
Monday, March 28, 2022

Wars of the Roses: Plantagenet Billmen

This unit of "Levy" Billmen is the latest in the swarm of WotR figures to march off the painting table.

Their livery colors are Blue (Azure) and Murrey. Evidently, there's a difference between that and Murrey and Azure, but darned if I know what it is!

Murrey is an interesting heraldic color (technically, it is a :"stain", actually, as opposed to a "tincture", like Azure), and not often seen outside of the Wars of the Roses. 

Murrey is supposedly the color of ripe mulberries, and can range from a dark purple, to a deep crimson, or even maroon. 

I've used a deep Burgundy color for it here. 

King Edward IV and  Richard of Gloucester (later King Richard III) both used Azurte and Murrey for their livery colors. 


  1. More nice recruits for the WotR project Peter - looking forward to LOTS of pics of them from the many games at Historicon!

    1. Thanks, Keith. They will be under the supervision of Tim and David there. I also found a small cache of Perry Agincourt figures that can easily be used for the WotR as well, so some of those may make it onto the painting table by late Spring.

  2. Very nice work once again Peter on your WoTR army. These are very nicely sculpted figures as well. Very much enjoying your progress.

    1. Thanks, Carlo. I agree, the sculpting on these figures is quite good. Many more yet to come,

  3. Excellent figures and very animated poses

  4. Lovely looking additions to the Yorkists cause,very nice!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. These troops I think we can safely say are dedicated Yorkists!

  5. Great work on some dynamic-looking figures Peter.
