Last Updated January 9, 2025
This is a listing of all of my 28mm Napoleonic armies by country, with a running tally. The idea is to update it regularly as I add more painted troops. Units in italics are units I have the lead for but are not yet painted; they aren't added to the totals until they are completed. Tabbed formatting doesn't seem to work with blogger, so the listings are a bit run on in some cases. Generally the unit name is listed, followed by facing colors or other details important to painting, followed by the manufacturer of the castings, and their pose, where applicable. As of starting this page, there are just under 5,000 figures listed; the oldest of these date back to about 1974, and are still in use! More than 98% were painted by me. For pictures of many of them, use the "unit pictures" label on the home page to see what has been posted so far.
Empire of France Updated January 9, 2025
1st Division – St. Hilaire
3e Ligne Wargames Foundry Advancing
57e Ligne Wargames Foundry Advancing
72e Ligne Wargames Foundry Advancing
105e Ligne Wargames Foundry Advancing
10e Legere Wargames Foundry Running
2nd Division - Friant
33e Ligne Wargames Foundry Receiving
48e Ligne Wargames Foundry Receiving
108e Ligne Wargames Foundry Receiving
111e Ligne Wargames Foundry Receiving
15e Legere Wargames Foundry Receiving
3rd Division - Gudin
12e Ligne Wargames Foundry Firing
21e Ligne Wargames Foundry Firing
25e Ligne Wargames Foundry Firing
85e Ligne Wargames Foundry Firing
7e Legere Wargames Foundry Firing
4th Division St. Cyr
2e Ligne Wargames Foundry March Attack
4e Ligne Wargames Foundry March Attack
18e Ligne Wargames Foundry March Attack
46e Ligne Wargames Foundry March Attack
24e Legere Wargames Foundry March Attack
5th Division: Morand
17e Ligne Sash and Saber March Attack
30e Ligne Sash and Saber March Attack
51e Ligne Sash and Saber March Attack
61e Ligne Sash and Saber March Attack
13e Legere Old Glory High Port
6th Division: Molitor
2e Ligne Old Glory Defending
16e Ligne Old Glory Defending
37e Ligne Old Glory Defending
67e Ligne Old Glory Defending
3e Legere Old Glory High Port
7th Division: Claparede
5e Ligne Old Glory Overcoats
23e Ligne Old Glory Overcoats
79e Ligne Old Glory Overcoats
81e Ligne Old Glory Overcoats
8e Legere Old Glory Lt Blue Overcoats
8th Division: Lapisse
8e Ligne Old Glory Bicornes Charging, campaign dress
27e Ligne Old Glory Bicornes Charging, campaign dress
45e Ligne Old Glory Bicornes Charging, campaign dress
54e Ligne Old Glory Bonnets de Police Charging, campaign dress
31e Legere Old Glory, charging, side plumed shakos9th Division: Drouet
32e Ligne Old Glory Bicornes Charging, enthusiastic, campaign dress
54e Ligne Old Glory Bicornes and Bonet de Police, Receiving, brown pants campaign dress
94e Ligne Old Glory Bicornes Receiving, campaign dress
95e Ligne Old Glory Bicornes Receiving, grey pants, campaign dress
26e Legere Old Glory charging, side plumed shakos
10th Division: Grenier
35e Ligne Wargames Foundry Loading
42e Ligne Wargames Foundry Loading
53e Ligne Wargames Foundry Loading
106e Ligne Wargames Foundry Loading
8e Leger...
11th Division: Legrand
18e Ligne Old Glory Bicornes Charging, campaign dress
Gendarmes a Pied Brigade Games
18e Ligne Old Glory Bicornes Charging, campaign dress
Gendarmes a Pied Brigade Games
Vistula Legion
1st Legion Old Glory
2nd Legion Old Glory
3rd Legion Old Glory
4th Legion Old Glory
"Foreign" Units
"Foreign" Units
Portuguese Legion Sash and Saber
Provisional Croatian Regiment Sash and Saber
Battalion Neufchatel Sash and Saber
Provisional Croatian Regiment Sash and Saber
Battalion Neufchatel Sash and Saber
Chasseurs a Cheval
1e Chasseurs Sash and Saber Red
5e Chasseurs Sash and Saber Yellow
13e Chasseurs Wargames Foundry Orange
16e Chasseurs Wargames Foundry Light Blue
28e Chasseurs - Piano - Amaranth
7e Chasseurs - Piano - Rose Pink
2e Hussars Wargames Foundry Brown and Light Blue
4e Hussars Wargames Foundry Dark Blue and Red
9e Hussars Wargames Foundry Red and Turquoise
Chevau-Leger Lanciers
6e Chevau-Leger Lanciers Wargames Foundry Red
5e Chevau-Leger Lanciers Wargames Foundy Light Blue
9e Dragoons Wargames Foundry Dark Red
15e Dragoons Wargames Foundry Rose Pink
19e Dragoons Wargames Foundry Yellow
30e Dragoons Wargames Foundry Orange
25e Dragoons Piano - Aurore
4e Dragoons Piano - Scarlet
