Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Bavarian I.R. #7 Lowenstein

The last of the four new Bavarian line infantry units musters out!

This is I.R. #7, Lowenstein, with rose pink facings and brass buttons.

After I had finished painting all four units, and had flocked the bases, I bumped the tray they were resting on, and they all showered down onto the concrete floor of the basement below!

Many were knocked off their bases, bayonets were bent, and these particular sculpts by Lucas have separate heads, so a half dozen or so were decapitated. Ugh! 

Fortunately, crawling around on the floor for a while lead to finding all the missing heads, the bayonets were largely successfully straightened, and the heads restored to the appropriate bodies. Note to self; do NOT do THAT again!


  1. Well rescued Peter, and a lovely job on them. I have found there is only one thing worse than dropping them on the floor, and that is running the chair castors over the top of them when you push your chair back to retrieve them.

    1. Thanks Lawrence; thankfully there are no casters on the chairs in my basement!.

    2. Aaaarrrgghhh....YES! I have done that too, Lawrence!

    3. The drop is bad, the crush... eeek!

  2. Decidedly the bane of the new unit. Glad to hear no one lost their head. Cue the Red Queen and ask Alice. Nice brushwork on this unit as well.

    1. There were quite a few "off with their heads", and one head took me about 20 minutes to track down. Fortunately, despite the great fall, unlike Humpty - Dumpty, they were not too bad to put back together again!

  3. Well considering their fall they still look splendid ! I do like pink facings and these are particularly good, very nice!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. The Pink facings work well with blue and green uniforms, or even white (original Lancers of Berg) or brown (Grenzer). Not so much red. There is one Wurttemberg cavalry unit where the trumpeters wear yellow faced pink!

  4. Looking great as ever even if they are 'battle scarred'
