Sunday, June 17, 2018

Spanish technical troops: Pontooniers, etc.

I needed some Spanish some pontooniers for my Snappy Nappy game. 

A few extra figures from Threee Armies and Brigade games were put to use. 

The stacks of boards on each base makes their game function clear.

They would serve just as well as sappers or engineers when and if needed. 

It looks like I may need six suuch stands for the revised scenario...

So here's the 5th stand

Maybe a 6th yet to come?

The uniform is the old version of the Engineer General Staff; green coats, violet facings, red turnbacks, silver buttons and lace.  


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Lee. nothing special, really, but it gets the job done!

  2. Unusual and beautifully done stands, well done!

  3. Great idea with the planks and superb looking figures.

    1. Thanks, Jon. It was just a useful expedient to fill a need using spare figures and left over materials from my bridge building and windmills for the Ligny game back in 2015!

  4. Good repurposing of troops, Peter. While I have yet to paint any of my Three Armies Spanish, I had them out the other day and recognized yours straight away.

    1. They will make their way into the painting queue in their own good time, doubtless!

  5. This is something quite unique that you don't see in many Spanish Napoleonic armies. Nicely done Peter.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. necessity (and spare figures!) was the mother of invention in this case!
