
I have had this battle laid out on my table for a couple of months now. It started out as a play by Zoom game with Jared. Well, that led to the zoom link not working, and finding out that my rather old laptop's camera didn't work. We got the battlefield set up (using the TTS! set up rules for the first time) and managed to play the first turn or two using my cell phone as the camera before the charge ran out. At that point, the Romans were already at a heavy disadvantage. So, I eventually decided to reset the game and play it out solo.

View from the Carthaginian starting positions. . This game was part of the original incentive to paint the units seen here thus far this month.

View from the Roman lines.
Rome vs Carthage , using
130 point armies, as follows:
VM 35/3 = 12
VM 40/3 = 14
Carthage "won the toss" and went first; Group move by one of tjhe cavalry commands (a mistake right away; Elephants only move 1 box, so move should have just been forward 1 box for all!).
Obviously, the card Gods saw fit to correct the error, the command failing to get any further activations!

The second Carthaginian cavalry command makes a group move but the Numifdian LC fail to activate again, ending the turn for that command.

Carthaginian central infantry command does a group move forward 1 diagonal, and once again the attempt to act further with that command fails.

The Carthaginian left flank infantry command fails to move at all! So mi8ch for Tuirn 1 for Carthage!

Rome starts off with it's right flank infantry command, composed of an experienced legion. The group move forward 1 succeeds, and one unit advances further, but further activations fail.

A successful Group move forward 1 by the central Roman infantry command; they decide to stabd pat after that.

One Roman Cavalry command moves forward, but then passes on further movement (not that it would likely have gotten any with a "10" showing!
The final Roman cavalry command fails to act, even with the General leading, playing an Ace for both the first attempt and the replay by the General.

Carthage starts Turn 2 with a Group Move forward 1 diagonal to the right, closing up with their center; once again an attempt at any further actions by a single unit of the Command fails.

Shifting to the to the other flank, the Gallic and Numidian cavalry move forward (occupying the same box), and the Numidians chuck their Javelins at the Roman Medium cavalry, to no apparent effect. The elephant and the accompanying Spanish light cavalry do the same, shooting at the Velites, also without any impact upon the Roman light infantry evident.

The second Carthaginian Command makes a group move forward in support; yet again, an attempted further individual move (the Numidians in the woods) fails to activate.

The central Carthaginian Infantry command moves forward. Content with their position they decline any further activations, and Turn 2 passes to the Roman phase.

The Roman right flank infantry command fails to execute its group move attempt!

Changing to the Left flank, the Roman Heavy cavalry charges! The Numidian Light Cavalry successfully evades behind the supporting gallic Medium Cavalry.
The central Roman Infantry command moves one Legion forward with it's supporting Velites. Another unit of Velites scores a lucky hit on the Spanish Light Cavalry with it's Javelins, which the LC fail to save in most convincing fashion! 1 Victory Metal is lost by Carthage as the hand of Fate escorts the horsemen from the table!
Their blood up, the Velites try a shot at the now exposed Elephants, but fail to activate again, even with their General's replay used. meanwhile, the far right Roman infantry command fails to activate again!

Carthage begins Turn 3 with the Disordered Gallic cavalry chucking their Javelins at the opposing Roman knights, missing twice., and then "reloading" once.

The other Carthaginian Cavalry command then has the Spanish medium cavalry charge the opposing Roman "yellow" medium cavalry; the Spanish hit but the Romans save, but then fail to hit their "battle back" card.
The central Carthaginian Infantry command is content to keep the Romans as distant as possible. The Spanish caetrati in the vineyards throw their javelins once. They miss, and an attempt to shoot again, fails, ending the turn for the command.
The veteran Balearic slingers let fly at the approaching Legion on the far right; they miss three times before reloading. Thier attempt to soften up the Legion before it can close has failed!

The African Javelin men screening the phalanx of Libyan Spearmen move forward to create some maneuvering room, supported by a large Gallic warband. Content with their positions, the slingers fail in their attempt to shoot for a 4th time this turn.

The Romans start their part of Turn 3 by moving forward 2 units of Triarii, accompanied by the right flank General.

They then thrust the farthest right Legion forward further, threatening both a Carthaginian camp, and the left flank of the Carthaginian line! Attempt to support this move with the Triarii fail, even with their support of their General.

The "green" Roamn MC cast their Javelins at the Disordered Spanish Cavalry, needing the aid of their General to do so, but miss.

The Roman HC charge the Disordered Spanish Cavalry, and secure a hit with the aid of their Heroic General. The Spanish save for both the cavalry and the General, and then battle back, hitting the Romans, who likewise save for first the cavalry and then the General.

The "yellow" Roman MC charge the Spanish MC; they miss, but the Spaniards parry strikes hiome, with the Romans failing to save; the Romans are now Disordered.

The Roman HC charge the Disordered Gallic cavalry again. Evidently winded from their first charge, they fail to hit, but the tough Celtiberians score a hit on their battle back. Both the equites and the General both fail to save!

Drawing a card to asses his fate, a "10" results in General Marcus Atilus Regulus being killed on the spot; the Romans surrender 2 Victory Medals to Carthage. "Come back with your shield or on it, Momma always said!"

The resultant situation...

Roman Velites try their luck throwing Javelins at the Numidian light cavalry, and hit! These troops have an amazingly good save against missile fire ! LC Javelin start with a save of 7+, but being Veteran they are 6+, and light troops in the open get an additional +1 to their save when shot at, so they only need a 5+ to save, and do so! meanwhile the second Legion of the command moves up to challenge the opposing Spanish Scutarius (my freind Charlie, who habitually played the Romans against my Carthaginians, loved to refer to these guys as "scrotumius", "Heck, you can even see their Punic hairs!" LOL!)

A pair of small Triarii units moves up opposite a Libyan phalanx, with a Legion is support to their right. With the Velites out of ammunition, they and/or the accompanying Legion tried to do ? something, but failed, even with the replay by their General.
That ends Turn 3; so far just 1 Victory medal has been lost by Carthage vs. 2 by Rome. To be continued...