1e Cuirassiers Wargames Foundry Red
4e Cuirassiers Wargames Foundry Orange
7e Cuirassiers Wargames Foundry Yellow
10e Cuirassiers Wargames Foundry Rose Pink
13e Cuirassiers Minifigs Lie-de-Vin
2nd Carabiniers Wargames Foundry
1st Carabiniers Piano Wargames
12# Foot Artillery 4 batteries: AB, CD, EF, GH (Foundry, S&S)
6# Horse Artillery 6 batteries AB, CD, EF, GH, IJ, KL (Foundry, OG, S&S)
8# Foot Artillery 7 batteries GH, IJ, KL, MN, OP, QR, ST (Foundry, S&S)
Sappers 3 companies (Assorted)
Coastal Artillery - 1 battery
Limbers - 8 (16 horses, 8 riders)
Gendarmes - Brigade Games 18
Coastal Artillery - 1 battery
Limbers - 8 (16 horses, 8 riders)
Gendarmes - Brigade Games 18
Imperial Guard
1st Grenadiers a Pied Wargames Foundry
2nd Grenadiers a Pied Essex
2nd Grenadiers a Pied Essex
1st Chasseurs a Pied Wargames Foundry
2nd Chasseurs a Pied Essex
Marins de la Garde (2 stabds)
2nd Chasseurs a Pied Essex
Marins de la Garde (2 stabds)
Fusilier- Grenadiers Wargames Foundry
Fusilier-Chasseurs Wargames Foundry
Tiralleur-Grenadiers (12) Old Glory
Tiralleur-Chasseurs (12) Old Glory
1er Tiralleurs Front Rank
2e Tiralleurs Front Rank
1er Voltigeurs Front Rank
2e Voltigeuers Front Rank
Grenadiers a Cheval Wargames Foundry
Chasseurs a Cheval Wargames Foundry
Mamelukes Minifigs
1st “Polish” Lancers Wargames Foundry
2nd “Dutch/Red” Lancers Wargames Foundry
Empress Dragoons Wargames Foundry
Gendarmes d'Elite
Gendarmes d'Elite
2 Horse Artillery Batteries Wargames Foundry,Perry
3 Foot Artillery Batteries Essex (2 bearskin, 1 shako)
2 Young Guard Foot Batteries Sash and Saber
2 Young Guard Foot Batteries Sash and Saber
2/stand - 10.5
1/stand - 37
Aides- 5
41 Ligne = 738
4 Vistula Legion = 72
3 "Foreign" = 42
4 Vistula Legion = 72
3 "Foreign" = 42
9 Legere = 162
12.5 Guard = 222
1 Gendarmes = 18
1 Gendarmes = 18
TOTAL: 1254
6 Chasseur = 48
6 Dragoon = 48
3 Hussar = 24
2 Cheavu-Leger Lancier = 16
5 Cuirassier = 40
2 Carabinier = 16
7 Guard Cavalry = 60
TOTAL: 244
3 x 12# FootBatt = 24
6 x 8# Foot Batt = 36
6 x 6# Horse Batt = 36
2 x 12# Guard Foot Batt = 16
2 x 8# Guard Horse Batt = 14
1 x 6# Young Guard Foot Batt = 6
1 x 12# Young Guard Foot Batt = 8
1 x 6# Young Guard Foot Batt = 6
1 x 12# Young Guard Foot Batt = 8
3 Sappers = 6
8 Limbers = 16
8 Limbers = 16
TOTAL: 176
Generals: 55
GRAND TOTAL (Painted only): 1,749
Empire of Austria Updated January 9, 2025
Line (* = Hungarian) Facing Color/ Btns Make Pose
IR# 25 Zedtwitz Sea Green Minifigs Advancing
IR# 22 Coburg Yellow Minifigs Advancing
IR# 49 Baron Kerpen Light Grey Minifigs Advancing
IR# 40 Graf Mittrowsky Crimson Minifigs Advancing
IR# 4 Deutchmeister Light Blue Minifigs March-Attack
IR# 9 Czartoryski Apple Green Minifigs March-Attack
IR# 1 Kaiser Polish Crimson Minifigs March-Attack
IR# 17 Furst Hohenlohe Medium Brown Minifigs March-Attack
IR# 21 Gyulai Sea Green Old Glory Advancing
IR# 59 Jodis Orange Old Glory Advancing
IR# 10 Reiske Green Old Glory Advancing
IR# 15 Zach Red Old Glory Advancing
IR#42 Graf Erbach Orange-Yellow SashSaber March-Att
IR#38 Wurttemburg Rose Pink SashSaber March-Att
IR#24 Baron Strauch Dark Blue SashSaber March-Att
IR#18 Reuss-Greitz Pompadour SashSaber March-Att
IR# 61 St. Julien (H) Grass Green* Minifigs Advancing
IR# 32 Esterhazy (H) Light Blue* Minifigs Advancing
IR# 58 Baron Beaulieu (H) Black* Old Minifigs Advancing
IR# 51 Baron Splenyi (H) Dark Blue* Old Minifigs Advancing
IR#31 Benjowki (H) Emperor Yellow* SashSaber March-Att
IR# 34 Davidovich (H) Crab Red* SashSaber March-Att
IR# 48 Vukassovich (H) Steel Green* SashSaber March-Att
IR# 53 Jellacic (H) Pompadour* SashSaber March Att
IR #12 Manfredini Dark Brown Old Glory Advancing
IR #21 Prinz Rohan Sea Green Old Glor y Advancing
IR #30 De Ligne Pike Grey Old Glory Advancing
IR #41 Kuttulinski Sulfur Yellow Old Glory Advancing
IR #50 Stain Violet Old Glory Advancing
IR #39 Duka (H) Poppy Red/silver buttons - Old Glory Marching, campaign
IR# 19 Alvinczy (H) Sky Blue/silver buttons - Old Glory Marching, campaign
IR #12 Manfredini Dark Brown Old Glory Advancing
IR #21 Prinz Rohan Sea Green Old Glor y Advancing
IR #30 De Ligne Pike Grey Old Glory Advancing
IR #41 Kuttulinski Sulfur Yellow Old Glory Advancing
IR #50 Stain Violet Old Glory Advancing
IR #39 Duka (H) Poppy Red/silver buttons - Old Glory Marching, campaign
