
Friday, June 23, 2023

Scenario for Battle of Wachau, October 16, 1813

 Tomorrow several of us are to get together to do a playtest of my Wachau game, to be run Saturday night at Historicon. The scenario is based upon that in Leipzig, The Battle of the Nations: A Wargamer's Guide to the Battle of Leipzig 1813 by Rohan Saravanamattu, published by Helion and Company, Warwick, England, and adapted for the Battle Command rules by Brent Oman. 

Overview of the Table from the West; Allies are to the right, French (and the Southern Gate of Leipzig) is to the left. 

Far Eastern sector of the Battlefield, looking South. The road running off the table edge runs towards Dresden. 

French Left center, backed up by the Young Guard infantry and French heavy cavalry.

More French heavy cavalry, Poles, and the Old Guard infantry. 

The French right is anchored on the river Elster and swampy ground. 

Advancing through the swampy ground is possible, but likely to be very slow. 

Meerveldt's Austrian Corps makes up the Allied far left.

Remainder of Meeerveldt's Corps and part of Kleist's.

Kleist's Prussian Corps

Russians of Prince Eugen and Gorchakov.

More Russians...

Allied far right - Klenau's Austrian Corps plus Platov's Cossacks.

Reinforcements - one box each French, Austrian, and Russo-Prussian!

Battle of Leipzig October 16, 1813, Southern (Wachau) sector

1 Infantry unit = 75 figures in scenario (3000 Men), 1 Cavalry unit = 30 figures from scenario (1800 men), 1 Artillery unit = 4 guns from scenario (24 guns)

Army of Bohemia, Schwarzenberg LD 8

72 Morale Points

2nd Austrian Corps – Meerveldt LD 10

4 Austrian Line DD 6 CD 10

1 Austrian Light Cavalry DD6 CD 10

1 6# Foot Battery DD 6 CD 10

4th Austrian Corps – Klenau LD 8

5 Austrian Line DD6 CD 10

1 Grenz DD 6 CD 12

1 Austrian Light Cavalry DD 6 CD 10

1 Austrian Uhlan DD 6 CD 10

1 6# Foot Battery DD 6 CD 10

Austrian Reserve Corps – Hessen-Homburg LD 10

(arrives E1/D1 on first reinforcement card)

4 Austrian Line DD 6 CD 10

2 Austrian Grenadiers DD 8 CD 12

2 Austrian Cuirassier DD 8 CD 12

1 6# Foot Battery DD 6 CD 10

1 12# Foot Battery DD 6 CD 12

Russian Cavalry Division – Pahlen LD 10

1 Uhlan DD 6 CD 10

2 Russian Light Cavalry DD 6 CD 10

1st and 2nd Russian Corps – Gorchcov, Eugen von Wurttemburg LD 10

2 Russian Jager DD8 CD 10

6 Russian Line DD 8 CD 8

1 6# Foot Battery DD 6 CD 10

2nd Prussian Corps – Kleist LD 10

2 Prussian Line Infantry DD 6 CD 12

2 Prussian Reserve Infantry DD 6 CD 10

2 Prussian Landwehr Infantry DD 6 CD 8

1 Prussian Uhlan DD 6 CD 10

1 Prussian Landwehr Cavalry DD 6 CD 8

1 6# Prussian Foot Battery DD6 CD 10

Russian Grenadier Corps – Rajevsky LD 8

2 Russian Grenadiers DD 8 CD 12

1 Russian 12 # Battery DD 6 CD 12

Russo-Prussian Guard Corps – Yermalov LD 8

(arrives E1 on 2nd reinforcement card )

