
Friday, March 25, 2022

Scotts Covenanter Foot #2 - John Forbes of Leslie


This is the second unit of Scotts Covenanter Foot to take the field.

The regiment was raised in and around Aberdeen. 

The motto reads "PER AUGUSTA AD AUGUSTA"

A Roman proverb ,literally translated as "through difficulties to greatness"; many more poetic versions exist, such as, "To high places by narrow roads", or even, "He conquers who conquers himself". 

Simple tartan patterns are painted on the blankets.

These are Old Glory figures once again. 

They will be used with the For King and Parliament and Field of Battle, 3rd edition rules. 

The regiment fought at the battle of Dunbar.


  1. Nice to see some bonnie blue bonnets!

    1. Yes, the laddies are strutting their stuff today! :-)

  2. Lovely work Peter. Do Old Glory come with pikes, or did you have to supply them yourself?

    1. No pikes, but easily cut from floral wire. I made a mistake in quantity ordering it a few years ago, and wound up with ten times the amount I actually intended, so if anyone needs a boatload of it, just let me know!

    2. Or you could always take up flower arranging.

    3. LOL, it would be an option!

  3. Peter, you are on a painting frenzy of late. Are these latest additions in preparation for Historicon?

    1. The Scots are for our local FK&P ECW games, as they start to appear in the scenario after next. The WotR figures are for Tim and David's five WotR games at Historicon, yes!

    2. ECW might appear at Historicon 2023; Marston Moor, anyone?

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks; the tartan on the blankets is a bit of a nuisance to paint, otherwise not bad at all.

  5. Always happy to see more Scots troops hitting the table Peter and as Jon says, you do seem to have been on a bit of a painting spurt recently - seems like I missed two or three posts of WoTR figures in the last few days!

    1. There will be more Scotts to come, the bulk of them likely after Historicon, though. Lots of WotR troops to come due to 5 planned games at Historicon by Tim and David from the UK, for which I am providing the bulk of the troops.

  6. Splendid looking additions to your Covenanter force!
    Best Iain
