
Sunday, April 10, 2022

1st Quarter 2022 Statistics

This is a fitting image for me for this quarter, and it has nothing to do with inflation!


January 2022
BigRedBat Ventures $299.59 (3 gaming mats plus assorted TTS/FK&P chits), Piano Games $700.45 (huge Wurttemburg Kickstarter... due for delivery by the end of this month!), Old Glory $185.20 (Wars pf the Roses figures), Wargames Vault (Stars and Lasers rules and multiple scenarios) $20.00. History of Wargaming Project $42.79 (new copy of Morschauser plus Miniature Wargames d du temps de Napoleon by John Candler), Litko Aerosystems (bases) $100.46   Total $1,348.49

February 2022
Perry Miniatures  $171.39 (Spanish Napoleonics - Infantry, Cavalry Limber)

March 2022
Perry Miniatures $114.84 (French Legere, Gardes'd Honneur, some odds and ends), Helion Company $108.99 (Italian Wars Volumes 1-3, Dunbar 1650) Total $223.83

1st Quarter Total:  $1,743.71

* Well, January 2022 has to be an all time record for hobby spending in a month, and Q1  for a quarter as well! The big killer was the amazing Wurttemburg Kickstarter(thanks to Mark "Gamespoet" for pointing it out to me.. I think!). The bad news is they're ready to launch another in may covering Hessen-Darmstadt, too - including the cavalry and artillery!)  Add in purchases for the WotR games for Historicon, bases for all the painting I'm doing, books for the games I'll be running in the next several months, and the Perry "beat the price increase" purchases, well, wow!  Just staggering! Aside from perhaps the next Kickstarter and Historicon expenses, spending for the rest of the year had better be minimal! The one saving grace is that, having worked WAY more hours than I was supposed to have in FY 2020 - 2021, and having maxed out all the quality incentives, I got a large "year end"  incentive payment this quarter as well. There should be very little lead purchased otherwise the next two quarters at least!


January 2022
Mauryan Indian Spearmen (24 =120 points), Mauryan Indian Archers (12 = 60 points), Mauryan Indian Swordsmen (12 = 60 points)   Total 240 points

February 2022
Mauryan Indian Archers (12 = 60 points), Mauryan Indian Spearmen (12 = 60 points), Mauryan Indian Commanders and heroes (6 = 30 points)   Total 150 points

March 2022
Mauryan Indian Infantry Refurb (14 new figures added = 70 points), Scots Covenanter Foot x 2 (40 figures = 200 points), Wars of the Roses Billmen (24 = 120 points), Wars of the Roses Archers (24 = 120 points)   Total  510 points

1st Quarter Total:  900 points

* Not my highest quarter ever, but certainly respectable. 


January 2022
First Battle of Azukizaka 1542 (Remote with Jon Freitag's wonderful Samurai and a hexed version of Basic Impetus with period adaptations). It was the perfect break for a month of COVID Omicron craziness, victory was made possible chiefly by my hot dice and Jon's terrible die rolling rather than any tactical brilliance on my part!) 

February 2022
Austerlitz a la Morschauser

March 2022

1st Quarter Total:  2 games

* Well below goal; blame winter weather, Omicron surge, continuing to work well more than my scheduled hours, heavy responsibilities for orienting the new University of Vermont 3rd year medical students during March, and Tim being in the US himself all winter, so no remote Test of Resolve Gaming all winter! I am due to ruin a game for NextGen in Gardner New York in a few weeks, followed by another game here at home, so April alone should equal the total for Q1. 


  1. Now this is some serious spending! As you note, many of these are one-offs and not likely recurring.

    900 Painting Points is very respectable.

    When your painting frenzy and prep for upcoming games slackens, we should schedule another remote game.

    Congrats on the big work bonus! You earned it from all of your long hours served.

    1. Yes, and aside from the KS, many related to planned games in the next 6 months or so.

      Definitely up for a repeat remote game any time, Jon!

  2. Well, you finally spent some serious money, congrats on the coming Wurttembergers. Should be a pretty army.

    1. Yes, the Wurttemburgers should be a lovely army; I think I got 4 Line, 1 Light 1 Guard, the artillery and limber, commanders, and all? 5 of the Cavalry variations... plus command. :-)

  3. That's probably an annual spend for me most years, although it has crept up a bit in the last two or three years. Don't mention incentive payments to me.. Mine are based on increased spend on freight, and with Cobvid etc, we have been putting chaos on some of our largest customer...most of which seem to be mine! Ah well, I am sure they will come again .... I never get to spend them on toy soldiers anyway, they get wasted on stuff like a new kitchen....I ask you?!

    1. Oh, it is for me as well, especially if you don't count the non gaming costs of attending conventions. The big driver was productivity... not hard when you're working almost a full day more than you are supposed to!

  4. That's certainly a big spend, I checked the Perry site,it's post free to the USA if you spend £250, so if the orders had been combined it would have been post free! Good to know for next time?
    Best Iain

    1. Yes, that is good to know, although the 2 orders combined without the postage would still have been under that... clearly an incentive to order more in that case!

    2. Ordering more. Now that’s the ticket!

    3. Cleary a ticket I don't really need to punch at the moment, however! :-)

  5. A big-spending quarter. I am really looking forward to the arrival of your Wurttemburg figures as I have my eye on them as well, since you pointed them out a few months ago.

    1. They are due to ship in May, and the sculptor pretty much has all of the figures on hand now. They probably won't see paint for a while, though.

    2. Maybe overseas reinforcements?

    3. Could be; I have 2 new units of Perry Spanish on the painting table right now.

  6. As my old boss at Alcoa used to say, "It's only money!" If it put a smile on your face, then it was well spent.

    1. No regrets; most of the WotR stuff is already painted, and I'm starting on the Spaniards now. The project is also pulling is some Perry late HYW figures I bought over 13 years ago, but hadn't painted before, so shrinking the long in queue lead pile, too...

    2. We used the mats for the Austerlitz playtest, and I'll be using them again later this month, and again at Historicon, too.

  7. I had to quickly scroll past your expense report, Peter - too close to home for me!

  8. Spending on hobbies is an investment (or so I am told).

    1. They're an investment of time and money for sure! :-)

      One can recoup some of that by selling off the collection, but the ROI is likely to be negative, although better than sports tickets and the like!

    2. Negative ROI? You must factor in the utility and pleasure derived from painting, gaming, and admiring your collections. It’s a bargain!

    3. I was, of course, speaking in purely financial terms.

      The other factors?

      Priceless! :-)

  9. I thought that those numbers looked up on your usual good self-control! As you and others have noted, this stuff don't have a use-by and it pays back in enjoyment (and even edification) over and over.
    I have finally got my 'add to cart' finger under control this year, but will be living off the fruits of my 'crazy' last few years for sometime!
    Regards, James

    1. A pricey quarter for sure. There should be little reason for additional figure purchases... except the upcoming Piano Game Hessian Kickstarter, that is!
