
Friday, August 4, 2023

Test of Resolve: Wars of the Roses at Historicon

My friends from the UK, Tim Couper and David Knight ran four games of test of Resolve: Wars of the Roses at Historicon this year, all featuring the Battle of Northampton, July 10, 1460.

From the PEL: Returning from exile, Yorkist forces attacked and pillaged Northampton. Failed negotiations soon made it obvious that an all-out battle was imminent. Even though they were outnumbered, the Lancastrians had the advantage of arriving several days before their enemies and had constructed a fortified position that they were confident of holding. Will the rain dampen the artillery power and the Lancastrians’ enthusiasm? Will Lord Grey’s white lie make him a blackguard? 

Yorkist attackers, far to near: Fauconberg (green), Warwick (blue), and Edward of March (white chips and die).

Lancastrian Defenders, far to near: Shrewsbury (black), Buckingham (red), and Grey (purple dice and chips).  In the rear is King Henry VI himself with his bodyguard (yellow dice). 

The action gets underway quickly, with David handling the cards and Tim the rules. 

The Yorkists have reached the ditch around the fortified Lancastrian position; they must halt on contact with it. Frontal fortifications and mantlets were scratch built by one of their friends in the UK. The figures and the gabions on the flanks are from my collection. 

Most Wars of the Roses battles have a twist, and at Northampton, Lord Grey was in communication with the Earl of March. Grey agreed to lay down his arms if the Yorkists would back him in a property dispute with his cousin the Duke of Exeter. A treachery Test is made, and Grey follows history, his men clearing off and opening the defense to the attackers! 

Fauconberg's men (green dice) have breached the position as well, whilst Warwick, "The Kingmaker", never known for his personal courage, holds back!

Their position looking grim, the Lancastrians none the less fight on. 

King Henry VI and his bodyguard nervously await events. 

Look to the King!

Warwick's men finally join the party!

The King is nearly surrounded!

The Kings bodyguard is attacked... and defeated. King Henry is captured, and the Yorkist are victorious, seizing control of England!

Another version of Northampton, played Saturday morning; Historicon events manager John Hollier sat in (yellow shirt), taking the role of Henry VI. 

In this version, the rain dampened the effectiveness of the Lancastrian Artillery fire, and Lord Grey - treachery again!

Elsewhere, however, the fighting is fast and furious!

Tim assists with figuring out the results of some of the many melees!

John deals with some event details.

The moment comes for John to roll some dice, as Henry's bodyguard is attacked. His one D12 roll of the game is... a ONE!  Henry is hit, and killed! Thus the game ends in a draw, as control of Henry was the key outcome!

Tim and Dave also ran 2 unofficial games on Thursday, testing  some new TOR rules, and Mark Fastoso (marks' Game Room) ran two Wotr games with Test of Resolve as well:

T19:280 : The Battle of Edgcote - Wars of the Roses Thursday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 4, Location: Commonwealth: CW-34 GM: Mark Fastoso & Mark's Game Room Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Medieval, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Test of Resolve Description: The Earl of Pembroke is determined to crush Warwick's fledgling rebellion against the King. From his commanding position on Edgecote Hill he spies the rebel camp and readies his men. But before he realizes what is happening rebel archers begin to rain arrows on his men. He quickly mounts his knights and leads them in a thundering charge to crush the rebels!

F19:283 : The Battle of Hedgeley Moor - Wars of the Roses Friday, 7:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 4, Location: Commonwealth: CW-34 GM: Mark Fastoso & Mark's Game Room Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Medieval, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Test of Resolve Description: The House of York is moving to establish control of the north of England by escorting Scottish nobles to York. The Duke of Somerset, leading the Lancastrians, has gathered an army to stop them. They meet on Hedgeley Moor! Knights in armor, English bowmen and resplendent heraldry color the landscape in the War of the Roses wargame! 


  1. Good to see your collection out for repeated actions, Peter. I am familiar with both Northampton and Edgcote battles.

    1. I did this collection specifically for Tim and David's games, but I really enjoyed doing them, and I am very glad that I did!

  2. That looked like a lot of fun, including the elements of treachery to spice things up. The Lancastrian position at first glance looks like it would be very tough to breach.

    1. It does, doesn't it? The other problem for the Lancastrians was the rain. Historically, it rendered the Lancastrian artillery largely ineffective. As this is stated to be the first use of artillery in England outside of a siege, not a very auspicious start!

  3. A slight historical edit may in order. The Lancastrian king was Henry VI. The future Edward IV was at this point just Earl of March, who appears for the other team at Northampton. But, that aside, good fun seems to have been had by all.

  4. Great looking games Peter, it would have been nice to see one where the treachery did not occur, just to see how much difference that might make to the outcome!

    1. It has certainly happened, but in this case, in all three games Grey re-enacted history! Grey defects on a roll of 6 - 12 on a D12, provided certain conditions are met. So, one might have expected at least one game where he held fast to Henry VI's cause... but he didn't!

  5. What !? a small (relatively) game with only 4 players !! what were you thinking !? :-) another great looking game.

    1. Six players, actually.
      What can I say, not my games! :-)
