
Saturday, July 2, 2022

Wars of the Roses: Household troops of Sir Thomas Fitzalan


These chaps are obviously part of the Garrison of Castle Black.
Sir Thomas Fitzalan of Arundel, Lord Maltravers

Oh wait, A Game of Thrones was inspired by the Wars of the Roses, not the other way around... right? 

These figures are actually supposed to be the Household troops if Sir Thomas Fitzalan of Arundel, 
Lord Maltravers  

His livery was indeed plain black. Sir Thomas supported the Yorkist cause. 

These figures are actually Perry Metals Hundred Years Wars figures. That project never really went too far, so they are being incorporated into the WotR forces. With the HYW ending in 1453, 
and the  WoTR starting in 1455, there's little reason that they can't fight as HYW troops as well!

Fitzalan's men fought at  Second St Albans,. Towton, Barnet, and Tewkesbury.


  1. Just how big is the WotR collection now, Peter? Seems to be a new contingent joining every week. This is another cracker!

    1. I haven't doe the tally yet, but we're close to the end. One more foot unit and then the commanders for the various "Battles" are all the new troops left. Although they are late Medieval, some of Bill's Late Medievals will doubtless be pressed into service for Historicon as well (a little over 2 weeks off now!), and we aren't quite done with those, either, to say nothing of the 42 Medieval Knights on barded horses from Bill's collection awaiting rehab!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Neil. The first Perry HYW troops were painted in 2008, so these fellows have been awaiting their turn for a while!

  3. Another great unit with nice variety of figures

  4. Lovely work, and black livery looks a little different and very effective.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. Additionally, there is a method to my madness; the Household troops will all have monochromatic liveries!

  5. A good looking unit which have the appearance that they are about to charge forward.

  6. Hey, nice work on the recent batch. Building to a great muster shot before the con?

    1. Thanks, Joe, and yes, some muster shots can be anticipated! :-)
