
Saturday, March 5, 2022

Scotts Covenanter Foot #1 - Earl of Sutherland


The first of a series of Scotts Covenanter regiments of Foot marches off the painting table. 

These are Old Glory figures, and very nice they are!

The flag is from the Project Auldearn 1645 blog, by Walter Morrison.
Many thanks to Keith of the Bydand blog for recommending it!

The inspiration for painting the tartan elements is from the same blog, although I was much more restrained with my use of Tartan patterns, chiefly due to laziness!

The flag is that (conjectural, but highly plausible) of the Earl of Sutherland's regiment, with the Sutherland arms in the center of the Saltire Cross of St. Andrew. 

I have a long time freind with the surname of Sutherland, so this was an apt choice for the first unit of my English Civil War era Scotts Covenanter army. . 


  1. Superb addition, no doubt! Lovely figures, colors and flag(highly plausible and gorgeous!)...

  2. Very good work, Peter! I agree that Old Glory's 25mm ECW range is a good one (I say that about a lot of their ranges!) but for my purposes and existing collection, the figures were too small to my eye.

    1. Thanks, Jon. I can see where tbhey wouldn't work well with some larger "25's". They pair really well with my Minifigs, though. Their ECW line was also one of their best as well.

  3. Nice figure-& flag work. What campaign are these & flag ?

    1. Hmm, blogger ate my first reply - Thanks, Joe; these would be suitable for the entire period from the Bishop's War (1639)to the end of the ECW in 1651

  4. Very nice Peter. and the standard looks the part. Just the sort of thing you could imagine the Scots marching over the border with.

    1. The flag is from the Auldearn 1645 blog, and is a minor variation on the most common Scotts flag of the time, the "auld blue blanket", Blue with the white cross of St Andrew, patron saint of Scotland, and the inscription "Covenant for Religion, Crown, and Country" or words to that effect.

  5. Great work in these Covenanters Peter and I am glad you found the Auldearn blog seems like it hasn't been updated much recently but the posts detailing how the author built up his units for both sides was truly inspirational in my opinion!

    1. I found the Auldearn 1645 blog extremely useful; thanks for recommending it, Keith. Most useful for both reference and inspiration!

  6. Great Scots, Peter! Love the boys in blue bonnets.

    1. Thanks, Dean. Perhaps you might want to add a Scottish contingent to your own ECW troops at some point?!

  7. Excellent looking unit and good to see some fully clothed chaps for a change :-)

    1. Not much au naturel in Scotland... oh wait, how about the Picts?!

    2. You ought to visit Glasgow on a Saturday night if you want to see lots of pale flesh in any weather or temperature !

    3. Hmm, with you being a former police officer, it seems that perhaps the less I know about this the better! :-)

  8. Great looking Covenanters, I agree, the Auldearn site is great.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. A great site for both information and inspiration!
