
Thursday, June 3, 2021

IR #44: Bellegarde


The Inhaber of I.R. #44  from 1792-1799 was Ludwig, Feldmarschalleutnant  Belgioso; from 1799-1801, vacant, and from 1801-1845 Heinrich-Josef-Johannes, Feldmarschalleutnant Graf Bellegarde.

The regiment was recruited in Galicia, and had Madder Red  (or Krebsrot - "Crab Red") facings. This natural red die could result in a wide variety of red and orange hues, but it seems that a deep crimson to maroon to even brown color was what the Austrians meant by this; I have used Americana Deep Burgundy. 

In 1809, it fought as part of Hohenlohe's IV Corps at the Battle of Teugen-Hausen. It suffered heavy losses in the actions before during, and after Eggmuhl, thereafter retreating across the Danube at Ratisbon (Regensburg). 

The regiment fought at Essling as part of Rosenbergs''5th Column. 

At Wagram, the regiment fought on the Austrian left as part of Nordman's Advanced Guard. 


  1. Good, you needed another fine white line unit, here it is!

  2. Do you sleep !? Another excellent unit

  3. I did wonder how many more you had left to go Peter. Great work, and I love the bare-headed figures.

    1. I checked, and the exact count is actually 7, with three nearing completion now. I probably have enough odds and ends to scrape together an 8th unit, though. :-)
      I put all the bareheaded castings in this unit. I think the dark red facings contrast nicely with "The League of Tow Headed Gentlemen"!

  4. Great looking new regiment. I like that bare-headed figure!

    1. Thanks, Dean. As I said, I saved them up for this unit!

  5. Lovely looking regiment of Kaiserlicks! I also like the bare head variant in the unit!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain; it gives a nice bit of variation to the unit.

  6. Another fine unit Peter.
    The hat-less fellows seem to be looking at me in an accusative manner; I didn't take their shakos!
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks, James.
      Wait, are you *sure* you didn't swipe those shakos?!

  7. Looking very good, Peter! Say, have you changed your painting style recently? The 300 Austrians look different than your earlier Austrian infantry.

    1. Thanks, Jon. No, I haven't really changed my painting style significantly. I think the main reason these Austrians look different is the figures themselves. as you might recall, I purchased roughly 300 of these figures in a parking lot deal at Historicon 2011. I didn't really look at them that carefully until; I started to prep and prime them. My guess is that the castings are at least 25 -30 years old now (the packaging is unlike any that I have seen from Old Glory since at least 2000) , and, with the exception of some modern figures I had to add to have enough Command figures, are clearly NOT the same as those currently available. These are bigger, and in many cases, better sculpted, with bases much thinner than on their modern figures, too. In many cases, I was looking at the figures and thinking that they looked a bit more like Front Rank than Old Glory!
