
Sunday, March 13, 2022

Mauryan Indian Army: Refurbished Infantry Units


The core of my Indian Army is composed of  Minifigs, painted back when I was in Medical School.

The units originally had 2 stands each, and were organized for use with our "Legio Quaternarius" rules. 

There were 4 figures per 60 mm wide stand for for these close order troops, according to the original WRG basing. 

Thus each such unit has now been expanded by adding 4 Newline designs figures - an officer, a standard bearer, a drummer, and a hornist. 

The Archers (and there are LOTS of them), were simpler, being organized again ion 2 stand units, with 3 figures per stand for formed units, and 2 for skirmish units. There were already some units with Minifigs command elements, mostly officers. 

I mostly just needed to paint over the distinctive color of some of the figures to make the numbers come out right. 

Where needed, one or two Newline Designs command figures were added to round out the numbers.

The discrepancy in the size of the figures isn't too great.

I haven't shown any of the units that were just reorganized and rebased, just those that had new figures painted and added. 

In all, 12 Newline Designs figures were added. When the additional cavalry, mounted leaders, and Elephants are done, hopefully later this year, it will be time for a grand review!


  1. Bringing new life to old figures. I love it!

    1. I still have and use almost all of the figures I have ever owned and painted. The exception is the original Scruby figures and the Flats that I started out with, so I suppose I should say everything from about 1974 and beyond.

  2. I guess rebasing is less painful when you add to the unit? Nice job color matching the old figures to the new ones. The Indian Army should parade soon to go to H-Con.

    1. Yes, as you know, I hate rebasing, and I did rebase all of the additional Minifigs infantry not seen here. Eventually I'll rebase the cavalry, chariotry, and elephants when I add the new components in those arms. With the Historicon theme relating to the wars of and in Italy, I think the Indians will have to wait another year for an appearance at Historicon.

  3. Nice work Peter, and those old Minifigs still look the part.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. I do still like my old minifigs!

  4. Nice revamps and those old Minifigs retain their original charm

  5. Nice refurbishment of these old units. There is something very appealing and unfussy about the old Minifigs and they were easy to paint.

    1. Thank you, pater. Obviously, I agree with you. Of course, when these were purchased back in the later 19780's, they were a big step up from the figures I used for my first Napoleonic Armies, by Jack Scruby. At the same time, those old Scruby figures fought in at least 4 campaigns and dozens of battles over the span of 30 years until I finally replaced them in the late 1990's.

  6. Nice work in continuing to recycle original seventies figures to keep them in action Peter! Unlike many (most?), I do not feel a huge nostalgia for the figures from this era and earlier...although I do have a very few Minifigs in one of my earliest nineties collections...I may dig them out for my next post!

    1. I'm not one to let a figure go to waste! :-)