2 Russian Guard Infantry DD 10 CD 12

1 Prussian Footguards DD 8 CD 12

1 Russian Guard 12# Battery DD 8 CD 12+1

1st and 2nd Russian Guard Cavalry Divisions LD 10

1 Russian Guard Cuirassier DD 10 CD 12

1 Russian Line Cuirassier DD 8 CD 12

1 Russian Line 6# Horse Battery DD 6 CD 10

3rd and 4th Russian Cavalry Divisions LD 10

Russian Guard Hussars DD 10 CD 12

Russian Guard Uhlans DD 10 CD 12

Prussian Guard du Corps DD 10 CD 12

1 Prussian 6# Horse battery DD 6 CD 10

Cossacks – Platov LD 10

2 Cossacks DD 4 CD 8

Total: 38 Infantry, 17 Cavalry, 9 Artillery; 64 units

French Forces – Marechal Murat – Emperor Napoleon I LD 10

64 Morale Points

Old Guard – Friant LD 10

4 Old Guard Infantry DD 10 CD 12+1

1 Guard 12# Foot Battery DD 10 CD 12+1

Young Guard Corps – Marechals Oudinot & Mortier LD 12

4 Elite Young Guard DD 8 CD 12

1 Elite 6# Foot Battery DD 8 D 12

Guard Cavalry – Nansouty LD 10

1 Grenadiers a Cheval DD 10 CD 12+1

1 Chasseurs a Cheval DD 10 CD 12+1

1 Polish Lancers DD 10 CD 12+1

1 Dutch Lancers DD 10 CD 12+1

1 6# Guard Horse Artillery DD 10 CD 12+1

II Corps – Marechal Victor LD 8

1 French Legere DD 6 CD 12

3 French Line DD 6 CD 10

1 6# Foot Battery DD 6 CD 10

V Corps – Lauriston LD 8

1 French Legere DD 6 CD 12

4 French Line DD 6 CD 10

1 French Light Cavalry DD 6 CD 10

1 12# Foot Battery DD 6 CD 12

VIII Corps – Prince Poniatowski LD 12

4 Polish Line DD 6 CD 12

IX Corps – Marechal Augereau LD 10

4 French Line DD 6 CD 10

XI Corps – Marechal MacDonald LD 12

(arrives at I3 on 1st reinforcement card)

1 Legere DD 6 CD 12

2 French Line Infantry DD 6 CD 10

1 Westphalian Line Infantry DD 6 CD 8

1 Italian Line Infantry DD 6 CD 8

1 French Light Cavalry DD 6 CD 10

1 6 # Foot Battery DD6 CD 10

1st Cavalry Corps – Latour Mauborg LD 10

Combined Light Cavalry Division – Chastel LD 8

2 French Light Cavalry DD 6 CD 10

1st Heavy Cavalry Division – Bourdesoulle LD 10

2 French Cuirassier DD 8 CD 12

1 6# Horse Battery DD 8 CD 12

3rd Heavy Cavalry Division – Doumerc LD 10

2 French Cuirassier DD 8 CD 12

2 Dragoons DD 6 CD 12

2nd Cavalry Corps – Sebastiani LD 12

(arrives J3 on 1st reinforcement card)

2 French Chevau-Leger Lanciers DD6 CD 10

1 Carabiniers DD 8 CD 12

4th (Polish) Cavalry Corps – Sokolnicki LD 8

1 Polish Chassuer DD 6 CD 10

1 Polish Lancer DD 6 CD 12

1 Polish Horse Artillery DD 6 CD 10

5th Cavalry Corps – Pajol LD 8

2 French Dragoons DD 6 CD 12

32 Infantry, 21 Cavalry, 8 Artillery; 61 units

Map of the terrain for the  game

Troop Deployment for the game


  1. Fantastic looking table Gonsalvo, I assume the figures are 28mm and they look great. I hope an enjoyable time was had by all.

    1. Yes, they are all 25/28 mm troops. Game starts in about 2 hours, doing last minute prep work now!

  2. This looks like it will be an epic Peter - hope to read all about it soon!

  3. I'm signed up for it at Hcon, Peter. Looking forward to it!
    Jim M

    1. Great, Jim! Looking forward to your games as well. See you there, soon!

  4. Another massive convention undertaking for you, Peter. You will be the center of attention.

    I recently came into a large castle and keep model without a front gate. Your tower in Photo #3 looks exactly like one of my towers. Do you recall who makes (or made) your tower and is it still available? I could use more wall sections too.

    Enjoy your run-through!

    1. The gateway and associated towers are part of a massive Castle, manufactured many decades ago by Gallia. It has a separate Keep, 4 corner towers in addition to the gateway, and ? about a dozen wall sections, and some stone stairways. It is well over 30 years old, and has been out of production for decades. it is made of very heavy cast resin.

    2. Gallia! Thank you. This is exactly the piece I have, well, without the gateway.

  5. Whacko!
    Looks brilliant Peter.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks, James. I'll probably think I AM whacko when I set it up!

    2. When I wrote my comment I thought that would occur.
      There is a difference in spelling and meaning between our continents.
      You have wacko, meaning mad, insane, crazy (we have also adopted this).
      We have whacko, as an expression of delight or enthusiasm (similar to beauty!, ripper! ...brilliant, excellent, wonderful, and so on...)

  6. A great game and this would have been my first choice out of all those you are running over the weekend. I can't wait to read the AAR.

  7. Look forward to AAR, you do like those big games with big figures :-)

    1. Conventions allow me to do the games I CAN'T do at home, either because the table required is too big, or the number of available players is too small. FoB/Bat Com (and TTS!) are ideal for these games.

  8. Looks like it’s going yo be a wonderful game Peter. The book from Rohan is dioerb.

    1. Thanks, Carlo. Yes, the book was well worth the investment!
      "Dioerb"; now that's Australian English I wasn't familiar with! :-)

    2. No idea what "dioerb" is either, it isn't in my aussie dictionary!

    3. It's new definition is "a typo or autocrect error"...

    4. Thank you although I have no idea how the word construct relates to the meaning.

    5. It case it wasn't clear, I was joking. Carlo mistyped or was autocorrected to a nonsense word instead of the intended "superb". We really need that "irony" emoticon!

  9. Awesome looking table, can't wait for the post game AAR!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Maybe this weekend for the AAR.
