
Monday, December 19, 2022

Hessen-Darmstadt: Leibgarde Brigade

The second of three units of infantry from Hessen-Darmstadt, circa 1809, this is the Leibgarde Brigade.

Red facings for the most senior unit, and lots of white lace! These are once again the wonderful metal figures digitally sculpted by Luicas Luber of Piano Wargames in Germany. 

The Leibgarde Brigade, like the other two units, had 2 flags each for the Line battalions. The green coated  Fusilier battalions, as "Light Infantry" were evidently not issued flags. 

In the case of the Leibgarde, all were of the same, "white" pattern.

The other2 regiments had `1 "white Leibfahne, and 3 "colored" Ordinarfahnen per regiment, with 1 each  Leibfahne and 1 Ordinarfahne carried by the first battaion, and 2 Ordinarfahnen carried by the second battalion. 


  1. Yes, agreed, they look very nice Peter! I think as a general rule of thumb, Jaegers, Cacadores and most other light infantry were not issued with flags...if you consider their skirmish role and the possibility of fighting in broken ground, woods etc, this makes some sense?

    1. Thanks, Keith. Yes, most Light infantry units didn't have flags or didn't carry them in the fields More hybrid units, like French Legere and the Austrian Grenzer, often did, however.

  2. Lovely work Peter. They really are terrific figures. I didn't realise Lucas sculpted them digitally, but it makes sense. I wonder how many others are starting to do this rather than making up the usual dollies on wire armatures.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence. I think the majority of young sculptors are doing their work digitally.

  3. Very nice Peter! Lovely addition to your collection. Did you get the cavalry regiment? BTW, went in for a bunch of stuff on the 'Alps Aflame KS yesterday. Pat even gave a thumbs up on the "Koos" when she saw them.

    1. Thanks, Joe! Yes, I was especially eager to get those Chevaulegers! They are on the painting table now, about 30% done. I got a few Tyrolians, but if didn't already have the Eureka figures, I would have gotten a lot more!

  4. They look superb Peter, cracking job!

  5. Really nice figures with excellent facial sculpting and very well painted

    1. Thanks, Gary. They really are lovely figures!

  6. Very nice Peter. I remember reading about these lads in the 1809 campaign.

    1. Thank you, Carlo! The Hessians fought as a part of Massena's Corps, and were heaving engaged at Aspern in particular.
