
Saturday, December 24, 2022

Planning for the last game of the Year


New Year's Eve morning we are slated to have a multiplayer Napoleonic game, based upon the Battle of Ocaña, November 19, 1809. Historically, the French, facing a much larger Spanish force, inflicted a decisive defeat, chiefly spurred by their cavalry. 

Overview from the Nortwest

One of several maps of the Battle of  Ocaña available on line, for orientation. 

Overview from the Northeast.

Overview from the Southwest.

Overview from the Southeast.

Another map of the Battle of Ocaña.

View from behind the Spanish right,

Spanish right center.

Spanish left center.

Spanish left, with the town of  Ocaña.

French Right; some Guard Grenadier's of the Duchy of Warsaw are standing in for King Joseph's Guards. 

French right center, with Senarmont's Grand battery. 

French center.

French left center.

French left; just look at all those horsemen!

I have in mind to play the game with Brent Oman's new (not FOB-4" rules, Battlefield Command. While not quite Field of Battle, it's lineage is still pretty evident which is a good thing, at least in my opinion. The most obvious difference is a much smaller sequence deck and with it small runs of initiative only, but with more potential flexibility in how it is used if the leaders roll well for their command activations. The French although significantly out numbered, have better quality troops, on average, and definitely better leaders.  I am looking forward to it!


  1. Nice set up. I'm interested to read how the new rules work. I'm bouncing off FOB quite hard for some reason, although the concepts of it are appealing.

    1. If it is the sequence deck useage as opposed to the combat and Morale, Battlefield command may address some of those issues.

  2. Look forward to AAR especially if you use new set

  3. Very handsome setup, Peter! Seeing your Spanish in a fullscale action will be rewarding. Say, is this the first time you bring out your wonderful Spanish town? Impressive!

    1. Bits an pieces make it to the table all the for games set in Spain or Italy. The buildings are from the marvelous Hovels range, purchased at a Historicon about 20 years ago, and still just about my favorite terrain of all time.

  4. Should be a great game, and I'm looking forward to the write-up. Hopefully the Spanish will acquit themselves a little better this time.

    1. It would be hard to do amy worse than the Spanish did historically for this one!

  5. Wow, that is an epic looking table, Peter. It promises to me a titanic struggle...have fun!

    1. At present we should gave at least 4 players so hopefully it will move right along!

  6. Such a gorgeous and spectacular table Peter, so promising...Superb units and impressive cavalry!
