
Wednesday, April 10, 2024

HAVOC game survey

I had a great time at the HAVOC convention this past weekend. It was once again held at the Best Western in Marlboro, MA, by Battlegroup Boston. This year, my friend Thomas accompanied me, and helped me set up my three games. A brief photo account of those will follow in my next post

Saturday AM games: 

Battle of the Five Armies (LOTR); GM Christopher Parker, Battle Masters Advanced rules. My freind Mark T contemplates the battlefield, while Greg Belevick smiles form the camera. 

Trilaterum; 15 mm Sci Fi; GM Timothy Colonna

Valley Ambush - The Sword and the Flame, 28 mm, GM Thomas Anderson

Cheatham's Hill, July 1 1864. 15 mm Regimental Fire and Fury; GM Jim Makuc

Clash of Flesh and Steel; VSF, Damned Human Race rules. Gabriel Landowski, GM. 

Learn Wars of Ozz! GM: Mark Morin

Stalingrad Deluxe, September 21, 1942, Fireball Forward rules. GMs: Mike Sammarco, Joe Celia; Chris Bonni

Moby-Dick; or, the Whale game. John Rigley’s Moby-Dick rules. GM: Thomas Ballou. 
"Whaleboats!" (for my freind, Adolfo). 

ADLG 15 mm tournament tables.

Saturday Evening games

Autodualing in Aakron, Car Wars rules. GM: Bob Yates

Wars of Ozz, Heavy Meeting Engagement. GM: Mark Morin
Mark ran an Ozz game each of the 6 available timeslots, proving there IS a GM crazier than I am!

My freind Mark T's Lt. Irwin Rommel WW1 game. A Surprise At Mussey-La-Ville. 28 mm, To the Last Man rules.

Sunday AM - Return to Wars of Ozz

Some of Mark Morin's exquisite Ozz troops.

The Battle of Proctor's Creek/Drewry's Bluff/Fort Darling;  6mm ACW. Altar of Freedom rules. 
GM: David Susco

The Greatest Tank Battle of All Time: 12 July 1943 , the Battle of Kursk. 15mm, Axis and Allies miniatures. GM: Daniel Eustace


  1. Some fun games there and what is particularly striking is how everyone seems so involved and to be enjoying themselves.

    1. It's a small convention but well worth attending!

  2. Cracking looking convention, some great games on show. Great to see the Wars of Ozz games, love the work Mark does, his blog is always a treat.

    1. Thanks, Donnie, and I agree fully about Mark's work!

  3. It makes me wish that I had gone after all

  4. Looks like fun time had (although the fantasy/sci-fi stuff not my bag)

    1. Agreed on both counts, Gary. Well, actually, I don't mind a little fantasy or Naval Sci-Fi.

    2. I have played in a couple of fantasy (LOTR) sci-fi (Mechs) games over the years but just never bitten by these bugs

    3. Well, I wrote, and chiefly with Barry, playtested Hostile realms, so...
