Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Project Waterloo: Dutch Line Infantry, 1815


The Treaty of Paris, signed May 30. 1814 determined that the House of Orange would return to the rule of Holland, and that the Kingdom would be enlarged by adding the originally Austrian territories more or less corresponding to modern day Belgium.  

Initially the Dutch (North Netherlands") and Belgian ("South Netherlands") armies were separate, but the army was reorganized several times, and and April 15, 1815, the two armies were combined into a single force... less than 2 months before the French would attack! 

These troops wear the (very idealized compared to probable reality!) uniform of the Dutch line infantry of the time; single breasted dark blue coats with brass buttons, white collars and cuffs, and red turnbacks. A "double billed shako" of Austrian style had red or green short plumes plumes for the flank companies reminiscent of French line infantry, but blue and white shoulder rolls in a more British style!; quite a hodge-podge of schemes!

Orange cockades were worn on the shako, and commissioned officers had orange sashes. The drums  had a pattern or red, blue, and white triangles on the rims. 

Figures are from Perry Miniatures. I see I forgot to trim down and guild the tops of the flagpoles; that has already been corrected. 

Flags themselves were printed from the Napflag site; he notes they may not have actually been issued until as late as 1820, however. 


  1. Very smart Peter. Hopefully they will acquit themselves well on the day.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. We will see how they perform soon eneough!

  2. Great addition to your project, very nice work, I think the Dutch are one of my favourite armies of the period, nice to see them.

    1. The army of the Kingdom of Holland is a nice force, but only had a fairly brief existence, and didn't fight in any major battles. . The Army of the Netherlands (1815) is an attractive force as well, but only fought two battles - Quatre Bras and Waterloo! Thus the British Light Dragoons will have to stand in for the D-B cavalry!

  3. Great work once again Peter - and with Napoleonics (in particular), we all know parade square uniforms is what we want on the battlefield, not the more mundane reality!
    BTW the guy on the front left of the first image looks like he has been bent over from the ankles up?! Might need a bit of gentle straightening up....

    1. Yeah, I generally prefer the parade ground, "toy soldier" look to tattered dirty work day attire that was more likely the reality the vast majority of the time. I think "Leaning Lars" was more of a basing/balance issue, but a little gentle bending to correct his "attitude" may be possible!

  4. Ahh, the Dutch. Looking forward to your AAR on the Hcon games.

    1. Don't blink or you might miss all the Dutch I have. :-)
      I hope to do some playtests by the end of this month!

  5. Super looking even with the 'drunk' bloke :-)

  6. First class DUtch infantry Peter, great job!
