
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

A Very British Painting Table

 Painting has been completed on the expansion of the Infantry complement of the Mauryan  Indian army, to be documented in upcoming posts. I expect to return to that army, with some limited expansion of the cavalry Chariots, and Elephant Corps, later this year. With that done, the upcoming items all seem to be British in one way or another. 

Last week saw the delivery of the lead for the Wars of the Roses project; a second pack of liveried Billmen was accidentally omitted from the shipment, and in the usual excellent fashion of Old Glory customer service, is already on its way to me. 

3 units of archers primed and ready to paint.

And three units of Billmen as well. 

Some British Rocket troops to do as well. Wellington famously despised them, but every British Napoleonic army HAS to have a rocker troop, right?

3 units of Scots Covenanter Foote for the ECW. I have to finish these lads first; three coklors applied to each unit so far!

British products - tokens for TTS! and FK&P, freshly arrived from the [Big Red] Bat Cave in the UK.

The biggest reason for getting the tokens was the minimal extra shipping costs when combined with the above - 3 4 x 6 foot gaming mats with 4"/120 cm cross" grid. These could easily be used with small scale TTS (15 mm figures, or small 25 mm units), but their real purpose is for a planned Napoleonic game using a grid and updated Morschauser-inspired rules. 


  1. Really looking forward to seeing your Wars of the Roses figures

    1. There should be some WotR figures completed by late February/early March, and then a pretty steady parade of them for months to come!

  2. If you get a chance to post any of your WoR painting of the ToR facebook group that would be appreciated as traffic has fallen off a bit

  3. I purchased a couple of mats off Simon myself last year and threw in the obligatory tokens. I'm still hopeful of getting my gaming group interested at some stage.

    1. I've done plenty of matts myself, but I need warm weather to do the spray painting in multiple passes and I needed this by April, so I went commercial. I also wasn't sure I could face doing the 4" grid on 12 feet of surface, LOL!

  4. Anyone would think that on this side of the Pond ww’re obsessed with violence. When not engaged in it we’re producing things to help play at it 😆.

    That’s a good haul and a nice mixture.

    1. LOL! No lack of wars in France, Germany, India, or just about anywhere and any time in history. The Us has been involved in plenty as well, especially from WW2 on, so I think we have no cause to be smug about it! :-)

  5. I looked hard and long at the Old Glory WotR figures before embarking upon Perry plastics. I may still revisit Old Glory for a few guns.

    1. I considered the lovely Perry plastics myself as well, but I really didn't want to deal with any assembly, and I'm used to the weight of metal figures; when I lift up plastics, they tend to go flying!

    2. Yeah, I miss the heft of a big stand of metal too. I am a metal head at heart.

    3. Lead-heads of the world, unite! :-)

  6. Lots of great projects going on here, Peter! Nice to see!

    1. Yes, lots of thing in the works for the first half of 2022!

  7. Very nice work on the Indian archers once again. I must agree with you about the excellent customer services and ethics at Old Glory...a stark contrast to my dealings with Mr Weiss at Brigade, unfortunately! Of course you are right about the rockets...and Wellington was wrong! I have the very same st in my own collection! The mats look good...if I had somewhere at home for a small table, I reckon I might buy one of these myself!

    1. I have had no complaints about service from Lon myself; on occasion, back orders have taken a while to arrive, without much communication in the interim, but arrive they did!
