
Sunday, June 4, 2023

Wars of the Roses: Artillery, group 1

Tim and David will be running the Battle of Northampton from the Wars of the Roses at Historicon next month with their Test of Resolve rules. That scenario involves an attack upon a prepared position, strengthened by 4 batteries of Medium Artillery. 

As of last year, I had no artillery crews for the Wars of the Roses or the late Medieval era in general, so it was fortunate that back in January, along with the WotR Foot Knights/Household troops, I also ordered more  WotR Archers and some  WotR Artillery crew figures.

I already had plenty of Late Medieval/Renaissance ordnance, which lacked crews. The crews are thus pictured with some of the formerly surplus previously painted guns. 

All of the crew figures are by Old Glory; I've augmented those with some additional castings from the command set.

I did each battery in a different livery, but all patterns that I have already done units in.

The Tawney and White liver is of course that of the Earl of Oxford

I do love Organ Guns of all sizes and styles!



  1. Very fine pieces and ready for the forthcoming action. I'll keep an eye out for these in the AARs.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! The actions will take place in about 6 weeks.

  2. Very cool gun crews, the scenario must be a real must to write up an AAR.

    1. I probably will only see one of the three games at Historicon myself, so I may have to depend upon Tim and David for write ups and pics!

  3. I look forward to seeing them in the field

  4. Some very nice additions there Peter!
