
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Wars of the Roses: Archers of Sir Richard Tunstall

This is the last of the WotR expansion for this year,. I think, but ready for Historicon in a few weeks.

Just need to add one of the new banners from Pete's flags.

These archers form a sister unit to a unit of Bills I did last year.

Their Argent and Sable livery is simple but bold!


  1. They look good Peter. Last WotR unit for this year? What's next on the painting desk?!

    1. Thanks, Keith. I have some Polish Horse Artillery that I need for my Historicon game in progress right now. After that mostly Lucas' great Napoleonics - more Wurrtemburgers, the Bavarians, a smattering of Austrians/Tirolese, and I also have a slew of Portuguese from another manufacturer to paint when the spirit moves me... which is not likely until late this year at the earliest.

  2. Nice to see you set for Hcon. Good looking Archers, nice neat livery. How many units left for the future?

    1. I have some "peasants" to paint as "Very Inferior" troops (can also serve as other Medieval and ECW rabble, I could add more WotR Cavalry that I already have the lead for, except they would probably mostly see use in my Renaissance armies, and I plan to add another 3 or so units of Bills next year, plus some more command stands., etc. That should probably close that project.

  3. More subdued colours than others but still very attractive combo

  4. Lovely looking WOTR unit, your surely well stocked now!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain/ Yes, my WotR forces are pretty numerous now!

  5. I particularly like the livery on these figures Peter. Nice stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing the Polish horse artillery.

    1. The black an white is less bold than some of the other combinations, but still satisfying! We'll see if I can complete the Artillery this weekend.
