Massena's eagerly awaited 3 cards for his 8th initiative starts out with a downer... ARMY MORALE!
Fortunately for the French, all of their leaders pass their survival tests... and almost every Brigade commander had to check!
Not a bad card, but TACTICAL ADVANTAGE is only a little boost, and no game changer!
It also disappears at the end of a turn if you haven't used it, and Massena has only 2 cards left to play, and he suspects at least one is a LULL. So he uses it right away, and fires the 8 lber battery of Launay's Brigade, bringing it's shot at the Austrian battalion on the hill up to a D12; this turns out to be a good choice, with the nine pip difference inflicting a 3 UI loss! Apparently the battery's commander trained under Baron DuTeil!
Yep, the 3rd card French was indeed a LULL; Karl is unable to seize the initiative, but he is out of cards for this initiative anyway.
In a dazzling dislpay of symmetry, Karl's first card is also ARMY MORALE. He also has many officers that need to check for survival. All pass...
except one - General Colloredo. His brigade was certainly heavily engaged! All of his units are now thrown into Disorder.
"Use it or lose it!" Karl plays it on a Grenadier battalion in a strong position; it shoots at the column, the TA bringing it up to a D12+2, which will rout the Froggies. The unit's weak opportunity fire back is ineffectual.
The symmetry is broken when Karl turns ARTILLERY FIRE. Massena was pretty sure there should have been a LULL in there for the Austrians as well.
Rout for your home, team!
The French column breathes a sigh of relief... and plots its revenge! The remaining Austrian batteries just use the card to remove their smoke markers.
Massena won the toss for the 9th initiative 8 to 1; but he has only one card left, and Karl but two! As suspected, his last card of the Turn is ARTILLERY FIRE.

I must write to the Emperor about the contractors for the Artillery's gunpowder...
The initiative passes to Karl, who turns the anticipated LULL card. As Massena has no cards left, a roll off is unnecessary.
The final card... a LULL as well! Actually, that's the best place for them to have been in the deck, when there was no real cost to them.
A "Turn" in Field of Battle ends, and both decks are shuffled when:
1) The C-in-C Leadership Die rolls at the start of any initiative are tied (a 10% chance here with an LD10 vs LD 8), or
2) either deck runs out of cards. The other side still gets to play and act on any remaining cards it may have coming to it in this initiative, but if it has cards beyond that, they will not have a chance to play them.