Saturday, February 22, 2020

FML Johann Hiller and GdK Heinrich Graf Bellegarde

In preparation for the Crisis on the Danube" Campaigns, and a future replay of Wagram, I decided that I need more Austrian commanders, especially at the Corps level.

I purchased some additional high commands figures from both Front Rank and Foundrylast year, and now it's time to paint them!

This is the Foundry figure for GdK Heinrich Graf Bellegarde, with a Friont Rank general accompanying him. I have Bellegarde painted in an out dated 1798 hechtgrau (pike grey, a decidedly blue color). staff officer's coat... mostly dfor the sake of variety!

Bellegarde  (1756 - 1845) was born in Dresden and began his career in the Saxon infantry before transferring to Imperial service in the cavalry. He commanded the I Corps in 1809. His leadership was described as "capable but unimaginative". 

By Josef Kriehuber - personal photo of the original lithograph, Public Domain,

I have used a generic Foundry general to represent FML Johann Hiller (1748 - 1819).

Hiller was a commoner and the son of a Colonel in the KuK army. He rose from the ranks, and was "popul;ar with his men, but widely disliked among his brother officers for blatant ambition and self seeking". One suspects his lack of Noble birth may have been a factor in that, however. 

Hiller commanded the VI Corps in 1809, and saved the left wing of the army in Bavaria, and defeated Bessieres at the battle of Neumarkt. His Corps lead the attack on Aspern, eventually holding the village after it changed hands nine times over the course of the battle. He sat out the battle of Wagram pleading ill health. 

Johann von Hiller, from Wikimedia, artist unknown.
Hiller had a difficult relationship with Karl, who described him as "an able man, but of unlimited ambition, which he deviously advanced". 

This winter has been relatively warm in New England, and with a lot of rain and little snow. Fortunately, it snowed last week in Vermont, and thus there was snow on the ground (and ski trails) last weekend when we visited our friends. 

Rory, senior among the five Goldens in our home, loves to lie and roll in the snow!


  1. Very nice and I like that shade of blue (pike grey) you have used!

    1. Thanks, mark. It was a bit of a custom blend, then dry brushed with Wedgewood blue, pl;us the subsequent "magic Wash".

  2. Fine looking officers! What color did you use for the blue/grey coat? I like it.

    1. Whoops! I missed your reply to Mark on coat color...

    2. Thank you, Jon. I think I used Delta CC Wedgewood Blue (a light bluish grey) with some added Delta CC Pthalo Blue to darken it as the base color.

    3. Thanks! I like a guy who uses Ceramcoat! It looked too blue for one of my favorites, Tidal Blue.

    4. Aside from Vallejo acrylic metalics, I'd say 86% of the paint I use is Delta ceramcoat. I have quite a few that I have had so long that the plastic caps are disintegrating... but the paint stays fine!

  3. Great job on these famous generals, and nice psot!

  4. Lovely collection of command stands!
    Best Iain

  5. Very nice, and as others have noted the blue-grey works nicely alongside the white coat of the other general.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence; needed a little variety in the "Sea of White" that is the Austrian high command!

  6. Great painting and great to see the senior pooch enjoying his quality of life!

    1. Thanks, Dean. Rory just had surgery to remove a Mast cell tumor last month., fortunately doing well.