IR# 19 Alvinczy (H) Sky Blue/silver buttons - Old Glory Marching, campaign
IR# 14 Klebeck Ludwig Black/brass buttons - Old Glory
IR# 15 Erzherzog Ludwig Madder Red/brass - Old Glory
IR# 2 Hiller (H) Emperor Yellow/brass buttons - old Glory
IR# 62 Franz Jellacic (H) Grass Green/silver buttons - Old Glory
IR# 43 Simbschen Lemon Yellow/brass buttons - Piano Wargames
IR# 44 Bellegarde Madder Red/silver buttons - Piano Wargames, kneeling
IR# 46 Chasteler Cornflower Blue/brass buttons - Piano Wargames
IR# 47 Vogelsang Steel Green/silver buttons - Piano Wargames
GR# 2 Octocaner Yellow Foundry
GR# 5 Kreutzer Bright Red Foundry
GR# 16 1st Wallachian Bright Green Foundry
GR# 12 Deutschbanater Light Blue Essex
GR# 15 2nd Szeckler Rose Red Old Glory
GR# 9 Peterwardeiner Light Pike Grey Old Glory
1st Jager Green Old Glory Firing (18)
3rd Jager Green Old Glory Skirmishing (12)
1st Jager Green Old Glory Firing (18)
3rd Jager Green Old Glory Skirmishing (12)
4th Jager Dark Green Minifigs (18)
Surplus Jager Dark Green/Orange Old and New Minifigs (10) ? to become a Landwehr unit
1st Grenadiers Grass Green* Minifigs Firing
3rd Grenadiers Light Grey Minifigs Advancing
4th Grenadiers Red Minfigs March Attack
5th Grenadiers Blue Minifigs March Attack
2nd Grenadiers Yellow* SashSaber March Attack
6th Grenadiers Orange SashSaber March Attack
7th Grenadiers SashSaber March Attack
Volunteers and Landwehr
Erzherzog Karl Legion #1(12) Red (brown coats) Old Glory
Erzherzog Karl Legion #5 (12) Red (brown coats) Old Glory
Vienna Volunteers #1, #3 (24) Red (grey coats) Old Glory
Salzburg Landwehr (12) Yellow (grey coats) Old Glory
1st Styrian Landwehr (12) White (green coats) Old Glory
Carinthian Landwehr (12) Red (green coats) Old Glory
Carniola Landwehr (12) Lt Blue (green coats) Old Glory
Prague Landwehr (12) Lt Blue (brown coats) Old Glory
Brunn Landwehr (12) Green (brown coats) Old Glory
Vienna Woods Landwehr (12) Red (grey coats) Old Glory
Outer Austrian Landwehr (12) Red (grey coats) Old Glory
Pest Insurrection Yellow Minifigs
Zala Insurrection Crimson Minifigs
Gomor Insurrection Light Blue Minifigs
Bihar Insurrection Grass Green Minifigs
Carinthian Landwehr - Piano Wargames
Upper/Lower Austrian Landwehr - Piano Games
CR# 4 Vincent Dark Red Minifigs
CR# 1 Kaiser Franz Bright Red Minifigs
CR#7 Nostitz Crimson Minifigs
DR# 1 Rosenburg Black Minifigs
DR# 2 Kprz Bayern Dark Blue Minifigs
DR# 4 Levenehr Scarlet Piano Games
DR#5 Prinz Eugen Dark Green Minifigs
KR# 4 Fredrick Green Minifigs
KR# 8 Constantin Red Minifigs
KR# 5 Somariva Lt Blue Minifigs
KR#1 Kaiser Franz Dark Red Foundry
KR# 7 von Lothringen Dark Blue Foundry
KR#1 Kaiser Franz Dark Red Foundry
KR# 7 von Lothringen Dark Blue Foundry
HR# 3 Erzherzog Carl d’ Este Dark Blue/Grey shako Minifigs
HR# 2 Erzherzog Josef Anton Red shako- Piano games
HR# 7 Lichtenstein Medium Blue/Green shako Minifigs
HR# 5 Baron Ott Dark Green/ Red shako Essex
HR# 4 Hessen-Homburg Parrot Green/Blue Shako Foundry
HR #1 Kaiser Franz Dark Blue/Black Shako Foundry
HR #1 Kaiser Franz Dark Blue/Black Shako Foundry
#1 Merveldt Yellow Czapska Essex
#3 Schwarzenburg Scarlet Czapska Minifigs
Artillery (Mix of MF, S&S, OG, Foundry!)
3 12# FA Batteries
2 6# Cavalry Batteries (limbers)
1 6# Cavalry Battery (Perry)
1 6# Cavalry Battery (Perry)
7 6# FA Batteries
3 stands of sappers, 1 stand Handlangers
Additions 2020: Sash and Saber
1 12# Battery
1 Howitzer Battery
2 6 lber Battery
1 each Sapper and Artillery officer
Additions 2020: Sash and Saber
1 12# Battery
1 Howitzer Battery
2 6 lber Battery
1 each Sapper and Artillery officer
Generals (numerous manufacturers)
6 x2 figure (Korps/Army)
20 x 1 figure
Additions 2020: Front Rank and Foundy:
5 x 2 figure
4 x 1 Figure
1 x 3 Figure (Karl;).
Additions 2020: Front Rank and Foundy:
5 x 2 figure
4 x 1 Figure
1 x 3 Figure (Karl;).
Additions 2023
3 x 2 figure, 1 x 1 figure
Additions 2024
2 x 2 figure, 5 x 1 figure
25 German Line 450
11 Hungarian Line 198
6 Grenzer 102
4 Jagers 66
6 Grenadiers 108
17 Volunteers/Landwehr 216
Chevau-Leger 24
Hussars 60
Uhlans 16
Dragoons 32
Kurassiers 40
17 Batteries Artillery 112 crew, 34 Guns
Sappers 9
Generals 65
GRAND TOTAL 1343, 26 Guns
Tyrolese Rebels (all Eureka)
9 units Schutzen = 72
6 units Landsturm = 72
1 Gunw/ 4 Crew
3 Leaders/7 figures.
TOTAL = 144 Infantry, 7 Leader figures, 1 Gun/4 crew
Tyrolese Rebels (all Eureka)
