
Monday, August 12, 2024

I was feeling a little Horse...

When I had COVID last month, it started by my feeling hoarse. Once I started to feel better, I set to work on  project HORSE. 

I had already done the priming and organization for roughly 80 horses before Historicon.

I realized I needed horses for 2 regiments of Chasseurs a Cheval (Piano), 2 of Dragoons (Piano), 3 regiments of Gardes d'Honneur (Perry), 1 Austrian Hussar (Piano), 1 Austrian Dragoon (Piano), and a number of Austrian command figures (Piano). 

Black, Dark Chestnut, Light Chestnut, Dark Bay, Light Bay, Dun, Roan, Palomino, Dapple Grey, Steel Grey, and White horses are all represented!  I used the method set out by "Mr. Tin" well over 20 years ago. Now I need to tackle the riders and the rest of the horse furniture in smaller groups!


  1. That’s a lot of horses, of courses.

  2. Great stuff Peter, and a nice variety of horse colours in there.

  3. The three steps method. Still a favorite here. Glad you're doing better.

    1. Yes, we use the same scheme. It works well, and I usually do paint horses in larger groups (usually not this many, though!).

  4. I think I would go mad, painting that many riderless horses Peter - I find them a bit of a chore at the best of times!

    1. I find them easier to do in mass. The reins and other leatherwork are the part I find tedious.

  5. That's not a little horse, that's a lot of horse. And it reminds me of how many figures, horses and men, I need to get cracking on ... lol.

    1. It was the realization of how much Cavalry, etc, I had left to do that launched "Project Horse"!

  6. Is this a small selection, or the mane army....?

    Looks like you will be busy, Peter! But a great way to get the a lot done quickly.

  7. Horse 'flesh' fine to paint its all the leather and 'furniture' they carry that kills it for me. Roughly 80 horse means roughly 80 riders too :-)

    1. I agree about the leatherwork, as stated above! The riders are the easy part as far as I am concerned!

  8. Gosh that's quite a job you've done there Peter.

    1. It's taking a deep drink from the trough to be sure!

  9. That number of figures or horses in one go would drive me crazy Peter, I am just not a 'production line' painter. Looking at my 'to do' figures I wish I was, I REALLY want to play a Bavarians v Austrians game but I need to finish my Bavarians first!

  10. I can't match all the puns Peter!
    I am pleased that I am not the only one for whom reins and leatherwork are a stumbling block.
    Pleased to hear that you were on the mend back then, so presumably and hopefully in pleine forme by now?
    Regards, James
