Thursday, January 23, 2025

Portuguese Napoleonic Artillery

The latest addition to my Napoleonic Portuguese is two batteries of Artillery.

These figures are sold by Brigade Games in the US.

The cannon are by Foundry, and were already painted as surplus from an order I made for my British Artillery 10+ years ago! 

Portugal had 4 regiments of artillery, differentiated by subtle differences in the colors of the collars and cuffs; this battery has dark blue collar and cuffs. That indicates it belongs to the 1st or Lisbon Regiment. 

Here are both batteries together. 

The other battery has black collars and cuffs, denoting the 2nd or Algarve Regiment. 

Pretty difficult to tell the difference, right?

I have two more painted spare British guns, so maybe I should add a third battery?!


  1. First, to answer your question: yes a third battery is in order. More is better than less. Congrats on the units, nice work.

  2. Very nice indeed Peter. The Portuguese collection is coming along splendidly.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. Definitely making good progress!

  3. Nice work on these Peter, and great to get some use out of the British guns at long last!
    Another battery? Why not, indeed!

    1. Thank you, Keith. Might be a good excuse to visit the Brigade Games booth at Historicon this July...

    2. Yes indeed! I really like Brigade Games figures - although as a lot of their ranges are sculpted by Paul Hicks, why wouldn't I?! - but converting their price per figure from $US to $NZ makes them pretty pricey - and that's before you add in very expensive US postage! Perry or similar from the UK always work out a lot cheaper in our market unfortunately.

    3. They are on the pricier side to begin with, I agree, and overseas shipping to and from almost everywhere is nightmare now!

  4. Great work and I for one can't tell the difference between the two! As for another battery; why not:).

    1. Thanks, Steve. It's pretty tough to see the difference between the black and the dark, Prussian blue, especially with the red piping in between the coat and the cuffs! It's a bit easier "in the lead" than in the photos, but still tough!

  5. I like these alot!

    Ha! A 3rd battery? Well if they had 4 different collar colors, I'd say do a 3rd and a 4th battery. ; )

  6. Lovely work, they look great in the white trousers, really sets of the dark blue of the jackets. It would be rude not to add another one to your collection!

    1. Thank you, Donnie! I could always do that one with dark blue pants...

  7. Lovely work on the batteries. A very impressive addition.
