
Monday, October 23, 2023

Snappy Nappy 2023: Crisis on the Danube, 1809, Part 4

Erzherzog Ludwig and his 5th Austrian Corps departing from Moosburg.

FML Hohenzollern (Benton), seeing the jaws of the French about to close on his personal Croque Monsieur, and already abandoned by Liechtenstein and the Reserve Corps (presumably under orders from the Army Commander), does his best to extricate as much of his 3rd Corps as possible. This is never an easy task!

Back at Pfaffenhausen (not to be confused with Pfaffenhofen!), Marshal Lefebvre maneuvers his Bavarians for the passage of the Gross Laber. He outnumbers the Austrians of the small 2nd Reserve Corps, but they have a big edge in troop quality. 

FML Liechtenstein tips his hat to Erzhezog Karl as his Corps passes through Rohr.

"Eh bien, what is this?" Ezherzog Ludwig arrives at Freising with his 5th Corps, reinforcing Hiller and his 6th. "Es Drei gegen Zwei nun ist!"

The position of the 2nd Austrian Reserve Crops, defending the routs south from Pfaffenhausen.

More of Ezherzog Ludwig's 5th Corps heading South through Ergoldsbach towards Landshut on Table O. 

The Bavarians continue their careful advance across the Gross Laber, and occupy Pfaffenhausen.

The ongoing Battle of Regensburg. General St. Cyr boldly, perhaps rashly, accompanies some French Hussars, who have 2 Austrian batteries ready to fire into their flank! Marshal Davout, the "Iron Marshal" himself, supervises the rest of operations around the fortress city. 

Another view of the action at Regensburg.

General Morand tries to close with the departing Austrians around Feking, dreaming of a Marshal's baton of his very own. 

All quiet at Au, where a single French unit watches the back doors to Freising and Neustadt.

French commanders Molitor, St. Cyr, and Oudinot adjust their plans in the face of the Austrian reinforcements at Freising. 

Brian is playing the 2nd Reserve Corps as well as well as Army C-in-C; the conflict in roles can be quite distracting!

General Vandame writes dispatches to Napoleon, eager to join the fight... somewhere!

Conflict continues at Regensburg. 

Marshal Lefebvre's Bavarians prepare to cross the Gross Laber in strength!

Rosenberg and Bellegarde are threatening to close the noose around Regensburg. The Austrians have their pontoon bridge over the Danube half finished! 

The French are put off by the huge amount of Austrian ordonnance emplaced at Freising, with still more on the way!

FML Hohenzollern continues the difficult task of extracting his Corps. Meanwhile, it was Napoleon himself who observed that "An army marches on its stomach!" Provisions have arrived, in the form of complimentary Pizza courtesy of Assistant GM Mark!

Also arriving are some more Austrian reinforcements, in the form of 2 units of poor quality (Militia) Carinthian Landwehr. Better than nothing, though!

"Allo, allo!"  FML Liechtenstein and his 1st Austrian Reserve Corps X freshly exited from the mess at Feking, arrives on the left flank of Marshal Lefebvre's Bavarians. Oops!  Turnabout is fair play! Outnumbered and faced by better quality troops as well, the Bavarians attempt to retreat back towards Neustadt!

The French debate tactics at Freising, whilst Assistant GM Mark looks on, and FML Hiller enjoys some well deserved lunch!

Austrian infantry units, one each Grenzer, Line, and Erzherzog Karl Legion, sacrifice themselves to cover the withdrawal of the rest of Hohenzollern's 3rd Corps. 

Routing French Hussars at Regensburg; the Austrians await completion of their pontoon bridge!

The Wurttemberg infantry continue to garrison and defend Ingolstadt. With no enemy nearby, might at least some of the Wurttembergers be better employed elsewhere? 

The harried vanguard of Hohenzollern's 3rd Corps arrives from the debacle at Feking, marching towards Rohr and points South!

Positions and moves covered in phase 3


  1. These massive, multi-table games always impress, Peter. Not sure how you handle all of the logistics of pulling this endeavor off, year after year, but you always do. Great job to everyone!

    1. It is completely a team effort. Since we started, I've been GM for roughly half the events, and James, Dan, and Russ have each run one, and Mark ran the previous 2. The biggest amount of work happens long in advance; designing the scenario, developing all the table maps and their links, etc. The week before the game, the troops need to be pulled and organized, and the day before the game most if not all of the tables have to be set up. This year I did 8, James 3, and Mark 4 of the 15 tables. James helps a lot in addition by doing the name tags and the table labels, and more. We have a couple of guys who've played in the last few games interested in being GM fior the next one!

  2. Splendid tables, pizza, beer, what's not to like here?

    1. Thanks Phil; free coffee, doughnuts, and Pizza. Beverages for lunch have to be purchased from the facility; if there was any beer I missed it! :-)

  3. I think I would have stayed in Moosburg, just because I like the name and from the map it seems like a safe place to be. The Austrians seem to be doing a good job of moving reinforcements where they are needed.

    1. Lots of cool names here; Freising is a very defensible position, and due to road network, block acess to Landshut from the West.

  4. Another Pinball Wizard's view of the day. Lots of action this year. Met Steve T. --AKA Marshall Oudinot --on the 21st at Tabletop. Looks like everyone had a good time.

    1. Steve has been a very active player in the last 3 events!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry for the deletion - in all the excitement, I may have called you "Joe"!
    It's all very impressive Peter and I agree with a comment on an earlier post - the map at the end helps to follow what has been happening whereas the games progress!

    1. Trust me, it's often not that clear even to the GM the exact details of what's happening where until after the game. The photos help a lot, along with player reports, and then integrating it all with the maps.

  7. Another great report, the Austrians appear to be doing well, I feel sorry for the Wurttemberger commander though!
    Best Iain

    1. We will see what develops in the next part
      The Wurttemberg commander was actually quite happy, even though his troops had yet to see combat at this point. . Indeed, he's planning to run a smaller Campaign in a Day event using 10 mm troops near Oneonta in upstate NY in the future!

  8. Amazing gaming going on there, Peter!

    1. Lots of action at this point, with serious fighting goig on at Regensburg, Feking, Pfaffenhausen, and Freising!

  9. Fascinating. Methinks the Prinz von Hohenzollern-Hechingen should be up for the Order of Maria Theresa (if he hasn't got one already) after having got his III Corps out of a very nasty hole. But the whole narrative is enthralling. Thanks for including the maps. The whole thing is a lot easier to follow for their inclusion.
