Thursday, July 25, 2024

Historicon 2024: Wednesday

I had a great time at Historicon this year, once again. I was unusually organized this year, and had the car all packed up by Tuesday night. With plans to run 9 games, and provide figures for Tim and David's multiple smaller games with their new Test of Resolve: Hundred Years War rules, that was a necessity! I actually managed not to forget anything this trip, either. Perhaps because of those things, I actually slept well the night before the drive to Lancaster, which was unusual!  The drive was exceptionally smooth, and I arrived circa 2:30, and was able to check into my room at the convention center, and unload the car. Tim and David arrived from the UK circa 5 PM, so I set up the table and troops for the Battle of Tewkesbury, and then we headed out for dinner. 

 I was too busy GM'ing to take many pictures, but this is the crisis of the battle: Somerset's flank marching command is being intercepted by the Reserve Battle commanded by Gloucester, who just became aware of Somerset's presence as the Lancastrians crested the small ridge that had heretofore concealed them. At the same time, the Yorkist ambush has been sprung, and the mounted Scurrers hidden in the woods have struck the flank of Somerset's Battle with effect. At the top of the picture, Devon (L) and Hastings (Y) have been battling it out, with the action rather favoring the Yorkist cause. After much exchange of arrows and cannon fire, the centre battles of Wenlock (L) and King Edward IV (Y) have met, with the figurehead Prince Edward and his small retinue deciding who they might best aid (without losing the vital Prince in the process!). At this moment, in a furious melee, both King Edward AND Wenlock are simultaneously laid low (both rolled 1's in melee against one another at the same time!).  The Yorkist lose heart and the victory goes to the Lancastrians!

Some Weds night table setups for the following morning

Gettysburg - Pickett's charge in 54 mm on three 6 x 20 foot tables!

Union defensive position

The wide open field to be traversesd, with some fences to hinder the advance without providing much cover! 

Picket's boys and their supporting artillery. 

Pratzen heights assault in 3mm

All of Austerlitz in 3 mm. 

Jumble in the Jungle!

I spent all of 10 minutes in the dealer hall this year, picking up a bottle of super glue for repairs for $5; just too busy running all of those games! I browsed Wally's basement every evening, finding little of interest to me.  Unfortunately, I did pick up something else at the Con. Saturday night I started felling hoarse (not unusual at game #8, but then later developed a runny nose and a cough. I felt worse Sunday AM, donned a mask, and had Tim and David take over for me, then drove home feeling gradually more flu symptoms. A test upon return home confirmed that I had finally gotten COVID after 3.5 years of avoiding same. Went straight to bed for 36 hours! Resumed working remotely yesterday and will do so again tomorrow. Hence the big delay in Historicon posts this year!


  1. Peter! Really terrible news that you picked up COVID at Historicon. Hope you are back on your feet real soon.

    1. Much better now, really just an annoying cough.

  2. Whoa! Covid Con! Sorry to hear you got sick, glad you got home safely. Rest up.

    1. My freind Mark got it the day before he was due to leave, and several others I am sure got it there. Kind of inevitable with almost 1,000 people indoors in close contact for hours at a time, and over 3-5 days! In addition, a "surge was expected this summer anyway due to new variants. Fortunately, although I felt pretty unwell for about 3 days (last time I was out of work due to illness was... 40 years ago), no serious consequences. Next year a booster 2-3 weeks before the show if at all possible, though!

  3. Glad most of Historicon went well for you Peter just a bit unfortunate you managed to pick up Covid towards the end of the event!

  4. Those games look great, better getting the Covid dose after not during

    1. Thanks, Gary. Yes definitely better at the tail end. A couple of years ago, Jared started feeling sick while driving to Lancaster, tested pos, and had to drive almost all the way back home.

  5. Great looking games. I saw on Little Wars TV on Youtube some of the events. Looked spectacular.

    Sadly you will no longer be able to call yourself a Novid. I haven't caught it yet and am dreading the day. I wear a mask to my clubs small conventions (talking like a 100 people on average) we throw and I am the only one there that does. I get shit for it because I think it reminds people it's still out there, but I don't care if it gives me a better chance of not getting it as I am immunocompromised.

    Blessing on you for your continuing recovery.


    1. Many more to come. Let them hassle you if they do (some but not many wore masks at HCon, and I certainly didn't see anyone give them a hard time; as I just demonstrated, it is a high risk activity for getting Covid. Those who would comment no nothing of your own health status, and frankly should shut up, rather than open their moths and reveal their ignorance.

  6. Thanks for providing the figures for our Test of Resolve games - we couldn't do it without you

    1. No problem; without ToR, I wouldn't have Wars of the Roses or Late Medieval armies! :-)
