Thursday, October 3, 2024

Standoff in Scandinavia, part 5


Danes win the dice off for initiative, and for 1 impetus; they choose to go first. 

ARMY MORALE - since they have at least one routed/destroyed unit, it costs them an impetus to play the card. the Danes have 5 Morale Points left (red chip) , so they do not need to take an Army Morale Test (which often ends the game!). 

Every commander whose command has been shot at or in melee (even if no losses were sustained) must test for survival- "Don't roll a one"... like the unfortunate Danish officer above!

The Swedish card is ARMY MORALE. All of the Swedish commanders roll a D12 - no ones amongst them! 

The Swedes win 1 impetus, and turn and act upon MOVE. A double Magic Move - Charge!

The Danish Dragoons rout their Swedish opposition! 

The Danish Hussars also prevail in their melee, rolling even, they follow up and "seize the position" occupied by the Swedes originally. 

Single Magic Move.

The "won even" roll allows the Swedish Infantry brigade to face the threat of the Danish cavalry. 

Another "won even" roll allows the next Swedish brigade to adjust its facing as well. 

The reserves are picking Lingonberries...

Double Magic Move!

The heavy battery redirects its fire... to deadly effect!

Another Double Magic Move!

A mutually insipid exchange of fire!

Single Magic Move. 

Situation on the Swedish Left. 

Danish card is LULL!  The Swedes seize the initiative.... 

and turn TACTICAL ADVANTAGE, and save it. 

Danes with the roll off for 2 cards again!

First Danish Card is TACTICAL ADVANTAGE, which is saved. The second is MOVE. 

Routers MUST move on this card; This Danish regiment does the "Shuffle off to Schleswig"!

A timely Double Magic Move for the Danish Cavalry. 

Attacked from the flank and the front, the Swedes are eliminated!

A Double Magic Move for the Danish Infantry. 

Opportunity Fire by the Swedes; with a low roll, they play their Tactical Advantage card to re roll the D12. 

Talk about underwhelming!

Danish infantry fire in to the flank of some Swedes, inflicting modest losses. 

The Danish Jagers... miss!

Danish Infantry charge the unloaded Swedish battery... and are defeated!

Danish Livgard til Fods finishes off a Swedish regiment in convincing fashion!

The Danish Battery and the King's Livjagers combine fire upon the Swedish Grenadiers, inflicting modest losses. The Swedes are out of Moral points, and must pay 1 to the Danes!

Ineffective volley at the threatening Swedish Cuirassiers. 

Danish Volley; Danes sue their Tactical Advantage to make the Swedes re-roll the "5" on their D6. 

But the outcome is the same!

Danish Light Dragoons set off in pursuit of their battered Swedish counterparts, enduring some fire from the Swedish infantry in the village in the process.  

Danish artillery fires with good effect - Swedes are passing more Morale points to the Danes!

The initiative passes to the Swedes; they turn MELEE and save it. 

The next Swedish card is INFANTRY FIRE, which they will use now. 

A touch of Danish Disorder. 

More Danish ,losses. 


Swedes play SPECIAL EVENT from their hand!

Found the range!



The charge of The Swedish Cuirassiers routs the Norwegian Liv regiment. 

Swedish dice are hot this impetus... now it is the Danes who are paying Morale points to the Swedes!

and another!

Rally attempt fails!

So does this one. 

Better luck here. 

Routers gotta rout!  Swedes have built up a few Morale points now. 

The road to Rugen!

Well, that saw quite a bit of back and forth; the game is still up for grabs. 

In working on these posts, I cam upon a series of silly You tube/FB posts by a pair of Norwegians, Helgi and Erlend. Here's one:

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