6 PM Saturday night at Historicon was the time for my large Peninsular War game, Fuentes de Onoro, using Field of Battle, 3rd edition. The scenario is included at the end of this post.

We wound up effectively having 6 players, which is a little bit light for a game of this size. Only one of the participants had ever played Filed of Battle before, which made things a bit challenging to coordinate as well. Additionally, the players at the other three games in the room were having a great time, which was fantastic, but it made the noise level quite high... although nothing like Saturday night the first year in Fredericksburg, after which *everyone* had tinnitus!

I was very happy with the look of the game. I didn't get to take many pictures due to assisting players with learning the rules.

FoB/Piquet veteran, Freddie Avner (green sweater) was a big help, teaching the rules to the players on his half of the field.

Although I had "stacked" the sequence decks a bit, as I usually doe for a convention game, making sure that there was at least 1 MOVE card in the first few cards in both decks, on the second initiative roll of the game, after turning just 2 cards, a tie was rolled and the decks shuffled before the cards appeared. It took a long time for a French MOVE card to appear after that, resulting in a long range exchange of cannon fire of long duration.

The French finally got on the move, and launched attacks along the line. For the most part, the British were up to the task of repulsing them. There were quite a lot of French reinforcements available; given the number of players and the unusually slow pace of the game, I opted to leave them in their boxes. It became clear that Massena would not be able to reverse history... this time!
This game lead to my having some thoughts on how I might modify Field of Battle, 3rd edition, for Convention Games/New Players. That will follow in a post immediately after this one.
The Scenario:
S18:476 Battle of Fuentes de Onoro, May 5, 1811 Saturday, 6:00 PM, 5 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Maple/Juniper: MJ-5
French Army of Portugal
Commander-in-Chief: Marechal Andre Massena
Exceptional, LD D10
Sequence Deck: Average Morale Points 54 units * 62 MP
II Corps, GD Jean Reynier
Skilled, LD 12
1st Division, GD Pierre Hugues Victoire Merle
Average, LD 10
5 Leger DD 6, CD 12
6# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12
2nd Division, GD Etienne Heudelet de Bierre
Average, LD 10
1 Legere DD 6, CD12
4 Ligne DD 6, CD 10
6# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12
VI Corps, GD Louis Henri Loison
Skilled, LD 12
1st Division, GD Jean Gabriel Marchand
Exceptional LD 12
1 Legere DD 6, CD 12
5 Ligne DD 6, CD 10
6# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12
3rd Division, GD Claude Francois Ferey
Skilled, LD 10
3 Ligne DD 6, CD 10
1 Legion DD 4, CD 10
6# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12
VIII Corps, GD Jean-Andoche Junot
Skilled, LD 10
2nd Division, GD Jean-Baptiste Solignac
Average, LD 10
4 Ligne DD 6, CD 10
1 Legion DD 4, CD 10
12# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12+1
IX Corps, GD Jean-Baptiste Drouet, Compte d’Erlon
Skilled, LD 10
1st Division, GD Michel Marie Claparede
Skilled, LD 10
4 Ligne DD 6, CD 10
2 Converged Grenadiers DD 8, CD 12+1
1 Legere DD 6, CD 12
6# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12
2nd Division, GD Nicolas Francois Conroux
Average, LD 10
4 Ligne DD 6, CD 10
1 Legere DD 6, CD 12
6# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12
Reserve Cavalry Division, GD Louis-Pierre Montbrun
Exceptional, LD 12
2 Dragoons DD 6, CD 12
3 Chasseur a Cheval DD 6, CD 10
1 Hussar DD 8, CD 10
1 6# Horse Battery DD 8, CD 12
Army of the North (cavalry), Marechal Jean-Baptiste Bessieres
Skilled, LD 10
Dutch Lancers DD 10, CD 12+1
Grenadiers a Cheval DD10, CD 12+1
1 6# GuardHorse battery DD 10, CD 12+1
Anglo-Portuguese Army
Commander-in-Chief: Lt Gen Viscount Wellington
Exceptional, LD 12
Sequence Deck: Average Morale Points 41 units * 47 MP
5th Division, Maj Gen Sir William Erskine
Average, LD 10
1 Portuguese Line (Brunswick) DD 4, CD 10
4 Line DD 6, CD 10
6# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12
6th Division, Maj Gen Alexander Campbell
Average, LD 10
3 Line DD 6, CD 10
2 Portuguese DD 4, CD 10
Portuguese 6# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 10
Light Division, Brig Gen Robert Crafurd
Exceptional, LD 12
1 95 Rifles DD 8, CD 12+1
2 Light DD 8, CD 12
1 Cacadore DD 6, CD 10
6# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12
Portuguese (Brunswick) Brigade, Brig Gen Charles Ashworth
Average, LD 10
2 Portuguese (Brunswick) Line DD 4, CD 10
6# (Brunswick) FA DD 6, CD 10
Cavalry, Maj Gen Stapleton Colton
Exceptional, LD 12
1 Portuguese Light Dragoon DD 4, CD 10
1 Dragoon DD 6, CD 12
1 Hussar DD 8, CD 10
1 Light Dragoon DD 6, CD 10
2 x 6# Horse Battery, RHA DD 8, CD 12
Column Commander: Lt Gen Brent Spencer
Commanding 1st & 3rd Divisions; Skilled, LD 12
1st Division, Maj Gen Miles Nightingall
Average, LD 10
2 Guards/Fusiliers DD 8, CD 12+1
3 Highlanders DD 6, CD 12
1 Highland Lt Infantry DD 8, CD 12
1 KGL Line DD 6, CD 10
6# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12
3rd Division, Maj Gen Thomas Picton
Exceptional, LD 12
1 Fusilier DD 8, CD 12+1
2 Portuguese Line DD 4, CD 10
3 Line DD 6, CD 10
6# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12
Spanish, Don Julio Sanchez (NO MP costs for losses!)
Average, LD 10
1 Guerilla Infantry DD 4, CD 10
1 Lancer Cavalry DD 4, CD 10.
Map from my freind James Fisher's Avon Napoleonic Fellowship blog.