9 units Schutzen = 72
6 units Landsturm = 72
1 Gunw/ 4 Crew
3 Leaders/7 figures.
TOTAL = 144 Infantry, 7 Leader figures, 1 Gun/4 crew
Inspection Color (for 1803 pattern standards) Shoulder straps Pose Manufacturer
Musketeer Regiments
Jaroslav Dark Green Red Advancing Minifigs
Ouglitz White standard White Advancing Minifigs
Suratov (scarlet corners) Green? Advancing Minifigs
Nisovski Medium Green Yellow Advancing Minifigs
Moscow Orange White Advancing Minifigs
Bieloserk Light Yellow White Advancing Minifigs
Sousdal Medium Blue White Advancing Minifigs
Pernov St Pete (Black/Red) Green March-Attack Minifigs
Smolensk Raspberry Green March-Attack Minifigs
Dneiper Turquoise White March-Attack Minifigs
Neva Deep Yellow Light Blue March Attack Minifigs
Tomsk Grey Red March Attack Minifigs
Viborg Pale Yellow Green Coats/Adv Minifigs
Riga Medium Brown Light Blue Coats/Adv Minifigs
Koslov Lilac White Coats/Adv Old Glory
Oufa Medium Brown Yellow Coats/Adv Old Glory
Kexholm St Pete (Black/Red) Green Advancing Overcoat-Old Glory (12)
Sofia Livonia Turquoise Blue-Marching Overcoat Old Glory
Tambov Moscow Orange Marching, Overcoat Old Glory (12)
Kexholm St Pete (Black/Red) Green Advancing Overcoat-Old Glory (12)
Sofia Livonia Turquoise Blue-Marching Overcoat Old Glory
Tambov Moscow Orange Marching, Overcoat Old Glory (12)
Jager Regiments
5th (1805 uniform) Light Blue Firing Minifigs
7th (1805 uniform) Light Blue facings Firing Minifigs
9th (1805 uniform) Yellow Facings Firing Minifigs
16th (New #1) Yellow Goosestep Sash & Saber
17th (New #2) Lt Blue Goosestep Sash & Saber
20th (New #3) Yellow Goosestep Sash & Saber
21st (New #4) Lt Blue Goosestep Sash & Saber
Grenadier Regiments
Little Russia Pink Yellow Advancing Minifigs
Grouzinski Purple/Scarlet Yellow Advancing Minifigs
Petersburg Grenadiers Turquoise Yellow Goosestep Sash&Saber
Life Grenadiers Black/Red Yellow Goosestep Sash& Saber
Petersburg Grenadiers Turquoise Yellow Goosestep Sash&Saber
Life Grenadiers Black/Red Yellow Goosestep Sash& Saber
Guard Infantry Regiments
Pavlov #1 Advancing Old Minifigs
Pavlov #2 (Yellow flag) Advancing Minifigs
Seminovsky Goosestep Sash & Saber
Litovsky Goosestep Sash & Saber
Guard Jagers Firing Minifigs
Guard Jagers Firing (2 units) Falcon Figures
Guard Jagers Firing (2 units) Falcon Figures
Opolchenie (Militia)
4 units of 12 each ½ pikes, ½ musketeers Falcon
Soum Lt grey Dolmn, Pelisse, red pants, W lace Minifigs
Pavlograd Dk green Dolman, Lt Blue Pelisse, cuffs Y lace Minifigs
Akhtyrsk Md Brn Pelisse,Dolman faced Y, blue pants Y lace Minifigs
Alexandria Black Pelisse, Dolman pants; red cuffs/col W lace Old Glory
Isoum Red Dolm w/ dk blue cuff/col, pelisse, pants W lace Old Glory
Mounted Jagers
Sversk Orange Minifigs
Arsamass Medium Blue Minifigs
Moscow Pink W buttons Minifigs
Perelaslav Purple Y buttons Minifigs
Siberia Dk Red/White Cz Y/W pennon Minifigs
Empress Pink W buttons Minifigs
Military Order Black Y buttons Minifigs
Ekaterinaslav Orange W buttons Minifigs
Orel Raspberry White buttons etc Minifigs
Don Red Yellow buttons Minifigs
Don (caps) Red Yellow buttons Essex
Bug White/Various Essex
Guard Cavalry
Chevalier Guards Essex
Life Guard Hussars Essex
Guard Dragoons Dark Red Yellow Buttons Minifigs
Guard Uhlans Dark Red Yellow/white pennons Minifigs
A, B, C, D, E, F 6 # Foot Artillery Minifigs
G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N 6# Foot Artillery Old Glory
A, B, C, D 12 # Foot Artillery Minifigs
E, F, 12 # Foot Artillery Old Glory
A, B, C, D 6# Horse Artillery Minifigs
E, F, G, H, I, J 6# Horse Artillery Old Glory
Guard Foot Artillery 12# Old Glory
Guard Foot Artillery 12# Old Glory
Guard Foot Artillery 6 # Minifigs
Guard Horse Artillery 6# Minifigs
A, B, C Sappers Minifigs
Guard Sappers Minifigs
Limbers L1, L2 Minifigs
23 one figure, 11 two figure
16 Musketeer
7 Jager
4 Grenadier
4 Guard
3 Guard Jager
4 Opolchenie
4 Opolchenie
5 Hussar
1 Uhlan
2 Dragoon
2 Mounted Jager
4 Cossack
3 Cuirassier
1 Guard Dragoon
1 Guard Uhlan
1 Chevalier Guard
1 Lifeguard Hussar
1 Chevalier Guard
1 Lifeguard Hussar
Infantry: 43@ 698 Cavalry: 21@168 Artillery: 18@113 Staff @ 45
GRAND TOTAL (Painted only) 1,024 figures
Kingdom of Prussia Last Updated March 3, 2017
Guard Infantry
Erstes Garde Regiment zu Fuss - Minifugs
Erstes Garde Regiment zu Fuss - Minifugs
Line Infantry
1st E. Prussian #1 Old Glory March-Attack
1st Pomeranian #2 Old Glory March-Atttack
2nd E. Prusian #3 Old Glory March-Attack
3rd E. Prussian #4 Old Glory Defending
4th E. Prussian #5 Old Glory Attacking
3rd E. Prussian #4 Old Glory Defending
4th E. Prussian #5 Old Glory Attacking
1st W. Prussian #6 Minifigs Advancing
2nd W. Prussian #7 Minifigs Advancing
Leib Regt #9 Old Glory Attacking
Leib Regt #9 Old Glory Attacking
Colberg IR #10 Old Glory March-Attack
1st Silesian #11 Minifigs Advancing
2nd Silesian #12 Minifigs Advancing
1st Westfalian #18 Old Glory Various (12)
2nd Rhine # 23 Old Glory Attacking (12)
3rd Magdeburg #31 Old Glory Defending (12)
3rd Silesian IR #13 Old Glory (Litewka)
(Lutzow Freikorps) IR #23 12 (Blak, red piping).
