Sunday, February 19, 2023

ECW Scots Dragoons #1

A bunch of Blue Bonnet Dragoons are the next Scots off the painting table. Once again, these are Old Glory figures; note the mounted drummer!

In the ECW, of course, Dragoons served as mounted infantry, and were not expected to fight while mounted, rather they used their mobility to scout or occupy important positions in advance of the main body. 

They often had a reputation for ill discipline and marauding. 

Likely, in most cases, it was well deserved!


  1. Another fine unit for the table. You will need to do a review of your Scots when you finished d them.

    1. Thanks, Joe! I have quite a few more units to post, but the Scots will likely not be done until 2024. At that time, a review will be in order!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very nice work, Peter!

    Your thumbnail appears too! While you performed a cut and paste, looking at your image link, it was saved to Google's 'a' folder which is the same one that works for the drag and drop.


    1. Yes, and that's pretty easy to do. Makes sense as drag and drop is just a version of copy and paste anyway! :-)

  4. More lovely Scots. I really like the mounted drummer as something a little different. Certainly makes sense given the role of dragoons at that time.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. I really like the mounted drummer as well. They are kind of unique to these 17th Century Dragoon units!

  5. Nice work Peter although some of the poses seem a bit odd, looks like they are constipated from eating too much porridge?! The drummers persisted a bit longer - certainly into the early 18th century, WSS and GNW - and possibly even as late as the WAS/SYW?

    1. LOL re: the constipation! I have to say this pose wasn't one of my favorites, so I consolidated them all into one unit. :-)

    2. Had to laugh at Keith's comment. They do look like they're sticking their erses oot!

    3. Perhaps rev'ing up a synchronised fart in the general direction of the enemy?
      Another batch of bonnie blued bonneted lads nonetheless!
      Regards, James

    4. "Something is rotten in Scotland!"

  6. Very nice- love the captain on foot!
