
Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day Review of my Ancient Indian Army


Of course, we don't observe Boxing Day in the US, but it always seemed very civilized to me to havbe a holiday the day AFTER Christmas as well. With Christmas Day falling on a Sunday this year, most of us in the US had the day off work, myself included. 

Still, a fine day for a parade and review of my recently expanded and now "completed" Indian Army.

Here it is in all its multitudinous glory! 

In total there are 7 Elephants, 2 four horse chariots, 3 two horse chariots, 8 figures of Light Cavalry, 24 Medium cavalry ,and  12 Heavy Cavalry.

The foot troops comprise 24 Light Infantry (mix of Archers and Javelinmen)  and  96 Medium Infantry Archers, 48 Medium Infantry Spearmen, and 12 medium Infantry 2 handed Swordsmen (who could represent either of the two types after falling back upon their secondary weapons!). 

Finally, there are 2 mounted and 7 Foot command figures. Total for the army thus is 180 Foot, 44 Horse, & elephants, 5 Chariots, and 9 command figures; call it about 250 figures depending upon how you count the Chariots and elephants!

Left flank, mostly previously painted Minifigs. 

Left center, mostly previously painted Minifigs again, although they went substantial reorganization, rebasing, and some minor paint updates!

Right Center - mostly recently painted Old Glory and Newline Designs figures.

Right Center - a mix of Minifigs, Old Glory, and Newline Designs figures. 

That should be pretty much a wrap on these Mauryan Indians. They are a bit light in the Elephant arm for an Indian Army, though...


  1. Impressive display of Indian might, Peter. Where are you taking your photos? Outside?

    1. Yes, I find the natural light works best; the grey cover of the hot tub in our back yard is pretty big and a convenient height as well :An overcast day yeilds minimal to no shadows.

  2. Impressive indeed to see how many you have expanded to in this force. More Ellies, please!

    1. Thanks, Joe. If anything more is added, it will be Elephants.

  3. Nice looking army, but I feel forced to say that no army is every finished,,, there's always room for another unit or three. Especially Ellies.

    1. Thank you, Rob. There is that; as noted more Elephants are possible No plans for same at present, however...

  4. Great looking Army! It's impressive and satisfying to have your entire army setup and photographed.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Neil. Now I need to give them a go with To the Strongest!

  6. A formidable army to meet on the battlefield under most rulesets

    1. Yes, it usually is David. It's been quite a while since they have taken the field, but should make it in 2023!

  7. Replies
    1. Glad you like them, and thanks for stopping by!

  8. SEVEN elephants seems a pretty respectable number to me, Peter, but of course, a few more wouldn't hurt! As Rob notes, no army is ever large enough to satisfy the commanding general!

  9. No Boxing Day? When does one give the servants their presents? By the way one can never have enough elephants, they might lose you the battle but they always look good.

    1. Yes, Elephants are always a focus of attention when they appear on the field of Battle!

  10. A magnificent sight Peter. The colours you have used look great in combination. A really eye-catching army.

    1. Thanks so much, Lawrence. I had fun expanding the army, and yet the Old Glory and Newline Designs figures still seem to go well with the vintage Minifigs!
