
Monday, October 31, 2022

Scots Highlanders #2


Another Highland unit, this one featuring dull yellow jackets. 

ASs usual, the Old Glory sculpts tend to be bold and dramatic. 

More Tartan!

Lots of different color combinations once again. 

Gotta have a Piper!

We're playing the 3rd scenario of the "Marlowe to Maidenhythe" FK&P scenario book next week. I had thought the Scotts showed up here, but it isn't until scenario #5 that they make their appearance, so I am well ahead of schedule with painting my Scots!


  1. Nice work on the tartan plaids once again Peter. OG do have some idiosyncratic sculpts....these look to be in the middle somewhere! Some of their figures are a bit outlandish and, to my eye at least, less attractive than more expensive brands, but on the other hand, a lot of their stuff is easily the equal of Foundry, Gripping Beast, Warlord etc....luck of the draw on which ranges you buy, I think!

    1. It usually varies by the range. Their Napoleonics are OK, and I have plenty of them, but among their weakest. They look much better painted than in the raw metal, though. I've found the ECW range to be very good, same for WotR and Great Italian Wars figures.

  2. Stop this Peter as I do not need to be tempted by yet another period…they do like nice though😀

    1. Glad rto be of (dis) service, Carlo. Unfortunately you'll have to endure a fair amount of additional Scots, to be followed by a lot of Piano games Hessians and Wurttembergers in 2023! "-)

  3. Another lovely group Peter. Both times I have seen the title I have half expected to see a Napoleonic battalion, forgetting of course that you did those years ago.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. You may well see one more Napoleonic Highland regiment, eventually. I have three kilted highland regiments as it is, but I do have enough lead for a fourth some day!

  4. Another great looking Highlander unit!
    Best Iain
