
Friday, December 16, 2022

Burchitt's Green

Last week we fought the 4th scenario in the For King and Parliament Marlowe to Maidenhythe scenario book.

Situation after both sides first move. 

The Royalists (foreground) started out marching along the road, with just 2 siege guns deployed. 

Parliamentary forces are to the right, Royalist to the Left.  The rocks indicate that the last row of boxes to the right are "off table". 

Parliamentary view, as the bulk of their cavalry, for once facing little nearby mounted opposition, move forward...  boldly?

Further advance by the Roundheads, commanded by yours truly. 

Royalist cavalry cover the tardy shaking out of their infantry. Thomas and John shared command of the Cavaliers. 

The roundhead Greycoat Foote use the woods, which the enemy Horse my enter, to anchor their flank, while the Royalist cavalry in the center turns to confront the cavalry on the far Royalist Right. 

Overview of the situation on the Parliamentary Left. 

Quite a hodgepodge of units from both sides  in the Center!

Developments on the Parliamentary Right. 

Royalist cavalry charge, as is their wont.

For once their charge is repulsed by the dour Puritans. The new Royalist toys, Siege guns, miss three times in a  row, in spectacular fashion! 

Another Cavalier charge upon the enemy deep "Dutch" horse over on the Royalist Left. 

The charge inclicts heavy losses upon the Roundhead Horse, but it ultimately stands its ground. 
Meanwhile the greycoat Foote is charged by another troop of Horse. 

Loses in the melee are about equal, and the Horse rein in and return to their starting position. 

More of the very fluid situation in the center and Royalist Right.

Unble to resist such a display of flanks, the Parliamentary Foote surges forward!

Situation on the Parliamentary Right, as the forces continue their deployment. Meanwhile, the Greycoat Foote has rallied!

The red troop of cavaliers charges the Greycoats again, with indecisive results. 

Situation on the Parliamentary Right after the charge,

Closer shot of the Parliamentary Left. 

The Royalists fail to activate their cavalry, leaving them very vulnerable, with many exposed flanks! The Blue commanded Shotte fire into the flank of the Bluecoat regiment of Cavaliers; they play 4 hit cards and achieve three hits, which the demoralized Horse fail to save. Poof - gone! 

Second verse, (almost) the same as the first, as point blank flank fire by the Red Regiment inflcits heavy losses on the Buffcoat Horse. 

Overview of the Parliamentary Right. The greycoated deep Parliamentary horse have achieved the flank to the small veteran troop of Cavaliers, but at the cost of leaving their own flank vulnerable!

Action on the Parliamentary far Left;  The whitecoat Horse have run down one of the Siege guns, whilst the Bluecoated horse have nimbly hopped the hedge and gained the flank of the Royalist Green regiment. 

Disordered and outflanked, the Buffcoated cavaliers have little choice but to wheel to their right and charge their tormenters.

It ends... poorly. However, the small but plucky veteran Red troop charges the much larger, deep Roundhead Horse. The defensive fire of the Pistoliers fails to make any impression, and the red demons score 3 hits whilst playing 5 cards,. The Roundheads fail to save even one hits, and are thus swept away without striking back. Worse still, the General commanding is hit and killed as well! What a massacre!

Eh, remember the Morale Test for destroyed units and the Pursuit rules, Milord!

The Greencaot Foote turn onto the flank of the Blue Horse, but can do no more this Turn! 

Situation on the Roundhead Right. The Horse will have to pursue right into the gun, and only a single hit is needed to eliminate the Small unit. 

What be this trickery?!The blue Horse has swept around the Green Foote, who are also now threatened by being shot in the flank by the deadly marksmen of the Blue Commanded Shotte! The Dragoons try top maneuver to create yet a 3rd threat to the embattled Foote, but fail. 

The Parliamentary white Horse are unable to withdraw from in front of the Royalist Whitecoat Foote. 

The Parliamentary Yellowcoats advance upon the pursuing Cavaliers, and eliminate them! 

Sometimes a price must be paid for such audacity, and a vengeful charge by the friends of the dear departed wreaks awful slaughter on the Canaries!

The Parliamentary White Horse manages to disengage. and their blue Horse sweeps around the hedges and charges home into the rear of the Royalist Bluecoated Foote. Note the Greencoats in Hedgehog formation!

Splat!  Scratch one regiment of Foote!  However, the Horse are left in a vulnerable spot, and are also now in Pursuit mode! 

Overview of the Center after the charge!

Badly Disordered and under threat, the Yellow Regiment adopts Hedgehog formation, and the Parliamentary Gunne turns to lend its support. 

You want flanks, Guv? Here's yer bloomin' flanks! 

Another view of the dicey situation for Parliament now unfolded! 

Caught in a crossfire, the Blue horse take heavy losses, and then pursue off the field! Elsewhere, the Times declares :hedgehog to be the fashion of the day! 

Overview of the Parliamentary Right. 

The Cavalier cavalry charge both Hedgehogs!  "This ain't Water-stinkin-loo, boys!"

The badly damaged Yellow Regiment is trampled underfoot, sending the Green Horse into a frenzied pursuit, with the gun once again being in the wrong place at the wrong time! The Red regiment however, calmly crushes the enemy charge, eliminating them for no loss of their own!

Thomas and John consider their tactics for the Kings men...

The Battered Blue Horse return from pursuit, tootle-pip, whilst the White Horse manage some fancy footwork to face off against the Green Horse!

Overview of the remaining units of the battlefield. The Parliamentary Gunne has at least managed to face the threat of the Cavalier Horse. 

The Gunne misfires as the Horse ride down the hapless crew. A shout of "Twisted bloody knickers!" is heard to fade away into the moans of the stricken. 

On the Parliamentary turn, the White Horse once again maneuver with alacrity, and charge the Greenies in the flank. The Cavaliers are wiped out, and with that, the King's men are left with no Victory Metals!  For the first time in the Campaign, Parliament has prevailed! 


  1. Couldn't wish for more action. Cavaliers limp away after two hours of play.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, John! I see there is a second scenario book based upon the fictional siege of Norchester...

  2. Great looking game! A very tempting period with gorgeous armies!

  3. Huzzah for Ye forces o' Liberty, long live Parliament !

    1. Huzzah for old Robin!
      (Even if he were not present)

  4. Great looking game, Peter. Still painting my GNW figs and will see how the rules work for that period

    Jim M

    1. Thanks, Jim. No reason they should not work very well, I woukld think!

  5. That seemed like a fast-paced game with a lot going on. Nice victory to Parliament.

    1. It moved along quite quickly; I had only 3 Victory Medals left at the end of the game myself, so it could easily have gone the other way!