1st Westfalian #18 Old Glory Various (12)
2nd Rhine # 23 Old Glory Attacking (12)
3rd Magdeburg #31 Old Glory Defending (12)
3rd Silesian IR #13 Old Glory (Litewka)
(Lutzow Freikorps) IR #23 12 (Blak, red piping).
Reserve Regiments (all Old Glory)
1st Reserve (1st E Prussian) - Grey, Brick Red collars and cuffs2nd Reserve (1st Pomeranian) - Grey; white collar/cuffs
3rd Reserve - Litewka with clogs, otherwise regulation uniform, brick red facings
5th Reserve - Litewka with clogs, otherwise regulation uniform, rose pink facings
7th Reserve (2nd West Prussian) - Grey; crimson collar/cuffs
10th Reserve (4th Pomeranian) - Dark Grey yellow collar and cuffs
9th Reserve - Portugeuse/British uniform, dark blue with green facings
10th Reserve - British Rifle style uniform, dark green with black facings.
3rd E. Prussian LW Old Glory March-Attack
1st Pomeranian LW - Old Glory March-Attack (12)
3rd E. Prussian LW Old Glory March-Attack
1st Pomeranian LW - Old Glory March-Attack (12)
3rd Pomeranian LW Old Glory March-Attack
1st West Prussian LW, Old Glory March-Attack
1st West Prussian LW, Old Glory March-Attack
4th W. Prussian LW Old Glory March Attack
4th Silesian LW Old Glory March Attack
2nd Elbe LW Lancashire Games, Attacking3rd Rhein LW, Lancashire Games, Firing
2nd Westphalian LW Lancashire Games, Attacking
7th Silesian LW, Lancashire Games, Firing
1st Brandenburg (2 stands only) LW Lancashire Games, Attacking
2nd Brandenburg LW - Old Glory March Attack
Light Infantry
Silesian Schutzen Calpe Firing
Freiwilingen Jager #1 Mnifigs Firing
Freiwilingen Jager #2 Minifigs Advancing
West Prussian Grenadiers (12) Minifigs + LancashireAdvancing
2nd East Prussian Grenadiers Lancashire
Pommeranian Grenadiers Lancashire
Silesian Grenadiers (12) Lancashire
2nd East Prussian Grenadiers Lancashire
Pommeranian Grenadiers Lancashire
Silesian Grenadiers (12) Lancashire
Konigin Dragoons #1 Old Glory
1st W. Prussian Dragoons #2 Old Glory
2nd West Prussian Dragoons #4
Magdeburg Dragoons #8
1st Leib Hussars #1 Old Glory
2nd West Prussian Dragoons #4
Magdeburg Dragoons #8
1st Leib Hussars #1 Old Glory
1st Silesian Hissars #4 - Perry
Freikorps von Lutzow Minifigs
Guard du Corps Kurassier #3 Old Glory
Brandeburg Kurassier #4 Old Glory
Brandenburg Uhlans #3 - Blue Kollet, scarlet facings, yellow straps Perry
Neumark Landwehr Cavalry - Stovepipe shako, red facings, white over black lance pennons, grey saddles. Old GlorySilesian Landwehr cavalry - in Caps with regulation with yellow facings and wolf's teeth on white wool saddle, white over yellow pennons. Old Glory
Pomeranian Landwehr Cavalry - grey uniform, white facings
1st West Prussian Landwehr Cavalry Regulation uniform, brick red rfacings
4 x 6# Horse Battery Old Glory (one mounted, 2 dismounted)
2 x 12# Batteries Old Glory, Calpe
7 x 6# Foot Batteries Old Glory
1 6# Guard Horse Battery Old Glory1 x 12# Guard Foot Battery Old Glory
5 x 2, 14 x 1 Old Glory, Perry
44 Infantry = 715, 14 Cavalry = 112, 10 Artillery = 100 crew/30 guns, 24 Staff
GRAND TOTAL (Painted only): 948 figures
Kingdom of Great Brittain Updated Janaury 9, 2025
The painted Minifigs are all ones I bought from Jamie for $1 each circa 2000 .
3rd (east Kent) and 61st (South Glouchestershire) Line Buff Facings – 2 units Minifigs
19th (1st Yorkshire North Riding) and 69th (South Lincolnshire) Line - Green Facings – 2 units Minifigs
24th line (2nd Warwickshire)- Dark Green facings - Old Glory (Marching)
43rd (Monmouthshire Light Infantry) - White facings Old Glory (Marching)
57th Line (West Middlesex) - Yellow facings - Old Glory (Marching)
58th Line (Rutalndshire) - Black facings - Old Glory (Marching)
7th and 23rd Fusiliers - Dark Blue facings (Old Glory)
71st (Highland Light Infantry) - Buff facings (Old Glory - Advancing)
85th (Buck's Volunteers Light Infantry) - Yellow facings (Old Glory - Advancing)
40th Line (2nd Somerset) - Buff facings (Old Glory - Advancing)
2nd (Coldstream) Guards - Dark Blue facings (Old Glory - Advancing).
60th Line, 5th Bn (Rifles) - 12 Old Gklory
95th Rifles Old Glory
35th Line (Sussex) - Orange facings - Old Glkory
56th Line (West Essex) - Purple facings - Old Glory
24th line (2nd Warwickshire)- Dark Green facings - Old Glory (Marching)
43rd (Monmouthshire Light Infantry) - White facings Old Glory (Marching)
57th Line (West Middlesex) - Yellow facings - Old Glory (Marching)
58th Line (Rutalndshire) - Black facings - Old Glory (Marching)
7th and 23rd Fusiliers - Dark Blue facings (Old Glory)
71st (Highland Light Infantry) - Buff facings (Old Glory - Advancing)
85th (Buck's Volunteers Light Infantry) - Yellow facings (Old Glory - Advancing)
40th Line (2nd Somerset) - Buff facings (Old Glory - Advancing)
2nd (Coldstream) Guards - Dark Blue facings (Old Glory - Advancing).
