
Saturday, March 19, 2022

Wars of the Roses: Oxford Billmen


This is the first of fifteen (!) planned unist of Foot for the Wars of the Roses.

These are lesser equipped "Levy" troops.

The dominant color of their costume is Tawney, one of the lesser used colors in heraldry. 

This color is associated with the Earl of Oxford, and is well known from huis command of the Parliamentary asrmies in the early years of the English Civil War. 

I have depicted it as more of a russet color, using Delta Ceramcoat "Terra Coptta" paint. 

The Magic Wash has again worked nicely on these Old Glory figures (from the preceding "Revenge" line of medieval wargames figures). 


  1. Compared to the Perry figures I have been painting, these Old Glory look on the chunky side. Sculpts look good as does your brushwork..

    1. Thanks, Jon; I don't think they look particularly chunky, actually, aside from where details of the coats or padded gambesons give that impression. Much thinner and they might be a bit fragile for the wargames table!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Allan. I did all of the six "Levy" units in darker "Livery" colors, to help make them easier to pick out on the table.

  3. Nice work. I'm also a fan of the 'magic wash' to help get figures on the table quickly while still looking like they belong! Makes me want to do Wars of the Roses...

    1. Thank you Aaron. It works better on some figures than others for sure!

  4. They look really good! Very impressive. Hard work doing units that aren’t in uniform.

    1. Thanks! I agree that units in uniforms are often easier, even if the lace, belts and so on can sometimes be a bit tedious. At least you don't have to decide much about what color goes where then! Here. I'm looking to have the "Tawney" tie the unit together, but for the rest of the clothing to be a hodge-podge variety of greys, browns, creams, off white, light green, etc.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Neil! You've been cranking out Brits from a different time yourself!

  6. Great work Peter and a nice choice of rustic brown for the tunics.

  7. The magic wash works well. A good start to your planned 15 units.

    1. Thanks, Peter. Just need to have them all done by mid July for a number of Test of Resolve Games at Historicon!

  8. That 'tawney' looks fabulous; sorta an orangey-bronze to my eye. Is it a colour that you purchased, mixed or simply the magic effect of the wash over orange?
    Most importantly, a very Happy Birthday to you (when you get to Tuesday over your way!!).
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks, James. The color is a craft paint, Delta Ceramcoat "terra cotta", a very orangey brown. Just about perfect for this use.

      Thank you for the Birthday wishes, too; it will be Tuesday here in about 20 minutes! :-)

  9. Look tremendous Peter and a period I’ve always wanted to get more serious about. You’ve really nailed the colours.

    1. Thanks, Carlo! My friends David Knight and Tim Couper, Authors of Test of Resolve, were the impetus for my collection to diffuse into the WotR!

  10. Replies
    1. Glad you like them, David; 5 more units to come from this batch, working ion batch #2 now.

  11. Great looking unit,old glory figures come up nicely!
    Best Iain
