Saturday, September 30, 2023

Springtime for Nappy 1809 - TWO campaigns!

 The first is our Crisis on the Danube Campaign in a Day event, using the Snappy Nappy rules by Russ Lockwood. We are all set to go a week from today, Saturday October 7th at 10 AM, at The Portal in Manchester CT.  Participation is free, and Assistant GM Mark T will be providing Pizza for lunch! Mark, James, and I will be setting the tables, troops, etc.,  up Friday evening before the event. 

We still have one open slot for both the French and the Austrians, so if anyone wants to play, please contact me! 

French (8)

James C.   C-in-C - Napoleon/Berthier

Karl N  Lefebvre

James S,     Massena/Molitor 

Sean S.  Massena/St. Cyr       

Mark McG    Lannes

Mike S.  Davout/St. Hilaire, etc.

Kevin C.  Davout/Morand, etc

Steve T     Oudinot

Steven C.     Vandamme/Wurtembergers

Austrian (7)

Brian C.  C-in-C   Erzherzog Karl  (? 2nd Reserve Korps - Kienmayer)

Rob P    1 Armeekorps, GdK Heinrich Graf Bellegarde

B. G. Smith   3 Armeekorps  Hohenzollwern-Hechingen

Brandan S.   4 Armeekorps, FML Franz Rosenberg

Alex O.     5th Armee Korps Erzherzog Ludwig

Russ L   6th Armeekorps  Hiller

Frank Niederwerfer  1st Reserve Korps  Liechtenstein

Open    2nd reserve Korps

The second Campaign is Lucas Luber's Piano Wargames 4th Kickstarter, "The Danube Campaign, Part1"

There are a huge number of new Austrian and French sets available as part of the new Kickstarter; delivery is expected by February 2024, and quite possibly January. 

There is of course a Dragoon Command set as well.

There are evidently separate arms to allow a "couched lance" pose as well. 

With every pledge over 100 Euros that includes physical miniatures (Lucas sells the STL files as well) 

One of the other included with every pledge over 75 Euros that includes physical miniatures


  1. Quite impressive, a two for one.

    1. Merely a clever ploy; I wanted to continue to spread the word about Lucas' marvelous work before the KS ends in 10 days, and also summarize the commands to date (as well as see if we can drum up a last minute player or two!

  2. I saw these the other day and couldn't believe the volume of figures that Lucas is pouring out with this one. I might wait until the Kickstarter is over, but am sure there will be some among this lot I'll just have to purchase for the sake of it.

    1. Might I suggest getting them now? :-)
      First, most sets are 1 Euro cheaper via the KS, and the shipping is a very reasonable flat $25 Euros. There's also the p[potential free commander and free vignette. You can also add any troops from the prior KS's and still get the 25 Euro shipping for the lot (just order them on the Piano Wargames site and choose "Ship with Kickstarter"). Such a deal! :-)

  3. Brilliant KS. Thanks for the heads up Peter and also looking forward to the Snappy Nappy campaign

  4. Look forward to the AAR and those figures look really good

  5. Your game sounds great and were I not cash strapped the kickstarter looks ace!
    Best Iain

    1. The other bills have to get paid first! :-)
      All the sculpts from this KS will eventually be available from the Piano wargames store, as are all of the previous pnes!