60th Line, 5th Bn (Rifles) - 12 Old Gklory
95th Rifles Old Glory
35th Line (Sussex) - Orange facings - Old Glkory
56th Line (West Essex) - Purple facings - Old Glory
28th Line (North Glouchestershire) - Light Yellow facings - Old Glory
92nd Highlanders (Gordon) - Yellow facings - Old Glory
42nd Highlanders (Black Watch) - Dark Blue facings - Old Glory
79th Highlanders (Cameron) - Dark Blue facings (Old Glory)
5th Battalion, King's German Legion - Old Glory
2 Heavy Dragoons Minifigs
14th Light Dragoons Essex - Orange facings, white lace
18th Hussars Essex
The 1st Lifeguards (Old Glory)
Royal Horse Guatrds (The Blues)
13th Light Dragoons (old Glory) - Buff facings, yellow lace
22nd Light Dragoons (Old Glory) - Pink facings, white lace
23rd Light Dragoons (Olg Glory) - Crimson facings, white lace
The 1st Lifeguards (Old Glory)
Royal Horse Guatrds (The Blues)
13th Light Dragoons (old Glory) - Buff facings, yellow lace
22nd Light Dragoons (Old Glory) - Pink facings, white lace
23rd Light Dragoons (Olg Glory) - Crimson facings, white lace
2nd (Royal North British) Dragoons - Dark Blue Facings, yellow lace
3rd (Price of Wales) Dragoon Guards - White facings, yellow lace
4th (Queen's Own) Dragoons - Green facings, white lace
10th (Prince of Wales's) Hussars Yellow facings
15th (King's) Hussars Red facings
!st KGL Light Dragoons (red facings) and 3rd KGL Hussars (yellow facins) - 4 each
3rd (Price of Wales) Dragoon Guards - White facings, yellow lace
4th (Queen's Own) Dragoons - Green facings, white lace
10th (Prince of Wales's) Hussars Yellow facings
15th (King's) Hussars Red facings
!st KGL Light Dragoons (red facings) and 3rd KGL Hussars (yellow facins) - 4 each
3 Troops Royal Horse Artillery
3 Batteries Royal foot Artillery
3 Batteries Royal foot Artillery
Rockets and Crew (13 crew, 8 rockets)
6 extra guns
6 extra guns
2 x 1
11 x 1 Old Glory
1x3, 3 x 2, 1 x 1 Foundry, 2 x 2 Old Glory [carry flags of the 54th (West Norfolk) and 32nd (North Cornwall) regiemnts].
11 x 1 Old Glory
1x3, 3 x 2, 1 x 1 Foundry, 2 x 2 Old Glory [carry flags of the 54th (West Norfolk) and 32nd (North Cornwall) regiemnts].
23 Infantry (-) = 392, 15 Cavalry = 120 , 6 Batteries = 51, 27 Staff
GRAND TOTAL (painted only) = 577
**Napoleonic Minor States** Updated January 9, 2025
Kingdom of Denmark
1st Jutland IR Black piped white Minifigs
2nd Jutland IR White Minifigs
3rd Jutland IR Black piped white Minifigs
Funen IR White Minifigs
Zealand IR Dk Green p. white Minifigs
Prince Frederick Dark Green Minifigs
Queen’s IR Light Blue Minifigs
Schleswig IR Lt Blue p. white Minifigs
Danish Liv Regiment Light Yellow Minifigs
Zealand Jagers Black p. white Minifigs
Jutland Shapshooters Black Minifigs
Kings Livguard of Foot Light Blue Minifigs
Kings Livjagers (12) Black Minifigs
Holstein Dragoons Green Minifigs
Funen Light Dragoons Light Blue Minifigs
Hussars Light Blue Minifigs
Bosniaks (4) Light Blue Minifigs
Kings Livguard of Horse Red Minifigs
AB 6# Horse Artillery
AB 12# Foot Artillery
CD 6# Foot Artillery
Generals: 1 x 2 figure, 4 x 1 figure
TOTAL: 228 I, 36 C, 20 A/ 6 Guns, 6 Gen
Duchy of Warsaw - Updated January 15, 2024
1st Line Yellow Minifigs
5th Line Red Minifigs
9th Line White Minifigs
13th Line Lt Blue (white coats) Minifigs
1st Regiment, Vistula Legion - Old Glory
2nd Regiment, Vistula Legion - Old Glory
3rd Regiment, Vistula Legion - Old Glory
4th Regiment, Vistula Legion. - Old Glory
1st Regiment, Vistula Legion - Old Glory
2nd Regiment, Vistula Legion - Old Glory
3rd Regiment, Vistula Legion - Old Glory
4th Regiment, Vistula Legion. - Old Glory
19th Uhlans Yellow Minifigs
2nd Uhlans Red Minifigs
5th Chasseurs Polish Crimson OG/SashSaber
13th Hussars Dark Blue/Red/White Old Glory
7th Uhlans RYellopw piped red - Murawski
12th Uhlans Crimson and white - Murawski
7th Uhlans RYellopw piped red - Murawski
12th Uhlans Crimson and white - Murawski
AB Btty GDW Foot Artillery Minifigs
CD Btty GDW Foot Artillery Sash and Saber
CD Btty GDW Foot Artillery Sash and Saber
Horse Battery Murawski (8 crew/2 guns)
Generals: 2 x 2 figure (Poniatowski. Murawski), 3 x 1 figure (Dombrowski, Sokolnicki) MF, Vistula Legion OG.
