Monday, November 26, 2018

Tiroler Schützen #2, "Ingo Brenner"

The next band of Tyrolean Rebels is that of Herr Ingo Brenner. 

They wear snazzy yellow suspenders!

Medium brown coats with pants in greens and hats in greys completes their order of dress. 

Herr Brenner's boys wisely take cover behind some  rocks.

Their leader always wears a rose in his hat, and studied law in Vienna, so his men nicknamed him Der Rosenrechtsanwalt. 

Also a lover of music, immediately before the beginning of the War, he attended the Opera in Vienna, seeing the premier of   Die Schweizer Familie by Joseph Weigl. Some say its pastoral themes helped motivate him to lead the men of his district in rebellion against their erstwhile Bavarian masters. Regardless, he has been known to use bits of the music from the opera to inspire his men!


  1. Replies
    1. These Eureka figures have a large number of variants as far as positions (Firing, kneeling firing, loading, priming), hats, plumes, and variants on the rest of their wardrobe as well. With color variations, I don't think any of the 150+ figures will be identical.

  2. Very cool. I like the kneeling poses too.

    1. My first Austrian Jagers were in the "kneeling/firing position - Hinton Hunts I think), and so i have always had a fondness for this position for Jagers and the like.

  3. Replies
    1. Indeed it does... from a trickle to an Alpine thunderstorm!

  4. Wonderful job, I love these beautiful hats!

    1. Merci, Phil! Yep, definitely all about the hats! :-)

  5. Excellent work. The entire project is coming together nicely.

    1. Not as impressive as your amazing Zorndorf project, but it looks like I may be finished with the entire thing by some time in January...

  6. "You rebel scum...sure have nice hats."

    Great looking unit!

    1. LOL, I can just picture Grand Mof Tarkin saying just that!

  7. Tyrolean! Now we're getting esoteric! :) Excellent looking unit as are the previous! Been away and just catching up on your recent posts. Nice to see you covering this interesting topic, and I look forward to the scenarios also!

    1. Thanks, Mark. The Tyyrolean revolt was a significant sideshow in the 1809 campaign, tying down quite a few troops from the Confederation of the Rhine (and defeating them pretty regularly).

      There is already a scenario for 2nd Berg Isel in "Blunders", but I hope to do at least 2 more...

  8. Another colourful group. Nice work again, Peter.
