
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Historicon Thursday Table survey

Thursday table survey p- at one time, this was a somewhat quiet day at Historicon; not any longer! 

Age of Sail

Hexes on the tabletop

Airpower Boardgame writ large!

Test of Resolve - Scots vs English HYW rules teaching game. 

Infamy, Infamy!

Wahtta Cowboy... a game of a movie of a game of a... PELA winner.

One of at least 2 tables involving a certain bridge in WW2

Saxon England?

Small but lovely!

Marks Game room, with Miles (age 12) in attendance. He's probably played more games than you have,. LOL!

A Joe Swartz extravaganza

Mars attacks!

Another view of a table seen earlier

Likewise ; looks like some sheep stealing Vikings on the scene!

Ben Hur! One of 3 (?) different circus Maximus games

The ever expanding Shogun extravaganza returned with new additions yet again. 


One of a number of nice looking games in the Ancient/Medieval tournament section. 


and again. 

Part of a huge D-Day game. 

Naval game with a cameo by my freind Kevin Carroll, who just got himself elected top the HMGS board. My sympathies, Kevin!

More Ancients competition. 


Beneath the walls of...

ToR Scots/English intro game

Blurry Galley warfare

Picket arrives with his charge!  A well deserved PELA winner. 

Just the Confederate gun line left behind. 

Bungle, in

the Jungle!

Vittoria, 1813

Ships with LED cannon fire!

St Mere Eglise

Car Wars

The big stompy robots guys!

Setting up for the Battle of Sitka, Alska, 1804. 

Russians and native allies vs the local Tinglit Indians. See:

When I first started in practice (40 years ago, wow!), I had a pair of spinster sisters in their 90's; their father was the first US territorial governor of Alaska. They grew up at the then capital - Sitka!


"The Mummy"

54 mm; may have to steal the Pyramid construction...

Set up for the Battle of Sitka is completed. 


  1. Excellent post of wargaming eye candy, thank you for sharing your photos.


  2. I took a good ten minutes perusing through the photos, they were quite a few nicely setup tables. The Arnhem Bridge table when fully setup included a mirror at end of table that made it look really cool.


    1. I think I may have a picture of that with my Friday/Saturday shots... clever idea!

  3. Super post, so many great games on show, one to pore over again and again.

    1. Thanks! Not even half of them; more to come...

  4. Great photos of some fantastic looking games.

  5. I always enjoy these photo summaries. Some real effort on display here.

  6. Glad you got to see other games, given your schedule of madness. Thanks for the photos.

    1. You're welcome, Joe. Remind me not to be quite so ambitious next year. Like I'll listen, LOL!