TOTAL: 144 I, 48 C, 28A/6Guns, 7 Gen
Kingdom of Italy
1st Line Minifigs
2nd Line Minifigs
4th Line Minifigs
5th Line Minifigs
2nd Light
Italian Royal Footguards Minifigs
2nd Dragoons Dark Red Minifigs
4th Chasseurs a Cheval Purple Minifigs
Guardia Reali d' Onore Perry
Guardia Reali d' Onore Perry
AB Battery Foot Artillery Minifigs
A Btty GDW Horse Artillery Minifigs
Generals: 1x2 figure (Prince Eugene), 3 x 1 figure
TOTALS: 108 I, 24 C, 6 A/2 Guns, 5 Gen
Kingdom of Bavaria - Updated January 15, 2024
IR # 1 Leib Regt Red Foundry
IR #5 Von Preysing Pink Foundry
IR #8 Herzog Pius Yellow piped red Foundry
IR #11 Von Kinkel Green piped red Foundry
6th Light Infantry “La Roche” Black Foundry
IR #4 Salern Yellow piped red Piano Wargames
IR #6 Herzog Wilhelm red piped white Piano Wargames
IR #7 Lowenstein Pink Piano Wargames
IR #14 (vacant) Black piped red - Piano
1st Light Infantry - Piano
Kronprinz Chevau-lagers Black Minifigs
Taxis Dragoons Red Minifigs
Dragoons #1 Piano
AB Battery Foot Artillery Minifigs
Horse Artillery (3 crew, 1 Gun, Piano)
4 Horse Limber (Lancashire)
Generals: 9 figure (2 x 2, 5 x 1)
TOTALS: 180 I, 24 C,15A/4 Guns, 9 Gen
Kingdom of Wurttemberg Updated 1/09/2025
IR #1 Yellow Minifigs
IR #1 Yellow Piano Wargames
IR #2 Light Blue Minifigs
IR #2 Red Piano Wargames
IR #3 Green Piano Wargames
IR #4 Rose Pink Piano Wargames
IR #5 Light Blue Piano Wargames
IR# 6 White with red piping Piano Wargames
IR #8 Deep Pink Minifigs
1st Light Infantry Light Blue Minifigs
Light Infantry Battalion #1 Piano Wargames
Fussjager Battalion #2 Piano Wargames
Wurttemberg Royal Guard Grenadiers White Minifigs
Wurttemberg Guard Grenadiers - Piano Games
Wurttemberg Guides Red Minifigs
Wurttemberg Guard du Corps Black Minifigs
Wurttemberg LeibChevauxlegers #2 Piano Wargames
Wurttemberg Jager zu Pferd #3 Piano Wargames
Wurttemberg Leibjager Guard
Wurttemberg Gardes du Corps
AB Battery Foot Artillery Minifigs
2 Foot Batteries (Piano Wargames)
1 Horse Battery (Piano Wargames)
Generals: 4 x 1 figure (Von Wollwarten, Von Koseritz Minifigs, 2 Guard Cavalry officers)
17 Command and casualty figures (Piano)
TOTALS: 242 I, 48 C, 24 A/6 Guns, 4 Gen
Dutch-Belgian, Nassau Updated January 9, 2025
Dutch Line - Perry
Belgian Line - Perry
2nd Nassau-Usinngen - Perry
1st Nassau - Front Rank
Mounted Command - 3 (Perry)
TOTALS: 72 I, 3 Command
Kingdom of Saxony
IR Konig Scarlet Minifigs
IR Prinz Maximillian Yellow Minifigs
IR Prinz Xaver Medium Blue Minifigs
IR Prinz Friedrich August Medium Green Minifigs
Von Egidy Jagers Black Minifigs
Von Rechten Grenadiers Crimson Minifigs
Leib Grenadier Guard Yellow Minifigs
Prinz Johan Dragoons Black Minifigs
Saxon Hussars Black Minifigs
Saxon Guard Cuirasiers Red Minifigs
AB Battery Saxon Foot Artillery Minifigs
Generals: 2 x 1 figure (Von Zechwitz, Gutschmidt) Minifigs
TOTALS: 126 I, 24 C, 6 A/2 Guns, 2 Gen
Kingdom of Westfalia
1st Line Med Blue wt. Lace Minifigs
2nd Line Dark Blue Minifigs
4th Line Light Blue Minifigs
7th Line Black Minifigs
1st Light Red Minifigs
Grand Duchy of Baden Updated October 20, 2019
IR #1 Grossherzog Scarlet Pontoonier
IR #2 Erbgrossherzog Yellow Murawski
IR #3 von Harrant Deep Red Murawski
IR #2 Erbgrossherzog Yellow Murawski
IR #3 von Harrant Deep Red Murawski
IR #4 von Porbeck White Pontoonier
Baden Jagers Black Pontoonier
Baden Light Dragoons (Murawski)
Baden Foot Artillery (Murawski)
Baden Horse Artillery (Murawski)
Baden Light Dragoons (Murawski)
Baden Foot Artillery (Murawski)
Baden Horse Artillery (Murawski)
3 Generals: 2 x 2 figure 1 x 3 figure
TOTALS: 90 Infantry, 8 Cavalry, 9 Artillery w/ 2 Guns, 1 limber w 4 horses/4 drivers, 7 Gen
Grand Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt
Leib Garde Brigade (shako)Red Sash & Saber 18
Leib Brigade Light (shako) Blue Sash & Saber 18
Gross und Erbprinz Brigade (bicornes) Yellow Piano Wargames 18
Leib Garde Briagade (bicornes) Red Piano Wargames 18
Leib Brigade (bicornes) Blue Piano Wargames 18
Hessen-Darmstadt Chevaulegers Piano Wargames 8
Artillery 7 Crew/2 Guns, Piano Wargames
High Command: 4 mouinted and 1 Foot figure
TOTALS: 90 Infantry, 8 Cavalry, 7 Crew with 2 guns, 5 Command
Grand Duchy of Wurzburg IR = 18
Grand Duchy of Wurzburg IR = 18
Duchy of Brunswick
Leib Regiment Light Blue Minifigs
1st Line Regiment Red Minifigs
Light Regiment Light Blue Minifigs
Brunswick Uhlans Light Blue Minifigs
Brunswick Hussars Light Blue Minifigs
AB Battery Foot Artillery Minifigs
Generals: 2 x 1 fig (Olferman, Cramm) 1 x 2 fig (Duke) Minifigs
