
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Project Waterloo: The buildings

       As referenced in the first post of this series, 28  or even 15mm budlings would not work for this game, so I wound up using 10mm "Batlescale" models from Total Battle Miniatures in the U.K. Like my beloved 28 mm buildings by Hovels, these use a sort of forced perspective the preserves the overall look of the building while deceasing its footprint on the gaming table. 

As you can see, the models are very well sculpted and cast.

The price was reasonable, as was the shipping cost (a rarity now days!).  They arrived across the pond pretty quickly, and were very well packed to protect the resin. 

As you can see, it fits very nicely within a single 6" grid square. 

The model comes in 2 sections that fit together perfectly.  This one is Fichermont.

Here's the next complex. 

Once again, it fits well onto the 6" grid. 

The two sections again fit together perfectly. 

This is of course the key LaHaye Sainte farm complex. 

Here's the third model of the set (you can buy them all separately, but I figured I might as well get the whole range). 

This pone is all one piece. 

It is once again a great fit for the 6" grid. 

This model is La  Belle Alliance Inn.

Another two part model.

Great sculpting and casting once again. 

Once again, the size is well suited to the useage. 

This one is the Pappelotte Farm complex.

I trust most readers would recognize the last of the models as the Hougoumont Chateau.

This one is cast in three pieces. 

It could occupy 4 boxes... 

or just 2 - one for the Chateau and one for the walled gardens. 

Here's how I painted up Fichermont. 

I wanted each complex to have a somewhat distinct scheme, so I went with the non historical red tiled roof for this one. 

Much dry brushing over an initial coat of black spray paint. 

Here is La Bell Alliance. 

I used a very differenct scheme for this complex.

I may add another dry brushing to the foliage. 

All ready for the arrival of the Emperor!

Here is LaHaye Sainte. 

I went with light grey stone work and dark blue grey roofing.

Altogether a formidable structure to assault!

Next up is the Pappelotte Farm complex.

I went with a lighter grey for the stonework and the roof to make it readily distinguishable from LaHaye Sainte.

A formidable defensive position once again. 

Last but hardly least is Hougoumont. 

I went with the red brick version of the famous Chateau. 

The actual gardens were much larger in comparison to the buildings; that's and advantage in this circumstance, though!

Control of Hougoumont and La Haye Sainte will be among the victory conditions. 

Vive l'Empereur!

The buildings can be supplied pre-painted; here's La  Belle Alliance from the Total Battle Miniatures website.

La Haye Sainte




All very nice, but I am, quite content with my own versions!


  1. What super buildings, so much detail on them, hard to believe they are 10mm. Nice work with the painting of them too!

    1. Thanks, Donnie. Hopefully the dissonance in scale isn't too jarring on the tabletop. I suspect it will work OK.

  2. Very impressive batch of Waterloo real estate! Your finished products look great.

    1. Thanks, Jon. I really enjoyed painting them!

  3. Very nice! They do make some nice buildings....

    1. I was very favorably impressed by the value, quality, and timeliness of shipping!

  4. They are lovely buildings and you have painted them up beautifully. Very nicely done.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence; I am very happy with how they came out!

  5. Superb paintwork on those lovely looking buildings.

  6. Tiny but mighty! The small footprint of each building has a charm, and the quality certainly is good.

    1. Thanks, Joe; we'll see how they look with the troops etc on the table later in the month.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, Ray. I am very happy with them, too!

  8. They're great models and you've done a fabulous paint job on them.

  9. Those really are first class Waterloo buildings Peter - so much so, I would be tempted to use the Epic 12/15mm figures with them!

    1. They would look great with the Epic or any 10 - 15 mm figures, I think!

  10. Wow ... fabulous! The models seem very well done, and your paint choices and styling are definitely wonderful. Looking forward ot seeing them in person at some point. Cheers!

    1. Thanks for the enthusiastic thumbs up, Mark! I believe you mentioned TBM to me when we were chatting about the project idea.

    2. These pictures are bigger than what seems to be on their site currently, not that those are bad, yet instead these larger views show the detail that much better. I'm not into the smaller scales, although if I was, might decide to get these. However, would enjoy seeing them make 20mm, a scale that goes nicely with my 25/28s.

  11. I have quite a few Total battle minis buildings, and I splurged for a few pre-painted ones (the Essling Granary). You have really done the minis justice here and they look excellent. Very much enjoying watching your progress on this project!

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Steve. I definitely want a 25 mm Granary a la Essling myself!
