
Friday, November 4, 2022

Next games...

Next week we'll be playing the 3rd scenario form the (fictional) ECW Campaign booklet, From Marlowe to Maidenhythe. The view from the Royalist side.

The Battle of Pinkney's Court, view from the Roundhead side. The rules will be "For King and Parliament". 

The home set up of the terrain for the first of three (out of 14) tables I provided for our Snappy Nappy campaign in a Day event this past weekend. 

Second table. There should be a number of posts about the campaign later this month.

The third of my three tables. This time, Mark T. was the GM, while I merely assisted. Mark is talking about running a version of this event at Historicon in July. 



  1. Great looking set ups, nice mats and terrain!
    Best Iain

  2. Look forward to pics/reports on both

    1. The Snappy Nappy wrap up will be forthcoming over several weeks, I imagine (Mark is doing most of the heavy lifting on that one for once, LOL!)

  3. Nice layout, Peter. I just bought and read the FK&P rules. They look very interesting. We want to use them for later 17th C as well as the Great Northern War.

    Jim M

    1. Hi Jim,

      FK&P is a bit more complicated than TTS! It should work fine for a bit later, the main things needing adjustment will be light infantry and light cavalry, but those can be adapted from TTS, as can javelin armed troops, and better quality heavy/extra heavy cavalry. Also, Artillery performance should start to improve with time. A gun in FK&P represents a small number of pieces.

  4. These will get your game count up! Your ECW setup is an especially handsome one.

    1. Thanks, Jon; that they will.
      ECW battles always seem to look good on the tabletop, with the neat hedgerows, half timbered buildings, and country roads!

  5. These look like they will set the stage for some interesting encounters Peter. I too will be looking forward to the AARs.

    1. Looks like it may take a while for the campaign; hopefully much less for the ECW battle!

  6. Tables look beaut as ever Peter. We are gonna have a lot of marvellous reading and viewing on this blog in due course!
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks for the kind words, James, and I certainly hope there will be some good reads here shortly!

  7. Some great stage setting, looking forward to seeing the actions unfold.

    1. Thanks; I am looking forward to the Thursday game (the other is wrapped up, but I am not doing the bulk of the write up this time!)

  8. Nothing original left to say Peter - I am looking forward to reading how the ECW and Napoleonic games go too!
