
Saturday, July 1, 2023

Battle of Wachau Playtest, part 1 (?)

 2 weeks ago, Barry (who drove down from his new home in Maine), John, and I got together for a playtest of my Wachau scenario (first day of the Battle of Leipzig, Southern front). Battle Command rules by Brent Oman were used. 

Early on, Barry and John have the allied forces on the MOVE.

The Austrian Reserve Corps makes a very early arrival. John envisages a grand sweep, and keeps most of the troops in their box until they need to deploy. 

With some good rolls for movement, they advance with very un-Austrian rapidity!

The French right flank; it looks like the Old Guard Division will have to defend against the flanking move by the Kaiserlicks!

Prussian cavalry charge; the church represents Wachau.  

Aftermath of the charge; some French and Polish infantry units are routed, but a mass of French Cuirassiers are prepared to dole out revenge!

Prussian infantry are repulsed, and von Kleist falls; his entire Corps is now Out of Command! 

The Prussian and Russian Guards arrive; Barry starts their deployment. 

Action to the West of Wachau. 

The crash of the collision of the two great masses of horse was exceeded only by the thundering of their hooves!

MacDonald's Corps makes a somewhat tardy but none the less welcome arrival on the far French left. 

The Cuirassiers are scattering the Prussians to the four winds!

Action on the far East of the field; a mass of French Guard Cavalry maneuvers into position. 

The Austrian Cuirassiers in the lead of the Austrian Reserve has crossed the swamp and advanced over the bridge; they weren't able to engage in melee, much to the relief of the battered Polish Chasseurs charged with defending the flank!

The Russian Corps advances on the French center between Wachau and Liebertwolkwitz. On balance, the French come off better in the exchange of fire!

At this point we had to stop play after 5 hours. The game is planned for about 5 players a side, and is full per the Historicon registration system. It should move much more quickly with more players, but at this point the allies had lost about 2/3 of their morale points to 1/3 for the French. However, the best Allied troops have just entered the field, and the Austrian flanking maneuver is likely to severely test the Old Guard!  I think I will take some additional pictures with the table prettied up, and then play out the rest of the game solo! In any event, the game suggested a few minor tweaks to the scenario that should make it even better at Historicon, 3 weeks from today! 


  1. Looks great, and intense, a battle we have already played, very interesting...Cheers!

    1. Merci, Phil! How did yours work out for the Emperor?

  2. Beautiful big battle there Peter - just a shame you ran out of time! I hope you do finish it off solo, so we get to see if the Allies can beat the French after all!

    1. That's the plan for this morning, I think!

  3. As I mentioned previously that looks like a great choice of game and I would love to be part of it. The dress rehearsal looks great Peter.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. The playtest ironed out a few minor scenario and OOB issues. I'm enjoying fighting the rest out solo, too!

  4. Looks excellent hopefully goes well at Historicon for you

    1. Thanks, Gary. Between the scenario and the rules, it should give a game with plenty of action!

  5. Hi Gonsalvo, the game looks fantastic.

    On another note can ANYONE help me? I am trying to update on of my blogger posts but all I am seeing is code when I open the post. I cannot find anything online about why this should suddenly happen.

    1. Thanks, Chris!

      The answer to your problem is actually fairly simple. When this occurs, you are in HTML view. With the post open, at the upper left there should be a pencil icon with a drop down. Click that, and change to "Compose View". Viola! Problem solved!

    2. Thank you so much! I was put off by the warning that I could lose content by switching to 'compose view'. I have no idea why the post setting should change. Anyway, Lancer pics added - thanks again.

      So envious of your basement!

    3. You're welcome, basements are the norm in the US, at least from home built after circa 1920's. We looked at another hiome in the same neighborhood; built ona rock ledge, only a crawlspace under the house. which made it a complete non starter!
      We sure do have a lot of junk in our basement, though, and only half of it is mine! :-)

    4. Sounds like we use our garage like you use a basement only we have to keep a car in it as well :-)

  6. Very entertaining read Peter and what a collection of beautiful figures.
