
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Wars of the Roses - Command stands and flags


Here is the first pair of command bases for my Wars of the Roses forces.

The base on the left bears the standard of King Edward IV. Edward managed to be King of England not just once, but twice; from 1461 to 1470, and again from 1471 to 1483.

The other base bears banners and flags of Lord Clifford.

The figures on the Edward base are one each old Glory and one of Bill's Medieval figures; both Clifford figures are Perry from their Hundred Years Wars range, as are the remainder of the figures in this post.

The base to the left  is that of Lord Percy, Earl of Nothumberland.

To the right are the flags of William Neville, Baron Fauconberg and 1st Earl of Kent. He was arguably the best commander of the Wars of the Roses. The magnificent banners are by Pete's flags

I have made no effort to tie the colors to the liveries in any way, except where convenient to do so! :-)

The base to the left is for John Audley.

The main figure colors are reflected in the flowers on their bases as well.

The base to the right bears the banner of Edmund Beaufort, 2nd Duke of Somerset

Not having any blue blowers, he has to make due with lilac hues! His banner bears a Yale upon it, a mythical beast that will be familiar to readers of Bernard Conwell's "Archer" series. 

The bzse to the left bears the banner of "The Kingmaker", the Earl of Warwick, Richard Neville. 

Opinions of Warwick vary, but there is no denying his power and influence during this era. He was defeated and killed at the battle of Barnet in 1471.

The other base bears the banner of King Richard III.

The white board was a famous badge of King Richard. 

Flags added to some units who had been awaiting them.

And few more!  This completes the Wars of the Roses project... at least for now!


  1. These are wonderful looking figures. The banners look fantastic!

  2. Flags really pop and will make the army come alive.

    1. Thank you, Gary. At very least it should be easy to find the Commander stands! :-)

  3. Must agree Joe, these banners are stunning and will really move the look of the army to a whole other level...well worth adding them!

    1. Thanks, Keith. To borrow from Pru on the Great British Baking Show: "Definitely worth the Calories!" :-)

  4. Great work Peter, and those flags look even better attached. Great work on painting the seams too, as I always think it completes the effect.

    1. Thank you Lawrence. Yes, it really helps to paint the edges. These were a bit of a pain with all of the bi-colored fringes (and the length of the banners)! It took about 2.5 hours to do so. Not really that bad considering the number of flags involved as well as the above factors.

  5. You just get better and better!

    1. Thanks, John. Really, the painting is nothing special - block painted plus magic wash is all (the horses did involve some staining and dry brushing per usual). The superior sculpting of the Perry figures helps, too. I was happy to pull these from the Lead Pile, where they had been languishing for about 15 years.

  6. The banners and standards really punch up the visual appeal. Once again you will put on a great game. Have fun!

    1. Thanks, Joe. These Pete's flags are great. Not cheap but not outrageous, either, and the service and delivery was very good.
      If these were real WotR figures, the impact might be even greater, as they'd mostly be in plate from head to toe, and thus a bit uninteresting!

  7. These look truly tremendous Peter. The great banners of the medieval period especially during the war of the roses is such a colourful aspect of the age. These will look sensational on the table mate - very well done.

    1. Thank you, Carlo. The banners really do make the Commander stands pop!

  8. Marvellous bit of flagging! I've just bought some of Pete's Lancastrian flags for my nephews birthday present, up close they're even better!
    Best Iain
