
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Historicon 2023 Plans

The PEL (preliminary Events Listing) finally went up for Historicon 2023. Here's the listing of all the games that I and/or my associates will be running this year, including a Snappy Nappy Campaign in a Day event:


T09:235 : North Flank of the 1812 Russian Campaign Thursday, 9:00 AM, 8 hrs, Players: 20, Location: Freedom A: FA-5 GM: Mark Tuson Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Napoleonic, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Snappy Nappy Campaign-in-a-Day 

Description: The Grande Armee invades Russia on June 24th 1812, and it is late July. On the south bank of the River Dwina, French Marshal Oudinot and his the 2nd Corp have orders to protect the north flank of the invasion, and capture St. Petersburg miles to the north. The Russian Count Wittgenstein and his 1st Corp are assigned by General Barclay-de-Tolly to protect all the land north of the River Dwina. Command an infantry division or cavalry brigade across multiple tables to defeat the enemy. Age 13 and above ok, for info on past Campaign-in-a-Day events see appropriate pages of

Assisting with terrain and table setup, GM, play etc will be myself, Russ Lockwood, Dan Burkley, and James Sulzen; troops will be mine.


T19:225 : Who ARE these Albanians? Thursday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Hickory: HK-2 GM: Jim Mauro Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Medieval, Scale: 15mm, Rules: To the Strongest! 

Description: After the failed siege of the Albanian fortress at Kruje, the retreating Ottoman army under Sultan, Murad II, is goaded into open battle by the "Lord of Albania"... Skanderbeg. The rules are easy to learn, yet rich in unit character with challenging command decisions. Ages 14 and above welcomed.

Jim's a freind from the Piquet/Field of Battle group for 25+ years. We've collaborated on several games in the past, including Gran Piquet back circa 2000,and Hostile Realms We turned him on to To the Strongest last year, and he's running two late Medieval/Renaissance games himself this year!


F10:135 : Northampton (July 10, 1460) Friday, 10:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage: HR-13 GM: Tim Couper Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Wars of the Roses, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Test of Resolve: Wars of the Roses 

Description: Returning from exile, Yorkist forces attacked and pillaged Northampton. Failed negotiations soon made it obvious that an all-out battle was imminent. Even though they were outnumbered, the Lancastrians had the advantage of arriving several days before their enemies and had constructed a fortified position that they were confident of holding. Will the rain dampen the artillery power and the Lancastrians enthusiasm? Will Lord Grey s white lie make him a blackguard? Players should be at least 14 years old.

I'll be supplying the figures and terrain for these games (Tim and David are flying in from the UK, and the cost of bringing extra baggage has gone way up form 5 years ago) using test of Resolve, which I played a great many playtest games via Zoom in 2020and 2021!

F14:599 : A passage to India, 326 BC Friday, 2:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Independence: IN-2 GM: Peter Anderson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Ancients, Scale: 28mm, Rules: To the Strongest! 

Description: Alexander the Great invaded Western India, fighting his last great battle against King Porus at the Hydaspes River. TTS! uses a gridded board and a unique card system for activation and combat. The rules are simple yet subtle; Playing time should be about 3 hours. Ages 12 and up welcome. 

One more Phalanx needed for this game; it's 80% done now. 

F14:607 : Northampton (July 10, 1460) Friday, 2:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage: HR-13 GM: Tim Couper Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Wars of the Roses, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Test of Resolve: Wars of the Roses 

Description: Returning from exile, Yorkist forces attacked and pillaged Northampton. Failed negotiations soon made it obvious that an all-out battle was imminent. Even though they were outnumbered, the Lancastrians had the advantage of arriving several days before their enemies and had constructed a fortified position that they were confident of holding. Will the rain dampen the artillery power and the Lancastrians enthusiasm? Will Lord Grey s white lie make him a blackguard? Players should be at least 14 years old.

7:00 PM F19:600 : A passage to India, 326 BC Friday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Independence: IN-2 GM: Peter Anderson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Ancients, Scale: 28mm, Rules: To the Strongest! 

Description: Alexander the Great invaded Western India, fighting his last great battle against King Porus at the Hydaspes River. TTS! uses a gridded board and a unique card system for activation and combat. The rules are simple yet subtle. Ages 12 and up welcome.


S10:138 : Northampton (July 10, 1460) Saturday, 10:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage: HR-13 GM: David Knight Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Wars of the Roses, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Test of Resolve: Wars of the Roses 

Description: Returning from exile, Yorkist forces attacked and pillaged Northampton. Failed negotiations soon made it obvious that an all-out battle was imminent. Even though they were outnumbered, the Lancastrians had the advantage of arriving several days before their enemies and had constructed a fortified position that they were confident of holding. Will the rain dampen the artillery power and the Lancastrians enthusiasm? Will Lord Grey s white lie make him a blackguard? Players should be at least 14 years old.

S14:226 : We Moldavians will NOT be intimidated! Saturday, 2:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Hickory: HK-2 GM: Jim Mauro Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Medieval, Scale: 15mm, Rules: To the Strongest! 

Description: After the disastrous Ottoman defeat at the battle of Vaslui at the hands of the Moldavian King Stefan, the Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed II, takes matters into his own hands. Stefan is eager for the challenge and awaits... The rules are easy to learn, yet rich in unit character with challenging command decisions. Ages 14 and above welcomed

S19:598 : Leipzig: Battle of Wachau, October 16, 1813 Saturday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 10, Location: Independence: IN-1 GM: Peter Anderson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Napoleonic, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Battle Command by Brent Oman 

Description: Napoleon's best chance to have prevailed at Leipzig occurred on the first day, in the fighting to the South of the city against the Army of Bohemia. If he had soundly defeated this force, it might have driven Austria out of the War. In the event, he fell short. Maybe this time will be different? (Battle Command rules are similar to but different from Field of Battle by the same author).

This one will take a while to set up - I'm suing a 15 foot long table! 


  1. Sobs quietly.... nothing anything like this in Brisbane, enjoy, wish I could!

    1. Historicon isn't quite like anything else (although there are a number of great conventions in the US, including Fall In and Cold Wars). We've hosted more than a few visitors from Oz over the years!

  2. As Jon says, looks like you will have a busy few days Peter - will look forward to reading all about it in subsequent posts!

    1. Should be fun. The most work for me will really be the Saturday PM game.

  3. Quite the line up of gm's and games. You shall be in your glory with all the moving parts. Have fun.

    1. Thanks, Joe, I will. As you can see, there's quite a large cast of characters involved in their games and supporting others!
      We will be missing Terry Shockley from Denver, who passed away last year.

  4. Yeesh ! thats a heady schedule the Battle Cmd game tops bill for me

    1. Thanks, Garry. I'm looking forward to the (partial) Leipzig game. I hope to do at least a partial dry run in the next month or so.

  5. That is quite an agenda as usual. Wachau sounds particularly interesting.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. I'm looking forward to doing the Wachau game myself, too!