TOTALS: 54 I, 16 C, 6 A/2 Guns, 4 Gen
Kingdom of Portugal
14th Line White piped Red Minifigs - 2nd Brigade
16th Line Red piped White Minifigs - 1st Brigade
21st Line Yellow piped Yellow Minifigs - 8th Brigade
24th Line Light Blue piped Yellow Minifigs - 10th Brigade
4th Cacadores Light Blue Minifigs - 1st Brigade
1st Line Blue collar, white cuffs, white piping Old Glory 2nd - 1st Brigade
2nd Line Blue Collar, white cufs, scarlet piping - 2nd Brigade
9th Line Blue Collar, Yellow cuffs, yellow piping - 8th Brigade
13th Line White collar , cuffs, and piping - 10th Brigade
23rd Line Sky Blue Collars and cuffs, piped red - 9th Brigade
Loyal Lusitanian Legion - Green uniform, white piping - Old Glory 2nd ed. - 7th Brigade
1st Cacadores - Brown collar, sky blue cuffs - British Light Division
5th Cacadores - Scarlet collars and cuffs - Brigade Games -10th Brigade
6th Cacadores - Yellow collar and cuffs -5th Brigade
8th Dragoons (12) Yellow piped red Minifigs
AB Battery Foot Artillery Minifigs
2nd Dragoons White piped red
4th Dragoons Red piped white
12th Dragoons Sky Blue piped yellow
CD Battery Foot Artillery
EF Battery Foot Artillery
TOTALS: 144 I, 12 C, 6 A/2 Guns
Kingdom of Sweden
1st Jagers Red Minifigs
2nd Jagers Dark Green (grey) Minifigs
Vesterbottens Line Red Minifigs
Uppland Line Yellow/white Minifigs
Elfsborg Line Red Minifigs
Dalarnas Line Red/white Minifigs
Westgotta=Dals Line Dark Blue (grey) Minifigs
Kronoberg Line Dark Blue (grey) Minifigs
Jonkoping Line Red/yellow (Lt Blue) Minifigs
Bohuslans Line Yellow/red (Lt Blue) Minifigs
Andra Liv Guard Minifigs
Svea Liv Guard Minifigs
Vestgotta Dragoons (12) Red Minifigs
Smalands Light Dragoons (12) Yellow Minifigs
Life Cuirassiers Dark Blue Minifigs
AB Battery Foot Artillery
Generals: 2 x 1 fig (Dobeln, Von Schwanstucker), 1 x 2 fig (Bernadotte) Minifigs
TOTALS: 216 I, 36 C, 6 A/2 Guns, 4 Gen
Kingdom of Spain Updated November 24, 2022
Line Infantry:
Valencia - Light Blue Facings Miniatuiras Dos de Mayo
Burgos - Green Facings Miniaturas Dos de Mayo
Reina - Violet Facings Miniaturas Dos de Mayo
Guadalajara - Scarlet Facinghs Miniaturas Dos de Ma
Voluntarios de Castile - Crimson Facings Three Armies
Ordones Militares - Dark Blue Facings Brigade Games
Sevilla - Black Facvings Brigade Games
Irlanda - Lt Blue faced light yellow Three Armies
Reding, Jr -Dark Blue faced scarlet Three Armies
Rey Immemorial - 1802 uniform Three Armies Leon - Poppy Orange facaings Perry Guardias Valonas - Dark Blue faced Crimson Perry
Light Infantry:
Guerillas - 24
TOTALS: 416 I, 64 C, 32 Crew with 8 guns, 23 Generals.
Light Infantry:
Barcelona Brigade Games
Gerona Brigade Games
1st Cataluña battalion Militia:
Voluntarios de Navarra - Yellow Facvings Brigade Games
Voluntarios de Madrid - Light Blue Facings Brigade Games
Militia Honorada de Lorca - Red facings, Eagle figures
Militia Honorada de Coruna - Green facings, Eagle figures
Militia Honorada de Lorca - Red facings, Eagle figures
Militia Honorada de Coruna - Green facings, Eagle figures
10 Grenadier companies Front Rank/Three Armies
Almansa Dragoons - Light Blue facings Brigade Games
Numancia Dragoons - Black facings Brigade Games
Hussars of Maria-Louise - Eagle figures
Line cavalry "Del Rey" - red facings, yellow lace Brigade Games
Line Cavalry "Algarve" - buff facings, white lace Brigade Games
Garrochista Lancers Brigade Games
Hussars of Maria-Louise - Eagle figures
Line cavalry "Del Rey" - red facings, yellow lace Brigade Games
Line Cavalry "Algarve" - buff facings, white lace Brigade Games
Garrochista Lancers Brigade Games
Granaderos a Caballo de Fenando VII Perry
Cazadortes a Caballo "Olivenza" Perry
4 Batteries with 2 x 12 lbers, 4 x 8 lbers, and 2 x Howitzers
Pontooniers, etc 6 figures
Pontooniers, etc 6 figures
Guerillas - 24
Generals - 23 (14 x single figure, 3 x 3 figure)
TOTALS: 416 I, 64 C, 32 Crew with 8 guns, 23 Generals.
Nice to see someone playing Snappy Nappy. I made some small contribution to the rules years ago. Drop by my Napoleonic Blog when you have a chance at:
ReplyDeleteSnappy Nappy works very well for these big events; I enjoyed dropping by your blog!
ReplyDeleteFirst time I have seen so many minifigs under one roof!!
ReplyDeleteHi Jose! Thanks for stopping by. Well, we've both been in the hobby for at least 50 years, and most of the Minifgs date back to the mid 19780's and the early 1980's. I still like them, although from the 1990's on, my "new" figures are from other manufacturers!.