
Monday, July 4, 2022

Wars of the Roses: Household Troops of Sir John Digby

These fine lads are the Household of Sir John Digby of Eye-Kettleby.

Bosworth (T). Stoke Field (T).
These are once again Perry HYW troops, and are dressed in his livery of blue (Azure). 

He and his men fought at Bosworth and Stoke Field, for the Tudor cause. 

Bosworth (T). Stoke Field (T).
He was knighted by King Henry VIII for his services at Bosworth. 

Henry also appointed him Knight Marshal of the King's Household. 

An assortment of WotR banners and flags has arrived courtesy of  Pete's Flags; let the flagging begin, and continue until morale improves!


  1. Peter, with banners en masse, you must be in the home stretch of your project. Just in time for Historicon?

    1. Yes, indeed, Jon. Finished all the flagging today, and Historicon is a little over 2 weeks away, That should give me time to get everything organized, and perhaps complete one additional project for the Convention.

  2. Looking good Peter, and even better when those banners have been applied. Pete's flags are very nice indeed.

    1. Not that they need any improvement I hasten to add, as they look great just as they are.

    2. Thanks, Lawrence. Many of the units will not get flags, only those with, well, a flag bearer. All of the 8 Command stands will get at least one flag, though, and many will get 2!

  3. You seem to be on the home stretch at last Peter - feels like you have been producing a new WotR contingent every 3-4 days for the last couple of months! They are going to look very impressive en masse on the table top!

    1. Right you are, Keith. I finished the last of the WotR project last night; "Film at 11" as they say! :-) Plan to work on some army shots, etc, today.

  4. Wonderful looking collection once again Peter.
