Two weeks ago, Czar Barry drove all the way down from Maine for the game. We played Battle Command, and it reminded me again just how much I like those rules (and the closely related Field of Battle, too... of course! I took the Austrians as FML Hiller, and Barry played the role of Imperial ADC, General Jean Rapp. To keep everything simple, all the commanders were rated as LD 10.
Starting Deployment; the Austrian defenders hope to use the defensive terrain around the town of Sitzmark to but time for their wagon train to cross over the bridge, and their sappers to set the charges to blow the bridge thereafter, whilst exiting as many of their troops over the Stromschellen river before that. A Bavarian Division with supporting troops from the Wurttemburg Royal Guard enters from the left, a combined Baden and Hessian Division enters in the center, and a Wurttemburg Divisuion enters from the right.
Confederation of the Rhine,
General de Division Jean Rapp LD10
Bavarian Division, Crown Prince Ludwig LD10
Bavarian Brigade von Zandt
1 Jager DD6 CD 12
4 Line DD6, CD 10
1 Bavarian Dragoon DD6 CD 12
6# FA Battery DD6 CD 12
Reserve Brigade von Kornhold LD 10
Wurttemberg Garde zu Fuss DD 8, CD 12
Wurttemberg Gardes du Corps DD8, CD 12
Wurttemberg Leibjager Garde DD 8, CD 12
Wurttemberg 6# Horse Battery DD6 CD 12
Wurttemberg Division, Prince Wilhelm
1st Brigade von Scharfstein LD 10
2nd Light Infantry DD6 CD 12
3rd, 5th, and 6th Line DD6, CD 10
6# Foot Battery DD6 CD 12
2nd Brigade von Neubronn LD 10
1st Fussjager DD6 CD 12
1st, 2nd, and 4th Line DD6, CD 10
6# Foot Battery DD6 CD 12
Cavalry Brigade von Wollwarth LD 10
Wurttemberg Chevaulegers #2 "Leib" DD6 CD 12
Jager zu Pferd #3 Herzog Louis DD6, CD 10
Baden and Hessen-Darmstadt Division Prinz Karl von Baden L:D 10
Baden Brigade Kister LD10
1 Jager DD6 CD 12
4 Line DD6, CD 10
6# Foot Battery DD6 CD 12
Hessen-Darmstadt Brigade Prince Emil LD 10
3 Line Infantry DD6, CD 10
6# Foot Artillery DD6 CD 12
VI Corps, FML von Hiller LD 10
Saper Company DD 8, CD10 (2 UI)
Advance Guard Division, GM von Nordmann LD 10
Jager Battalion DD8, CD12 Rifles
Grenz Battalion DD6, CD 10
1st Erzherzog Karl Legion DD6, CD 8
1st Vienna Volunteers DD 6, CD 8
6# Cavalry Battery DD6 CD 12
1st Division, FML von Kuttulinsky LD 10
4 Austrian Line DD6, CD 10
6# Foot Battery DD6 CD 12
Light Cavalry Brigade Weissenwolf LD 10
1 Hussar DD 8, CD 10
1 Uhlan DD6 CD 12
2nd Division, FML von Vincent LD 10
4 Austrian/Hungarian Line DD6, CD 10
6# Battery DD6 CD 12
Reserve Division, GM Rohan LD 10
1 Grenadier DD8, CD 12+1
12# Foot Battery DD6, CD 12+1
Cuirassier Brigade von Schneller LD 10
2 Austrian Cuirassier DD 8, CD 12+1
Wagon Train, Oberst Langsam LD 8
4 Wagons DD 4, CD 6
(2 UI)

Close up of the defender's position
The Wurttemberg Division advances swiftly, taking some casualties from the Austrian artillery.
The Baden Brigade advances on the Erdbeerenfeld farm, backed up by the Hessians.
The Wurttemberg Light Infantry takes the bulk of the casualties covering the advance of the columns.
Baden Jagers are in the farm complex already, and not a wagon has retreated over the river as yet!
Not to be outdone, the Bavarians press the attack as well, taking some point blank fire in the process.
A Bavarian column supported by some Dragoons charge the crack Austrian Jagers; effective rifle fire drops many of the Bayern!
The Bavarian attack columns are repulsed in the center as well!
Oberst Von Langsam gets anxious as not a single wagon from his train has yet to cross the bridge!
Two Austrian Cuirassier regiments charge the Wurttemburg Dragoons!
Austrian Grenz charge the Bavarian Light infantry in the Hasenhüpferwald!
Austrian Jagers form square, with a regiment of Bavarian Dragoons in charge range! Two of the 4 wagons have finally crossed the river!
General Rapp receives a string of messages from the Emperor urging him to make haste, and thus a Wurttemberg Infantry brigade prepares to charge the Kaiserlick guns on the Harschberg.
Bavarian artillery fire has blown a large hole in the Austrian left center; routers crowd the wagons seeking the relative safety of the far side of the river!!
Eagle's eye view of the field; the Bavarian Division has suffered heavy losses (upper left corner).
View from the Confederation lines.
Volley and counter-volley, charge and counter charge on the Harschberg!
The Wurttemberg Royal Guard Cavalry and Infantry charge into the previously opened gap in the Austrian defensive line!!
The Royal Footguards are routed, as the whitecoats begin to pull back, constricting their perimeter! All of the wagons have now crossed, but the bridge is not yet ready for demolition!
Wurttemberg infantry presses the attack!
Exit stage left, even!
The Footguards have rallied!
More Austrians pass over the bridge, as their sappers work furiously to prepare the last of the charges!
Austrian Cuirassiers chase off the Wurttemberg Dragoons and Jagers zu Pferd.
The Austrians are out of Morale points, and constrict their perimeter further. The Sapper captain reports that the bridge is mined and ready to blow on the orders of FML Hiller.
Wurttemberg Light Infantry makes a clever move to shoot the Austrian Cuirassiers in the flank. Evidently they had too much beer with lunch, as their fire is utterly ineffective!!
The Wurttemberg line infantry columns continue to press onward.
Austrian Uhlans charge the Wurttemberg Guards du Corps, as the Bad4rs advance through the Erdbeerenfeld farm complex.
Situation in the center at the end of the game. The wagons have escaped, and the bridge is ready to blow on the next Event card, but the Austrians have taken heavy losses and will doubtless have to sacrifice more than a few of their units in Sitzmark town and beyond to allow for the destruction of the bridge; a minor victory at least to General Rapp!