Sunday, August 4, 2024

A few Saturday and Sunday tables from Historicon 2024

Last of the  Historicon tables from Saturday, Sunday, and more

Battle of the Bulge

That awesome bridge at Arnhem again!

Another (blurry) version of Circus Maximus. 

Battle of Crecy with Test of Resolve: Hundred Years War

Jared's awesome Pathan revolt table - The Sword and the Flame rules. 

Zulu!  Battle of Isandlawana - Dave Waxtel and HMGS NextGen

Back to the Pathans on the Northwest Frontier in 1878. The British have to shut thing thing down right away before the native get out of hand! Jared won a well deserved PELA award for this game. 

The ever popular jousting lists!

The attack on Pearl Harbor

6 mm Napoleonics, "Soldats de l'Empire, formerly Houserules Napoleonics by Brian Stokes" 

Massive D-Day game

Tanks for the memories!

Some tables in the Ancients tournament area (my Saturday games were in that space as well). 

Norse village - very well done!

Kelly McManus - The Battle of Great Notch. 15mm American Revolutionary War, Live Free or Die rules. A "what if" scenario involving General Washington and his army in New Jersey in the aftermath of Benedict Arnold's defection. The hypothetical combat took place not too far from where I did my residency training... 40 years ago!

Ginormous Sunday game with To the Strongest! Simon would be proud!  Strasbourg 357 AD, Germanic Allmani tribe vs Imperial Rome. 

I chatted (mask on by this point) briefly with the trio of young guys who ran this; they all FLEW to the convention from quite a distance, figures in tow. Run 3 times, GM's Andy Hewitt (I think that's Andy talking to long time freind Jeff Grein, newly relocated from San Francisco to North Carolina). Dude is taller than I am... which I don't see very often (I'm 6 foot 4" myself). 

Other GM's for the games Harry Voelkel and Drake Wizza. 

Tim Couper and David Knight ran a demo game of ToR - WotR in place of my planned Tewkesbury game; I didn't want to expose players to what would be confirmed to be Covid when I got back home circa 4 PM. 

Dinosaurs and VSF - Riders of the Storming Hens! 

A few shots of t of my friend Jim Mauro's To the Strongest! games - I think this is Kosovo 1389, Ottomans vs Serbians. 

Photos courtesy of Eric Burgess. We finally got Eric to try TTS!, and he raNn 2 Greeks vs Persians games back home the following week. 

Jim's 15 mm troops look great!

We're trying to coordinate a number of To the Strongest/For King and Parliament games for Historicon 2025, and have hopes of enticing rules author Simon Miller to make the trip across the pond for the occasion. We'll see!


  1. Superb array of games!! Loads of great figures and some cracking tables.

  2. Those D-Day and Germanic tribes v Romans games look huge. Very impressive, and the jousting tournament looked like fun.

    1. Each tilt takes about 5 minutes, so it's an elimination "Tournament">

  3. Lots to do and see, as always. Thanks for the photos. Are you still on the mend?

    1. Always a lot to see, and there's plenty I missed I am sure. Yes, much better. I have a residual cough (Day 17 now), but otherwise I'm fine; worked full time all last week.

  4. Amazing looking games. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Some lovely looking games there Peter...The Bridge Too Far and The Longest Day games look superb....was Cornelius Ryan sponsoring the event?!!
