A number of years ago, I purchased the introductory deal for Eureka's 28 mm Tyrolean Militia (Landsturm). They were intended to be the core of a force to be used to do a scenario based upon the 2nd Battle of Berg Isel. With the Spanish Napoleonic project completed for Historicon 2018, a return to the year 1809 in central Europe seemed in order for Historicon 2019. That plan was reinforced by a small "grant" from Jon over at The Palouse Wargaming Journal, in the form of his
6th Anniversary drawing.
I ultimately wound up buying the remainder of my planned forces in one order from the very helpful Rob at Eureka Miniatures, USA. The planned forces number 15 units of infantry - 6 units of infantry armed with various pole weapons, each of four stands of three figures, and 9 units of infantry armed with hunting rifles, each of four stands of 2 figures. I decided that they would be divided into three groups of 5 units, based upon the color of their jackets, one in shades green, one in shades of brown, and one in shades of grey. Seen above are three units from the "Green group" in progress - a unit of riflemen in medium green jackets, a unit of polearms in dark green jackets, and another rifle unit is olive drab jackets. Unfortunately, these pictures seem shifted to the blue spectrum, but as they are all WIP, I'm not going to stress about it.

Polearms in olive drab coats, and rifles in Dark green. Within a unit, the hats and pants are done in at least three different shades of green, brown, or grey, the color being the same for each. For example, in the picture above, the polearms men all have hats in shades of brown, and pants in shades of grey.
Here are three units of the "Browncoat" group. The colors and painting, by the way is inspired by the Tirol Panorama at Innsbruck, as well documented in
picture's on Jon's blog earlier this year.
The rest of the Browncoat group - one Lansdsturm in dark brown coats, and some riflemen in medium brown.
A view of the same group from a different angle.
The first of the Grey coat group - riflemen in medium grey, Landsturm in dark grey, and rifles in light grey. Working on these guys as a group of about 150 figures has kept the posts down in recent weeks!
Landsturm in light grey coats and riflemen in dark grey coats. Obviously, there is a lot of painting yet to be done on all of these figures!
Command figures to the left - "The red-bearded Capuchin" priest,
Joachim Haspinger,
Josef Speckbacher (rear, in cape), Andreas Hofer, and a standard bearer. A mountain howitzer and crew are to the right.
Here are some paintings, in addition to the Tiroler Panamorma, showing the Tyrolean Rebels (all in the public realm):
Tyroleans overcome the Bavarians at the Battle of Sterzi.
Andreas Hofer and the Tyroleans immediately before the 2nd battle of Berg Isel.
Homecoming of the Tyrolean Landsturm
Andreas Hofer leading Tyrolean rebels - the red bearded priest is meant to represent Halspinger... whose favorite tactic was using man made avalanches of boulders rumbling down on French, Wurttemburg, and Bavarian troops moving along the mountain roads!
The Speckbacher Denkmal (Memorial), in Hall, Tyrol.