Wednesday, September 5, 2018

It Takes a (15 mm scale) Village...

I put the finishing touches on a Paper Terrain 15 mm Spanish/Mediterranean village last month.

Very niice buildings from Scott Washburn. Actually, there should be 12 buildings in the set; I think James may have picked up a few extra when he helped me clear away the Campaign in a Day at Historicon.

No worries, as these are intended only for use with those events, and pretty much both of us support those events with terrain, etc. I am sure I have some of his roads, and I know I have one of hisd table coverings!

The set also comes with a bunch of garden walls, which I have yet to build, and chimneys, which I have mixed feelings about adding (hassle and fragility). I did use an India ink pen to color in the white lines from scoring the paper on the roofs, and Scott is right, it helps give a more finished look. 

Each building has a "ruined" version as well, that nicely nestles inside the intact structure.

For the Campaign events, where we need a slew of buildings, we use these just like we would an iontact building, to denote towns, etc.

Even a stand of 25 mm infantry fits inside the floor plans nicely.

I added black ink to the edges of the "damaged' walss, too.

We had a HUGE amount of rain last month, which turned the normally shallow Shepaug River in to rapids.

That didn't stop Zoe from swimming in the river!

The cirrent made it bit like a doggie log flume ride, though!

"Volunteer's (foot)  Bridge" over the Shapaug. 

The heavy rain and humid weather brought forth a plethora of fungi aside  the old rail bed along the Shepaug. these bright orange ones were especially striking, along with many "Fairy Circles" of different varieties of mushrooms.

The tubes popping up are Ghost Pipes, also called Indian Pipes. Interestingly, they are not a fungus at all, but a parasitic plant that lacks chlorophyll. It gets its nutrients from the mycelia of a fungus, probably that of the nearby mushroom. There's a quite interesting short article on them here.
Can you tell my fiorst job (four summers in high school and college) was as Nature Director at a Scout Camp?


  1. Good looking buildings, Peter, and lovely countryside.

  2. Useful looking housing stock, can't beat a picture of a dog having fun!
    Best Iain

  3. A nice collection of Spanish buildings...and a nice looking swimmer!

  4. Nicely put together Peter. Why 15mm though - are you planning a few games in that scale?

    1. We use the 15mm buildings in our Snappy Nappy Campaign events, where 2 stands of infantry typically = 2,000 to 4,000 men, and we need LOTS of buildings!

  5. Bravo Peter. Classic wargames village! My own attempts with paper buildings always appear as if someone has given a chimp use of glue and scissors. :)

    1. Thanks, David. They aren't perfect, but they are more than sufficient for the job!
