Saturday, July 6, 2024

Announcement: Next Snappy Nappy Campaign in a Day is set for Saturday, October 5, 2024


Napoleon and the struggle for Germany, Spring 1813:

A Snappy Nappy Campaign-in-a-Day Event

Where: The Portal, Manchester, CT When: Saturday, October 5, 2024 10 AM – 5 PM

Rules: Snappy Nappy, by Russ Lockwood GM: Mike Seibert;  AGM Peter Anderson, Mark T. Contact

After the devastating retreat from Moscow during the winter of 1812 - 1813, there was little left of the 500,00 men who invaded Russia less than a year earlier. However, Napoleon has raised new armies, and along with his increasingly shaky allies of the Confederation of the Rhine, seeks to re-establish his dominance over Europe. The battered Russians and their new Prussian allies aim to thwart his plans. If they do well, perhaps they can draw Austria into the Coalition, too!

SnappyCon's Tenth (10!!) campaign-in-a-day event will use over a thousand 28 mm miniatures to maneuver across a 100-mile wide campaign map, simulated using fifteen 4'x6' tables. Players maneuver their figures from table to table to engage, out-flank and combat their opponents!

Each player commands roughly half to a full Corps of troops, with 8 French Commands plus Napoleon as C-in-C, and 3 Prussian and 5 Russian Commands, plus Kutuzov as C-in-C (with two Coalition Monarchs for moral support.)

This event is free, but to support our host, The Portal, we encourage you to make some gaming purchases while you attend.

If interested in playing, register for the event and let us know with preference for side if any, (French or Prussian/Russian Coalition)… especially any players interested in being the C-in-C (Kutuzov or Napoleon).

Further information and pre-event planning will be provided via email by the GMs. All registration should be sent to Peter Anderson at

Napoleon at Lutzen


  1. Sounds like it will be another great event and I look forward to reading all about it 😀

  2. Another one of my favorite campaigns.

    1. At the start of the Spring 1813 campaign, none of the armies is in really good shape!

  3. I have just finished reading Michael Leggiere's two books on 1813 so I will look forward to seeing how this unfolds.

    1. Mike designed this one, so I have no idea myself! It will allow my Prussians to get out of their boxes and stretch their legs some!

  4. 1813, you can see lots of work for the Prussians.

    1. Yes; I have plenty of Landwehr and Reserve regiment figures!

  5. I know of nothing quite like this military miniatures event, and strongly encourage that if you haven't attended before, find a way to go to one of these for an experience you won't forget.

    1. Thanks, Mark. Mark of course has run two of these himself. It is a LOT of work to plan and bring them off, but the result is very worth it!.
