. Tracking my expenses was inspired by Tim Coakley's blog :

  2. A nice steady quarter, and productive as well.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence; as if your productivity doesn't make even Jon and I look like slackers! :-)

  3. Great stuff Ed..your steady work on the Piano figures is reflected in your solid painting points for Q1.

    1. Thanks, Keith. The Piano figures will be on hold for a month or two whilst I shift gears, but will return before long!

  4. Recall seeing links to these types of posts way further back in years, and remember being intrigued back then. I am now wondering if tracking this kind of thing might increase my painting activity. It tend to go in spurts of activity for me though, although perhaps it wouldn't hurt to give it a go at some point.

    1. Hi Mark; I have tracked my painting all the way back to high school; I used spiral notebooks at that time. Tracking expenses is a more recent development!
