Saturday, October 5, 2024

Standoff in Scandinavia, part 6


Danes win the roll off for initiative; they will go first with two impetus. 

They turn MELEE, and act upon it now!

Charged in the flank, the Swedes escape destruction. Evidently someone in the regiment had served with the Austrians and learned about Battalionsmasse!

More success for the Danish mounted arm. In 1813, the Danes may have had the best mounted cavalry in Europe, not having suffered through 1812 in Russia, and having access to the excellent horseflesh in Holstein. 

No question the Danes could use some Rallying!

Order restored!

Unit Integrity regained.

No love here, mann. 

8 vs 1 - that works!

Straighten up those ranks, lads!

Maneuver after rallying with no "1's" rolled for the command. 

Livgard til Fods faces to  threaten the Swedish Battery. 

Funen Light Dragoons, deep in the Swedish backfield, change facing. 

At the start of their imitative, the Swedes expend 1 impetus to play their Special Event (Wild Card).  

This Command is using the Leadership Action.

Form Square!

More Success on a Leadership action!

and again.

and yet again!

Swedes can't seem to go wrong in their rallying attempts!

Egads, their string of luck continues!

"Routers, about Face!"

Somebody confiscate the dice of the blue and yellow devils!

This command uses a Move action - and a triple magic one at that!

The Swedish column charges and eliminates a Danish battery!

A new turn starts; Swedes win the next initiative, and turn and use Infantry Fire!


Fizzle, fizzle!  Many other units "reload" (remover smoke markers). 

Danish card is LULL... and the Swedes seize the initiative!

Swedes turn Artillery Fire!


Boom - Boom!

Swedes win the next initiative for 2 impetus, and of course go first.  MELEE is turned!

The newly rallied and reformed Swedish Cuirassiers ride forth, trampling their target!

Charged by 2 units, these Danes are dispersed!  Uhf da!

Swedes turn ARMY MORALE - they are up 13 Morale points to zero for the Danes; all of their commanders pass their survival tests,

Danes turn TACTICAL ADVANTAGE, which they save, followed by Melee. At this point, they have no units that can make good use of the card. They have lost far more units than the Swedes, and have several routers about to leave the table. Almost all of their artillery is gone or severely battered. Rather than wait for the Army Morale card to come up, the Danes concede the field to the Swedes. The battle is over!

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