
Saturday, October 21, 2023

Snappy Nappy 2023: Crisis on the Danube, 1809, Part 3

With the arrival of the first Austrian reinforcements at Landshut, Ezherzog Karl decides it is time for the small 2nd Austrian Reserve Corps to move out... but to where? 

Karl's brother Archduke, Ludwig (Alex), leads his 5th Austrian Corps South through Pfaffenhausen, having withdrawn from the Neustatdt table. 

The first Austrian reinforcements have arrived at Landshut; 2 units of Freiwillinger (volunteers); the 1st Vienna Volunteers and a unit of Erzherzog Karl Legion. They take over the duty of defending the vital supply hub. They are lead (?) by the incompetent General Verwirrung, brought out of forced retirement by the urgencies of the moment!

"Sie hast ein Freund"; Hohenzollern's 3rd Austrian Corps is joined by Liechtenstein's 1st Reserve Corps on Table T. These Kaiserlicks aren't Feking around!

At Regensburg, General St. Hilaire's half of Davout's III Corps is beset by 2 Austrian Corps - Bellegarde's1st Corps across the Danube, and Rosenberg's 4th Corps. Note the charge of the French Hussars upon the brown coated Grenzer at the bottom right, doubtless seeking to buy time by delaying their advance. 

Meanwhile, back at Pfaffenhausen (not to be confused with Pfaffenhofen) on table X, the bulk of Ludwig's 5th Corps appears to have moved on to somewhere, leaving behind a modest garrison to defend the village and its crossing over the Gross Laber. 

At the battle of Freising, Hiller (Russ L) adjusts the positions of his 6th Corps, while attempting to hold off 3 French commands. 

Kaiserliche und Konigliche headquarters at Rohr is the scene of much staff work, but no troops. 

Ludwig's 5th Corps arrives outside of Landshut.

Marshal Lefebvre's Bavarian Corps, finding all quiet at Neustadt, sends his Cavalry out to scout the road South. 

The rest of Marshal Lannes' ad hoc Corps arrives on Table T outside of Amhofen. The two Austrian Corps are now positioned with one French force  to their front and another to their rear.  "That's another fine Feking mess you've gotten us into!"

Things are looking rather ominous for St. Hilaire, defending Regensburg. 

Vandamme's Wurttemberg Crops remains at the main French supply base at Ingolstatdt, whilst the Wurttemberg Jagers zu Pferd have been wearing out their horse, scouting near and far!

The Battle of Freising develops.

The unenviable Austrian situation on table T.

The Bavarians are visited by their fellow Rheinbund allies, the saddle sore Wurttemberg Jagers zu Pferd

At Regensburg, the Austrian commanders share some sketches, doubtless to be used for the commissioning of the commemorative painting of their great victory!  Note the Austrian Pontoonier company, preparing to start the tricky task of bridging the river Danube (aka der Donau) in Spring!

Just who's coming and who's going near Pfaffenhausen?

"Drei gegen Ein", the French continue their advance upon Freising. Despite being outnumbered, the Austrian position looks strong. 

Archduke Charles (Ezherzog Karl, Brian), back at Imperial HQ at Rohr, sending out order fast and furious! He managed to avoid having any seizures on the day!

Erzherzog Ludwig's 5th Corps, departing Landshut. Leaving so soon?

Having scouted the route, the bulk of Marshal Lefebvre's Bavarians are heading South from Neustadt. 

Most of  Ludwig's 5th Corps heading West through Mooseburg. 

Of the 17 tables in the room, we used 15, one was piled high with surplus terrain belonging to The Portal, and we cleared off the 17th from our many boxes so that these 5 guys could play their Warhammer 40 K (or some such) skirmish miniature game on it. Many jokes about who were the French and who were the Austrians were exchanged. Note the view through the window of the main portion of the store, where numerous card and board games were being played, and their vast selection of games and hobby materials for sale. We are so fortunate to have The Portal host our events over the past 10 years!

"Sacre nom de Dieu!" Marshal Lefebvre's Bavarians encounter unexpected opposition near Pfaffenhausen. "Who ARE those guys?!" They turn out to be the Austrian 2nd Reserve Corps. 

Liechtenstein's 1st Reserve Corps is pulling out of the Feking battle, and returning towards Rohr, where he briefs his Commander in Chief about the situation there. 

"Now you young guys be nice to me! After all, I wrote these rules!" The French are slowly closing on Hiller's defensive position at Freising. Note the Hessians and Badeners that form part of St. Cyr's command on the left. 

Positions and movements covered in Part 3. 


  1. Another gripping installment and the map makes it easy to follow. The photo of the Portal is also interesting as I hadn't realised it was a hobby shop, thinking it was the name of a community or convention center.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. It's a very large gaming space with a slew of games, etc., for sale; across the street is The Time Machine, a sister store with all kinds of craft items, dollhouse materials, and much more!

  2. Great progress being made Peter - what a great concept this is (if you have sufficient room and players to make it work!)
    This made me laugh - trying reading/saying it with a faux Irish accent and it takes on a whole new meaning "Liechtenstein's 1st Reserve Corps is pulling out of the Feking battle" - Ah look, dose feckin' Liechtensteiners are feckin' off!

    1. Thanks, Keith. German place names can be , well interesting at times to English speaking ears. Of course, in Pennsylvania Dutch countryin the US, we have such odd town names as Intercourse, Bird-in-hand, and Blue Ball!

  3. It's a great idea on so many levels, this game and it seems a perfect place to do, nice to be able to accommodate the 40k game too!
    Best Iain

    1. We are very fortunate to have this great venue for these events.
      A church hall, with lots of folding tables and chairs is the other kind of site I can think of that might work. You could also do something like this with as little as 5 tables, I think.
